The ninth and forty-eighth chapter of the world’s great emperor is three million, and you have to lower your eyebrows when you see me! (Subscribe)

Mora, an unparalleled powerhouse, whose prestige has shocked the realm of nothingness for endless years, there is no doubt about it.

It is rumored that he once had the same record as the primitive old man, refining the Immortal King and devouring the fruit of the Immortal King.

This is by no means as simple as the primitive old man only plundering the spirit of the Immortal King.

Although he is only a lackey of the Tiandao family, Moruo has his own ambitions. He was created by the Tiandao family and has no ability to reproduce.

In the endless years, even the Immortal King will feel lonely and create his own longevity family.

So is Moro.

After all, the Tiandao clan is not visible to the world, he masters the decree of the Tiandao and is the spokesperson of the Tiandao clan walking in the world.

He wants to destroy Wang Chengdi!

Therefore, Mora kept nibbling away at the realm of nothingness, devouring those immortal kings extradited from the Black Sea, devouring their Taoism and achieving his own body.

This entails taking a great risk, possibly putting yourself in a situation of death.

“Three Zeros”

“So powerful.”

Immortal King Xiyan couldn’t help but exclaimed in shock when he saw this scene, his heart trembled.

That figure is too dazzling, majestic chaotic energy, enveloped the sky, immortal light is surging, and the avenues contend.

While the rest of the Immortal Kings were shocked, they were even more curious about Jiang Chen’s origins.

On the island of dead silence, the black mist billows, the stars are dim, and the world is filled with a chilling and terrifying aura.

The void seems to be unable to withstand this pressure, and it is about to collapse completely. With a bang, the heaven and the earth resonate, and all the creatures under the Immortal King have a humble emotion like an ant in their hearts.

On Jiang Chen, it seems that some kind of magic power of Chen was born, and the killing intent is soaring.

“Demon Lord…”

Dugu Baitian was very excited, like a seed bearing grape fruit and growing into a divine tree.

“How could he really suppress Moro!

The rest of the Immortal Kings looked at each other in dismay, this new King is really powerful, no wonder Dugu Baitian attaches so much importance to it.

You must know that Moruo is a terrible existence not far from the immortal king giant.

“How can your weapon suppress the decree of the Heavenly Dao?”

Moruo’s eyes became colder and colder. He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, squeezed the seal, and the mighty mana shook the entire realm of nothingness.


Hundreds of millions of gods are intertwined with immortals, as if transformed into a boundless universe, chaotic time and space, and slaying down.

The immortal king giants did their best, and the scene was extremely terrifying, as if they were about to destroy all living beings, wrapped in the most terrifying power in the world.

All the Immortal Kings changed color, turned and retreated, asking themselves that they did not dare to take this blow head on.

The space is like boiling water, with immeasurable vibrations and layers of ripples, like a storm, shaking the drying space, years, and time.

Ten thousand Taos collapsed, extremely terrifying, and turned into the universe in an instant, reborn, withered, decayed, and finally turned into endless darkness!


Jiang Chen spoke indifferently, like a sage who followed his words, and when the voice fell, thousands of words roared, and Xianguang God trembled and praised.

In an instant, endless rules intertwined, turning into a chaotic sword waterfall, reversing the years, each sword light is as bright as the sun, enough to destroy a universe.

clang clang…

The decree of the Heavenly Dao vibrated strongly, sending out endless killing intent, trying to break free from the shackles of the Chaos Bell, but every time it hit the edge, it was shaken back by the bell sound as thick as the ancient sacrificial sound.

“How can it be……

Moro’s eyes widened, filled with disbelief.


The Chaos Clock seems to have crossed the years, and it is instantly empty against the current. It seems that it can shatter everything and suppress the endless universe!

The terrifying bell rang out, grand and vast, sacred and solemn, inviolable.

This scene made the rest of the Immortal Kings unable to bear their scalps numb and trembling all over. How powerful is this mysterious figure?

The center of Jiang Chen’s eyebrows was shining brightly, and the little golden man sat cross-legged, opened his eyes slowly, a splendid divine light rose into the sky, and the magic power of billions of gods fell.

“The realm of this new king is obviously a giant of the fairy king, why is the combat power so powerful, and it is infinitely close to the top of the giant fairy…”

“Could it be the legendary special physique?!


“Physical fitness is not the point, the point is the method he cultivates, which is different from any method in ancient and modern times.” Dugu Baitian, like a demon, voice with a touch of excitement, and I don’t know how many years there is nothing that can trigger his mood swings.

Hearing this, the rest of the Immortal Kings were all shocked.

The practice is different from ancient and modern, so is it a self-created practice?

It stands to reason that every expert who has cultivated to the level of the Immortal King has created his own exercises, but he has inherited the shadow of the ancients to some extent.

According to Dugu Baitian’s statement, the mysterious man’s practice is likely to surpass ancient and modern methods and reach an unimaginable level!

This is simply incredible!

“Where did this monster come from…”

Many Immortal Kings in the Law Enforcement Hall were startled, and suddenly there was a dreamy feeling, too unreal…

Especially Jiang Chen suppressed Moro with one blow.

You must know that Moruo is the supreme powerhouse that they have not been able to kill for so many years.


Jiang Chen stands above the void, with a chaotic clock on top of his head, and the golden little man between his eyebrows holds a fairy sword in his arms, with black hair like a waterfall, and a peerless demeanor, like a fairy emperor surveying the sky, and all beings can only look up.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two kept colliding in the void and fighting, the momentum was so great that they were about to shatter this world, and the Black Sea set off boundless waves, which was extremely terrifying.

The law of heaven and the chaotic Zhong Si kill, shaking out a terrifying fairy light, the fairy sword transformed by Jiang Chen Yuanshen, tearing the void, and slashing with one sword.

“The first sword to cut off the sky!

Now Jiang Chen has mastered all kinds of magical powers and treasures, and he has learned the power of laws and the mystery of the Seven Swords.

The first sword, the Daoist Sword I!

Each sword beam is extremely dazzling, as dazzling as the sun, and contains endless principles, like the will of heaven.

“who are you……”

Moro’s expression was terrified, and for the first time he felt the danger of life and death.

In the endless years, he never thought that there would be today’s situation, and his life would be threatened by a young Immortal King.

“Second sword to cut off the sky!”

Jiang Chen’s soul is bright, and the golden villain raises his hand and cuts the second sword.

Moruo lost his vigour, and his killing intent remained, “Throughout the ages, the birth of a new king is a great event for the heavens, but for the Tiandao clan, it is nothing more than an extra ant, young man, I will give you a chance, like me, to be loyal to the Heavenly Dao family such as

, what? 3.2

Jiang Chen smiled, “Like you?

“Is it a dog of the Taoist family?”

“An unchained, equally servile lackey?”

Jiang Chen no longer concealed his killing intent.

The average man was angry, blood splattered five steps, the wrath of the emperor, the corpse was buried in a million, blood sugar was flowing.

When the emperor of heaven is angry, how can he be compared to the emperor in the eyes of ordinary people?

Everyone in the world knows that the Emperor of Heaven is high above, but they don’t know the fireworks of the world, and they don’t know that the Emperor of Heaven is arrogant and his blood is not cold.

Jiang Chen stood up.

Like an ancient divine mountain falling down at night.

The Black Sea is surging, and the momentum is terrifying.

Jiang Chen’s eyes stared straight ahead, his blue shirt fluttered, and he said to himself: “Three million emperors in the world, you have to lower your eyebrows when you see me, come here, pick me up with a sword, you can still speak, and you are qualified to stand. In front of me.”

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