The voice of the Holy Lord also represented the doubts of many people.

This Enlightenment Pavilion requires a full year of Qi training disciples to enter.

Fu Tianyu and others have unparalleled talents and have practiced for several years to reach this level, which is already very fast!

It stands to reason that although Ye Tian has stepped into the ninth level of Qi training in one step, he must have practiced for a year before that, right?

The Holy Lord was also thinking in his heart:"If he is really such a monster, the layout for him must be changed a little bit.……"

Facing the doubts of these people, Ye Tian blinked and said,"At most, it will take less than three days!"

He activated the system and started practicing, and he had been a slacker before.

It was indeed less than three days, the truth.

But as soon as he said this, the whole holy land was silent!

Countless pairs of eyes looked at him at the same time, staring at him.

It was too shocking!

"Less than three days of training? Peak Qi training?"

"In less than three days of training, he awakened to the supreme realm? Awakened to the supreme holy body?"

The first to exclaim were the three great geniuses. Fu Tianyu and the other two looked at Ye Tian with horror, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Didn't you accumulate a lot of experience and then reach the ninth level in an instant?"

"But... from nothing to something, he has just started practicing and has reached the peak of Qi training, the supreme realm! ?"

On the same day when they entered the holy land, they also saw Ye Tian step into the ninth realm.

At that time, they thought he had accumulated a lot of experience, but they didn't expect it was from scratch!

The three of them were wrong about Ye Tian's guesses.

""Is it difficult to reach the peak of Qi training?" Ye Tian asked calmly.

Is it difficult?

Fu Tianyu's face flushed instantly, as if he had swallowed feces.

He had just boasted that he had reached the peak of Qi training in just three years, with unparalleled talent.

But Ye Tian only took three days!

The difference is like heaven and earth!

Is this something a human would do?

"Not difficult……"

The Holy Lord's voice came from midair:"It only took me three months back then!"

Although he said so, the Holy Lord's body shadow, which was transformed from divine light, kept shaking and was obviously shocked. There was even a faint smile coming out, and he was very happy.

"Ye Tian, stop talking, it's attracting too much hatred!"

"I have modified the permissions of the Enlightenment Pavilion, you can go in."

Ye Tian blinked and smiled bitterly.

I just told a fact, you guys are too bad, do you blame me?

I didn't mean to show off!

He calmed down and stopped thinking about it. He stepped onto the thousand-foot stairs calmly, and the first step was as easy as walking on flat ground.

The pressure on the stairs seemed nothing to him.

In a blink of an eye, he had crossed ten feet, easily!

"Can't fall behind!"

Fu Tianyu shouted, hurriedly stepped onto the stairs and started running wildly.

Although Ye Tian was very evil, he couldn't lose, otherwise he would be crushed in all aspects and he would no longer have any fighting spirit.

Ji Ziyan was even more anxious and stepped in almost at the same time.

She had a complicated look on her face, her full chest rose and fell unsteadily, and she gritted her teeth:"Ye Tian, you dare to trick me!"

With such a talent, he still bet with himself, it was clearly bullying!

"Hehe, you are going to lose……"

Si Lingzhu also stepped onto the stairs with a strange smile on his face.

The four figures crossed back and forth, running at full speed.

While the others were still struggling to climb, the four had already caught up and climbed the hundred-foot stairs in the blink of an eye!

"The pressure has increased."

Fu Tianyu and the other two gritted their teeth and persisted. When they found that Ye Tian was still very relaxed, they were all surprised.

"I want to win!"

Fu Tianyu roared, and burst out all the power of the Holy Body, running wildly under the pressure.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu followed closely behind, bursting out the peak power of the King Body to the extreme, and even used top-level body skills to catch up with him!

""Tap, tap, tap."

Only the sound of footsteps and panting echoed on the stairs.

Ye Tian took the lead, walking and watching.

He had no awareness of the competition at all. Instead, under this pressure, he felt that the spiritual power in his body seemed to change.

It began to be compressed and became purer and sharper!

As the spiritual power in his body surged, Ye Tian unconsciously began to practice, and the circulating spiritual power accelerated the compression!

