As they spoke recklessly, five disciples at the peak of foundation building formed a siege.

They occupied positions and formed a secret formation, blocking all the retreat routes of Ye Tian and his men.

"I have said it before, these two little beauties have attractive figures and are suitable to be captured and taken back as maids!"

"Brother Zhang, please don’t slap me to death, let us have fun!"

"Just kill that kid, he's an eyesore!"

The five of them joked, one after another, as if they had already decided the life or death of Ye Tian and the other two.

"The Hongmeng Holy Land finally gathered three genius disciples, but this time they are going to die in the Holy Ruins!"

""It's pitiful and sad that he died before he could accomplish his mission!"

The disciple of Wuliang Holy Land who was shouting the loudest was Zhang Quanxun, the leader of the outer disciples of Wuliang Holy Land.

Ten years ago, he had witnessed with his own eyes the geniuses of various sects besieging and killing the disciples of Hongmeng Holy Land.

At that time, he was not qualified to take action, but now after seeing Ye Tian and the other two, he was eager to try.

"Finally, I can taste the blood of the disciples of Hongmeng Holy Land. What does it taste like!"

Five people took out their weapons, all of which were long swords.

The long sword in Zhang Quanxun's hand was purple-red, and the sword was covered with a faint divine light, just like a magic weapon!

When it was swung, it brought the spiritual power of the sky and slashed towards Ye Tian.

The other people also sneered and attacked, trying to kill Ye Tian with one blow.

The remaining two beauties were left to them!


These people are indeed the pride of the Wuliang Holy Land. Although they are at the peak of the ninth level of foundation building, with the blessing of magic weapons and skills, they have reached the strength of the first level of the cave heaven realm.

No wonder they are so arrogant and fearless.

"It's a blessing for a person who is only at the fifth level of foundation building to die under our swords!"

The five people have mastered the essence of villains, mocking them wantonly and attacking them brazenly.

They came with murderous intent, but they didn't notice the playful look on Ye Tian's face.

"Playing with swords in front of me?"

He was armed with the divine weapon, the Seven-Colored Heavenly Fate Sword, and he also comprehended the Heavenly Emperor's sword intent. His comprehension of the sword had already reached the pinnacle, and he could roar out the sword intent whenever he made a move.

To deal with these people, Ye Tian didn't even take out his divine weapon, and he didn't even need to unleash the full power of the Heavenly Emperor's sword intent.

He just used his two fingers to form a sword and lightly passed in front of him.


A ray of extremely refined Heavenly Emperor Sword Intent swung out in an instant, silently and with a terrifying sword force.

It directly cut through the five sword lights and blasted out like a rotten wood.

The five disciples of the Wuliang Holy Land quickly dodged in horror, but were still bombarded by the sword intent.

They all vomited blood and flew backwards!

"How can it be so strong?……"

Zhang Quanxun and the other four looked at Ye Tian in horror,"He is only at the fifth level of foundation building, how could he possibly break the combined attack of the five of us with one strike!"

Ye Tian then stepped forward calmly, glanced at them disdainfully, and shook his head slightly.

"Is this the strength of the disciples of Wuliang Holy Land?"

"It seems that the Holy Land is not full of geniuses!"

After the attack, he lost interest and just looked at the two women.

"The five of them are barely strong enough, so you can use them to practice the Douzi Secret."

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu were already eager to try, and after hearing Ye Tian's words, they rushed out without hesitation.

They turned into two afterimages, with a sense of bravery and invincibility in their soft bodies, fighting directly with their bodies without weapons.

Every punch and kick was filled with a mysterious aura.

The Douzi Secret was directly displayed by them, constantly evolving, and experiencing the true meaning in the attack!

"What’s going on? Why are they both so strong?"

"At the fifth level of foundation building, he doesn’t even need weapons, he is incredibly powerful just relying on physical strength!"

"I understand. This is the Dou Zi secret of Hongmeng Holy Land. The two of them are using us as a whetstone to break through the realm!"

"Damn it!"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu, although they are only at the fifth level of foundation building, their strength cannot be divided by their cultivation.

Ji Ziyan is the princess of the War Dynasty and possesses the body of the War King. Even after breaking through the foundation building period, she still exudes a breath that makes Ye Tian suspicious.

This woman is definitely not as simple as she looks!

And Si Lingzhu is even more pure. Although she looks like a girl next door and looks harmless.

But her identity is the saint of the Beast King Clan. The Beast King Clan specializes in physical training. The power of her awakened Beast King body is naturally powerful and unmatched. The strength of the two women themselves is comparable to the peak of the ninth level of foundation building!

Now in the evolution of the Dou character secret, they are even more powerful.

"Kill these five enemies, and you should be able to break through."

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu looked at each other, and they rushed out at the same time, bursting out with their peak strength and attacking directly.

The Douzi Secret was more and more skillful in their hands, and various phantoms of ancient killing fields gradually appeared and evolved in the attack.

The power increased again!


It was as if a divine drum exploded, and it was as if the void was trembling. The two were as powerful as mad dragons.

Amid the shocked exclamations of the five disciples of Wuliang Holy Land, they killed the enemy and broke through!


The five people only had time to let out a scream, and were instantly knocked away by the attacking evil techniques of the two women.

A chaotic light emerged from the surface of the two people, circulated in a circle and then stored in the body.

That trace of the power of the avenue that had existed for a long time instantly spread throughout the body!

They only felt that their whole body was sublimated, and their physical strength broke through the limit and entered another level.

With a palm slap, the power instantly doubled!

And there was a shadow of the evil technique hidden in the attack, which was awe-inspiring!

"Bang, bang!"

A few muffled sounds were heard, and the disciples of Wuliang Holy Land were killed without even a scream.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu officially comprehended the first level of the Douzi Secret.

Their strength increased greatly, and their combat power was comparable to that of the early Dongtian Realm masters!

"I didn't expect that Hongmeng Holy Land had such evil ambitions and actually sent three evil disciples who were so well hidden!"

Zhang Quanxun was the only one left in the field. His face was filled with horror, resentment, and confusion.

"Ten years ago, among so many geniuses in the Hongmeng Holy Land, only one person successfully comprehended the secret of the word"dou". How come the three of you succeeded!"

"I don't believe that Hongmeng Holy Land would give birth to so many geniuses!"

Si Lingzhu sneered when he heard this, with a proud look on his face.

"All this is thanks to Brother Ye Tian. If it weren't for his sudden enlightenment, we two would have never understood the secret of the word Dou."

In the Hongmeng Dao Realm, when Ye Tian suddenly realized, the two of them also got a chance, which allowed them to progress so quickly.

Ji Ziyan didn't say anything, but her eyes were filled with gratitude when she looked at Ye Tian. She also had a strong desire to fight. Ye Tian had always been her target, and she must not let down her guard.

Zhang Quanxun's face was miserable, and he made a vicious and hateful sound.

"Even if the three of you comprehend the secret of the word"fighting", you are still ants in front of the Son of Sequence!"

"The three sons of the sequence of us, the Wuliang Holy Land, will definitely kill the three of you with force!"

"Relive the tragedy of Hongmeng Holy Land ten years ago!"

"Senior Brother Lei of the Tenth Sequence, I have received my request for help. You will meet him soon. Be prepared to wail and die miserably!"

Zhang Quanxun threatened with a ferocious look on his face. Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu walked forward with frost on their faces to kill him.

"The tenth sequence?"

Ye Tian suddenly asked:"After killing the tenth sequence, can I become the son of the sequence?"

His eyes lit up, the system task was finally about to begin!

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