As this small world collapsed, Lei Zucan was shaken and injured even more.

He gathered the last bit of strength to move himself out and leave the small world.

Ye Tian followed like a shadow, took a step, and appeared in the outside world.

The chaotic light on his body was completely suppressed, and the time for the ninth transformation of the Spirit King had come. The Supreme Bone trembled slightly, and the Hongmeng Divine Body faded back to its embryonic state.

"The power of the divine body has a natural suppression on the holy body!"

Ye Tian did not expect that stepping into the divine body level would actually have such an advantage.

The Dou character secret combined with the Hongmeng divine body allowed his strength to steadily cross a major realm, and he was not afraid of these young supremes.

He just used Lei Zucan, the tenth sequence, as a whetstone and thoroughly felt how powerful he is now. He also roughly understood the strength of the sons of other sequences.

A mere tenth sequence is so powerful, what would be ranked higher?

How strong would the first one be!

He was surprised, and his fighting spirit was surging. He was looking forward to the day of meeting!


After defeating Lei Zucan, the long-lost system task voice sounded in his mind.

After crushing Lei Zucan, he naturally stepped into the category of the child of sequence and took away the title of the tenth sequence!

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Becoming the Son of Sequence"

"Mission reward: 1 attribute pill!"

"New tasks issued: refresh sequence ranking!"

"Task stacking: Every time you move up one place in the ranking, you will be rewarded with 1 attribute pill!"

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows, and a new pill appeared.

Attribute pill?

He glanced at the notes and was stunned.

"Attribute Pill: Available in the Cave Heaven Realm! After taking it, you can integrate any attribute into the Cave Heaven and transform it into an attribute Cave Heaven!"

""Attribute cave heaven?"

Ye Tian was slightly surprised. After ordinary people entered the cave heaven realm, they could only devour and pull the force to open up the cave heaven to assist in cultivation and fighting the enemy.

If it transformed into an attribute cave heaven, wouldn't it have a strong attack power?

In the battle, it could surprise the enemy and give them a fatal blow!

"This attribute pill is a treasure!"

Ye Tian looked at the new task excitedly.

He didn't expect that the next task would be a superimposed task to refresh the sequence ranking?

This means that as long as he defeats a son of the sequence, he will be rewarded with an attribute pill!?

This is against the will of heaven!

"Perhaps, I can transform all nine cave heavens into attribute cave heavens in the cave heaven realm!"

"How terrifying would that be? With all nine killer moves, who could stop them?"

While he was thinking, the outside world had already caused an uproar.

"The tenth sequence, the ranking has changed!"

The elders of the major sects were horrified, and the elders of the Wuliang Holy Land were particularly shocked.

Their eyes fell directly on the stone tablet ranking, and their emotions almost lost control.

"Lei Zucan actually dropped the Son of Sequence, the tenth sequence, and became Ye Tian! ?"

They felt it was a fantasy. Lei Zucan was one of the three young supremes of Wuliang Holy Land. Except for the previous few sequences, no one in the Holy Ruins could defeat him.

Not to mention the Foundation Establishment Stage, even if there were more than a dozen disciples of the Cave Heaven Realm besieging him, he would not be defeated!

How could he suddenly be defeated by Ye Tian ?……

"Could it be that Ye Tian attacked them by surprise?"

The elder of Wuliang Holy Land looked doubtful and angry.

"All the ordinary geniuses died in the battle, and now even Lei Zucan was defeated!"

"Hongmeng Holy Land, do you really want to fight to the death with my Wuliang Holy Land?"

The Great Elder of Hongmeng Holy Land withdrew his gaze from the stone tablet, and there was also wonder and surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that Ye Tian would defeat the tenth sequence so quickly.

But what made the Great Elder even happier was that Ye Tian's combat power was so strong, and he made rapid progress in the Holy Ruins, and rushed to the top of the sequence rankings in a blink of an eye!

Perhaps, he can rush into the depths and kill a few sons of the sequence!

