"The Fortune Golden Crown actually has this function?"

Ye Tian was a little dumbfounded.

Just now, the Fortune Golden Crown guided Ye Tian to the Taotai. He thought it was telling him that he needed to leave the holy medicine behind before he could leave safely.

After all, safety comes first.

He didn't expect that after the holy medicine was sacrificed, this token would appear.

"A ray of imperial energy, suppressing the entire void?"

After the purple gold token appeared, the small world that was collapsing suddenly stagnated.

It was as if someone had suppressed it with supreme magic power, and the progress of the void collapse was stopped.

Even the black air that was emanating everywhere, under this chaotic light, was like encountering a natural enemy, and it kept dissipating!

"The aura on this token, just a wisp, I actually feel that it can shatter the heaven and earth!"

Ye Tian and the other two were shocked at the same time, looking at the purple gold token with trembling expressions.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu felt it more deeply than Ye Tian. In the ancient times, their clans had produced saints, and even emperors who suppressed the world.

So they had a deep respect for this kind of existence.

"Is this person really a saint? His power is too terrifying!"

The two murmured,"Perhaps, this can be considered a blessing in disguise?" Three holy medicines, this is a great opportunity, and there may not even be any holy medicines in the depths of the Holy Ruins!

After ordinary people got them, they would have excitedly run out of this small world, and would not care about the strange existence of that figure.

But Ye Tian was so cruel that he sacrificed all of them, and finally got a purple gold token!

It looks extremely powerful, and a wisp of chaotic energy seems to be able to sweep across the world!

It's even more magical than the holy medicine!

I just don't know what the purple gold token does.

"Put it away first, there is no time to delay."

Ye Tian stretched out his hand and the purple gold token fell into his palm. He could clearly see the chaotic light on the token. The moment it touched, it penetrated into the body and merged into the supreme bone!

The supreme bone fed back to the flesh again. The prototype of the Hongmeng divine body has reached its limit and its strength has greatly increased.

As long as there is another opportunity, transformation can take place!

It was really an unexpected surprise!

A back figure was engraved on the purple gold token, which was exactly the same as the back figure on the Taoist platform just now, and it was even more magnificent.

It seemed as if standing in the long river of time, walking in the supreme heavens, with a domineering posture!

Ye Tian felt his soul was shocked when he took a look, and quickly put it into the storage bag for safekeeping.


After the purple gold token was put away, this small world suddenly began to collapse again, the void cracks spread rapidly, and the aura of annihilation completely erupted.

"Let's go!"

When the crisis came, Ye Tian shouted to Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu, and the two girls quickly dodged and rushed out of the cave.

They were close to each other, and just as they rushed out of the cave, they turned their heads and looked.

They found that Ye Tian was still some distance away, and was about to rush out.

Suddenly, a streak of light bloomed at the horizon.

With terrifying divine power and the extreme strength of the Ninth Layer Cave Heaven Realm, it seemed like it was beating the void, and it came in an instant.


Ye Tian threw a punch and shattered the spiritual power. The broken spiritual power scattered and stirred, emitting boundless murderous intent.

Although he broke the attack, his figure was also blocked in the cave.

The man was very strong, ridiculously strong! Even stronger than Fu Jiuxuan, who was in the ninth level of the cave heaven realm!

After he came, he was suspended in the air, and his whole body was emitting a strong lightning light. The blazing and dazzling eyes were filled with domineering momentum. He looked at

"Are you Ye Tian? The genius of Hongmeng Holy Land?"

"You are the one who killed Zhang Quanxun?"

The voice of the person who came was like a bell, and the powerful voice resounded between heaven and earth. The lightning around him suddenly surged, as if the god of thunder had descended.

Each lightning carried an invincible power, and the void was rustling, which made Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu's faces suddenly change.

The young supreme of Wuliang Holy Land finally arrived!

They looked pale, and felt that the gap in strength was huge. Ye Tian might be in danger!

"You are really not simple to be able to block my attack!"

The other party spoke lightly, but his words were full of murderous intent. He glanced coldly at Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu.

The coldness in his eyes was even stronger:"Zhang Quanxun and the others are really useless. They can't even beat a few trash who haven't even reached the perfect foundation building stage!"

"I have to travel thousands of miles back from the depths, what a waste of time!"

In the lightning, he looked very dissatisfied, and even disdained to attack Ye Tian and the other two.

It seemed that people with the strength of the Foundation Establishment Stage were not worthy of being his opponent!

Ye Tian stared for a while, and suddenly laughed:"The supreme of the younger generation of the Wuliang Holy Land is really unruly!"

"You are the tenth sequence? The Senior Brother Lei mentioned by Zhang Quanxun?"

He is able to become the son of the sequence and compete with the young supremes of the major sects in the depths of the Holy Ruins. His strength is indeed extraordinary. After awakening his holy body, he actually cultivated thunder magic, which is the most powerful means of attack!

Opponents of the same level cannot withstand the pure and powerful power of thunder, and will be killed like a dead tree or rotten wood!


A voice came from the lightning, with disdain in its arrogance:"It took the Hongmeng Holy Land ten years to gather three geniuses, and the strongest is only at the ninth level of foundation building. The name of the holy land is really in vain!"

"I, Lei Zucan, will kill three of you today!"

"Completely cut off all the geniuses from the Hongmeng Holy Land. I wonder who will dare to enter the Hongmeng Holy Land in the next ten years!"

Lei Zucan, the son of the tenth sequence, was arrogant and full of murderous intent towards the Hongmeng Holy Land.

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows slightly:"Cultivation does not represent everything. Perhaps, you will kneel down and surrender at my feet in a while!"

"By the way, on your way here, I have already slaughtered all the geniuses in Wuliang Holy Land!"

"So, you should worry about your Wuliang Holy Land, whether there will be any geniuses in the future!"

While Ye Tian was speaking, he looked at Lei Zucan with a burning gaze, and the supreme bone on his chest was emitting light, which had increased his strength to the limit.

And he was extremely excited in his heart, Tenth Sequence, I have been waiting for you for a long time! Only by killing you and snatching the sequence ranking can I complete the task!

"Damn it!"

After Lei Zucan heard what Ye Tian said, he took out the jade slip and looked at it. His face changed instantly.

The little red dots of more than a hundred disciples of Wuliang Holy Land disappeared!

"Even if they join forces, they can't kill me, how can you succeed?!"

Lei Zucan was puzzled and shocked, but no one answered.

Ye Tian stood at the entrance of the small world, his eyes gradually turned cold,"If you want to know the answer, fight me!"

He said no more. In the previous conversation, he was comparing the difference in strength between the two and thinking about how to defeat him.

Now that he knew it, Ye Tian couldn't wait.

Lei Zucan saw that Ye Tian was so eager to challenge himself.

He laughed angrily, and flashed into the small world, looking at Ye Tian with murderous intent.

"I will let you feel the horror of being devoured by thunder!"

"Today, I will kill you ants!"

Lightning suddenly exploded in the air, forming a huge lightning net that covered Ye Tian directly. Ye

Tian did not flinch either, and the power of the supreme realm urged the Fiery Sky Burning Technique.

With a wave of his hand, groups of red and blazing flames rose up and rushed towards the lightning net.

Both of them had the intention of killing, and their domineering and invincible intentions were fully revealed.

Thunder and fire, each with terrifying divine power, instantly shook in the small world!

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