His pace slowed down, and he was caught up by Fu Tianyu and others.

"A range of five hundred feet is a bit strenuous."

As soon as Ye Tian thought about it, Fu Tianyu sneered:"Ye Tian, I will surpass you in one go!"

Ji Ziyan was also happy:"Finally, I will surpass him, and I don't have to lose and become a maid!"

The moment the two of them smiled, Ye Tian rolled his eyes.

"I just saw the scenery, look how happy you are!"As soon as the words fell, his supreme power burst out, and the supreme bone on his chest flashed. He didn't even use the wind and thunder phantom body skills, and disappeared directly in front of everyone.

The next second, he appeared outside the ten-foot stairs.

One step ten feet, like flowing clouds and water!

His elegant posture and extremely fast speed made the three people stunned.

"How is it possible! The pressure of the five hundred-foot stairs has doubled, how come he is getting faster and faster!"

Fu Tianyu's face flushed, gritting his teeth:"It's all thanks to the Supreme Bone!"

Ji Ziyan also nodded slowly:"It must be the Supreme Bone that gives him the momentum to be fearless of pressure!"

Only Si Lingzhu, a little girl with a smile on her face, looked at Ye Tian's back with an inexplicable expression

"I must win!"

Fu Tianyu roared, regardless of everything.

He took out the pill that Ye Tian gave him and threw it into his mouth without even looking at it.

In an instant, a strong medicinal fragrance emanated from his body.

The fragrance instantly spread over the entire thousand-foot staircase, refreshing the heart!

"Oh my god, Fu Tianyu is taking drugs, is he going to explode?"

"This elixir is indeed of top quality, the fragrance alone is enough to make people yearn for it!"

"I envy Fu Tianyu so much, he actually got this magical medicine!"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu also showed envy in their eyes, and did not dare to delay, and took out the pills and threw them into their mouths.

This is their own pill, which can stimulate potential for a short time.

So, the three of them carried a strong medicinal fragrance and a soaring momentum.

They began to climb rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, they shortened the distance with Ye Tian and were still approaching!

"We're about to catch up!"

Ye Tian also saw this scene, with a playful smile in his eyes. He took a step across ten feet and appeared directly at the 999-foot staircase.

Here, boundless pressure has surged, making people feel like they are walking on a mountain with their backs, extremely heavy.

The spiritual power in his body has been compressed to the limit, and a qualitative change has occurred, and it has begun to transform!

Looking down at the three people, Ye Tian looked teasing.

"I told you that you will lose, but you still don't believe me!"

After the words were spoken, Ye Tian took a step down in the panicked and shocked eyes of the three people.

He appeared directly at the end of the thousand-foot stairs.

The magnificent Wudao Pavilion stood in front of him, emitting a faint divine light, as majestic as the Nine Heavens Palace!

Climb to the top of the Wudao Pavilion!

"I don't accept it!"

Fu Tianyu roared, took a step forward, and appeared on the top of the peak, but he had already lost.

With the momentum bursting out, Fu Tianyu was extremely angry and punched out directly, trying to knock Ye Tian out.

Exclusive Wudao Pavilion

"" Hmph!"

Ye Tian didn't even look at him, and directly swung out with a palm.

Fu Tianyu flew in response, with a look of horror on his face:"How come after I took the elixir, I can't even take your palm! ?"

Ye Tian looked at him jokingly:"Didn't you find that your cultivation started to regress?"

This sentence made Fu Tianyu stunned for a moment, and then his face turned extremely pale.

In his anxiety, he just found out that he had not awakened the Supreme Bone.

Moreover, the spiritual power in his body dissipated rapidly, and even the boundless blood and energy on the Sword King's holy body began to be annihilated.

In just a moment, it transformed into a king body, and it was still regressing.

Fu Tianyu roared:"What did you do to me!!!"

In just two sentences, his physique had transformed into a mortal body, and it was even regressing.

His cultivation had already fallen to the first level of Qi training, not as good as an ordinary disciple!

In a few breaths, under the powerful medicinal power of the Waste Chai Pill.

The holy body directly turned into a waste body!

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