The Great Elder glanced at the elders of other sects, with a playful look in his eyes.

"I told you, this is just the beginning!"

"The defeat in the tenth sequence is just a stepping stone for Ye Tian to embark on the road to invincibility!"

"He will destroy all enemies with overwhelming force, and let you all taste the pain of losing all the geniuses!"

The great elder spoke without hesitation, and his mood became more and more cheerful.

The elders of other sects had gloomy faces. They had lost nearly half of their disciples so far.

Except for the disciples in the depths of the Holy Ruins, all the major sects had losses among the outer disciples.

On the ranking list, nearly half of the names were in black.

It means death!


An elder of the sect snorted coldly:"I have sent a message to all the peripheral disciples to gather together and advance and retreat together."

"There are only three people in his Hongmeng Holy Land. No matter how powerful they are, they can't resist the siege of dozens of people!"

The other elders also echoed and arranged for the disciples to gather together.

They wanted to suppress them with numbers and kill Ye Tian and the other two.

They would not stop until they died!


At the same time, in the valley of the Holy Ruins, there was a crisis everywhere!

Lei Zucan collapsed to the ground, seriously injured and dying.

Ye Tian stood in front calmly, Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu walked to his side quickly, looking around coldly.

At this time, there were already many people in the canyon, and even many streamers flew from afar.

Gathered here!

They were all disciples of various Taoist sects. They heard the sound of the battle here and rushed here. Unexpectedly, they saw the tenth sequence, Lei Zucan, defeated and dying!

"What's going on?"

Many people expressed their doubts and recognized the identities of Ye Tian and the other two.

"These three monsters are from Hongmeng Holy Land. Many of our disciples were slaughtered by them!"

"Killings were rampant, and all the disciples outside the Wuliang Holy Land had been annihilated, even the Son of Sequence was defeated!"

"The Hongmeng Holy Land is going against the will of heaven!"

Even the disciples of the Zhan Dynasty and the Beast King Clan were present, and they looked at Ye Tian's side with cold eyes.

The Zhan Dynasty disciples bowed slightly to Ji Ziyan,"Princess, stop it. If the prince knows about this, he will definitely punish you, and even kill you according to the law of the country!"

Ji Ziyan sneered:"When has he ever had less murderous intentions towards me because of the matter of seizing the throne? You are just his lackeys, why bother to pretend to be respectful to me?"

Those disciples were stunned when they heard it, and their faces showed coldness after putting down their hands:"Since the princess doesn't accept toasts, then we have to punish her on behalf of the prince!"

It was actually to the princess of this dynasty, not polite at all!

On the other side, Si Lingzhu was also watched by the members of the Beast King Clan.

He asked in a cold voice:"Si Lingzhu, as a saint of our clan, you actually killed innocent people. This matter will be reported to the elders of the clan, depriving you of the title of saint, and suppressing you in the beast prison!"

When Si Lingzhu heard the questioning, she was not as gentle as Ji Ziyan.

A fierce aura suddenly burst out from her petite body, with unyielding and angry

"When the Beast King Clan sacrificed my branch of the clan to death, I left the Beast King Clan!"

"The so-called title of saint is bullshit, I don’t want it!"

"Don't give me a chance, or I will kill you and sacrifice my people with blood!"

Her eyes had already turned blood red as she spoke, and she wanted to rush forward and fight with the Beast King people.

Ji Ziyan was also extremely angry, looking at those people with hatred, gritting her teeth and wanting to fight them

"Don't fall into the trap."

At this time, Ye Tian stepped forward calmly, holding the two girls' arms to stop them.

"They relied on their numbers to deliberately provoke you two and want you to die!"

After pulling the two back, the people on the opposite side really frowned, feeling a little sorry for missing the opportunity.

At this time, Ye Tian also looked at the crowd and spoke

"I stand here, who dares not to submit?"

He exuded an aura of invincibility and arrogance, roaring out.

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