The strong wind was like a knife, rushing towards him.

The peak spiritual power of the ninth level of the Cave Heaven Realm burst out, causing the moving heavenly strong wind to bombard Ye Tian and his keel boat. The huge driving force formed made the keel boat tremble violently and retreated several feet away. He almost couldn't control his spiritual power and was pulled back by the vortex, which was extremely dangerous!

And the sixth sequence, under the push of this force, let his keel boat rush forward several meters.

With the rise and fall of one, he actually wanted to use Ye Tian and the other three as a price to exchange for his own life!

"Damn it!"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu's spiritual power exploded, and even the vision of holy body appeared. While resisting the vortex's swallowing power, they also had to guard against the sixth-order strong wind.

The two women cursed:"Shameless!"

The sixth sequence uttered a cold smile:"There are actually genius disciples from the Hongmeng Holy Land who come to the Holy Ruins. Since you are here, be prepared to die!"

"Be my stepping stone and help me escape from the sea of blood!"

He was thin and his face was pale, but the strong wind was extremely strong when he waved his hand.

The knife-like strong wind came again with a strong spirit.

This time he brought an attack, wanting to completely destroy the defense of Ye Tian and the other two.


Ye Tian snorted coldly. This sixth sequence was too arrogant.

He didn't provoke him at all, but was attacked for no reason.

He wanted to sacrifice them for himself!

""A mere Gangfeng, dare you come again!"

Ye Tian's solemn voice came out, and the power of the supreme realm suddenly urged, wrapped in a ray of Tiandi sword intent, and slashed directly.

The sword light appeared, and the Gangfeng shattered!

In resisting the swallowing of the sea of blood, Ye Tian's strength had long been improved to the extreme, and now he slashed out with one move.

That domineering and strong intention, with invincible power, directly broke through the Gangfeng.

Even the blockage could not stop it!

After all, Ye Tian's strength has long been different from the past after the second level of Dou Zi Mi was used.

Even Leng Lingshan, the seventh sequence, was defeated in one move. Even if the sixth sequence is strong, it is not that strong.


The sword light slashed on the keel boat, leaving a mark, and the sixth-order figure shook violently.

He wanted to resist in shock, but saw Ye Tian punching him again.

The secret of the word"fight" evolved into a fierce technique, and it came with terrifying power, knocking him to the ground!

The spiritual power collapsed for a moment, and the sixth-order keel boat was suddenly surpassed by Ye Tian and the other two.

"Do you really think I'm easy to mess with?"

Ye Tian stood on the deck and waved his hand.

Lei Zu pointed and a cave appeared behind him, carrying the power of golden thunder, and blasted the keel ship under the feet of the sixth sequence.

When the thunder exploded, the overbearing power made his expression change, and an irresistible power arose in his heart. The one who was hit by this finger vomited blood and flew backwards, and was defeated directly!


The keel boats crossed each other and opened up the distance.

Lei Zu used his finger, and Ye Tian imitated the sixth sequence and suddenly added the reverse thrust to the keel boat.

The speed suddenly increased!

The sixth sequence was left far behind.

This help allowed Ye Tian and the other two to reach the other side only five miles away, and they saw hope.


At this time, there was a sound of vomiting blood.

The sixth sequence actually used a secret method to gain a short burst of power at the cost of consuming his life.

With resentment and unwillingness in his eyes, there was a breakthrough in the burst of his aura, and he had reached the level of half-step awakening.

The powerful spiritual power once again exerted the wind, and there was a phantom of a sword, as if it were a magical power!

With a murderous intention, he quickly chased after him.

"I want you to die!"

At the same time, the ice coffin in the vortex of the blood sea shook slightly.

A palm appeared again, covered with the same scales and terrifying red hair!

The evil spirit in the blood sea suddenly increased, and even a series of evil ghost phantoms condensed into terrifying claws, attacking several people here!

The speed was so fast that it arrived almost in the blink of an eye.

The crisis came in an instant!

"The evil corpse in the ice coffin is about to appear……"

Ye Tian's expression changed slightly. The strongest punch he had condensed did not kill the sixth sequence.

Instead, it hit the void, the evil ghost's claw!

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu also attacked in the same way, exerting the power of the holy body to the extreme.

The three of them worked together to smash the evil ghost's claw.

"He just revived, and the attack with only a wisp of Qi is so terrifying. If he is completely born, it will be unimaginable!"

Ye Tian and the other two were shocked, but there was also a hint of joy. Under the attack just now, the keel ship was bombarded closer to the other side!

As for the sixth sequence, it was chasing them closely.

When they bombarded the claws, it took advantage of the situation to catch up.

The sky was full of swords and swords, like covering the sky and the sun, and it was about to launch the strongest attack.


Ye Tian didn't even look at it. The moment he felt the energy, attributes appeared in the two caves behind him. Golden thunder and the Hundred Battles Emperor Fire covered his fists.

Endless divine brilliance burst out under the urging of the Dou character secret. From a distance, Ye Tian was like the Nine Heavens God of War, with a heroic posture!

One punch down!

Golden thunder exploded in the void, and in the Hundred Battles Emperor Fire, the cold and scorching meanings were noisy.

Covering the sixth sequence, the endless strong wind around him was instantly annihilated!

Under Ye Tian's strong blow, he fell to the ground with serious injuries, looking horrified.

He said something in horror, but Ye Tian was too lazy to listen.

This blow made the keel boat move forward again, but it was still some distance away from the other side, and the blood sea devoured more powerfully, and the keel boat began to retreat again!

He wanted to try to make another punch to see if he could move forward a little.

As for the sixth sequence, he was going to kill, and he didn't care about life or death at all!


At this moment, the Supreme Bone in his chest suddenly trembled, and the Golden Crown of Luck suddenly burst into golden light, covering Ye Tian.

A message came into his mind, making him stare slightly.

"The sixth sequence cannot be killed?"

The golden crown of luck trembled slightly, guiding him on how to escape from danger, and letting him have a clear idea in his mind.

It turned out that the evil corpse in the ice coffin had just revived and was not yet conscious. It had only one instinctive behavior, which was to devour the blood of the Tianjiao!

If it could not absorb it, it would probably revived in advance. Even if they escaped to the other side, they would be hunted down immediately!

Only when it was swallowed, it would stop swallowing and need time to enjoy the blood.

"That's easy!"

After Ye Tian understood, his eyes turned cold.

Anyway, the Sixth Sequence didn't have the attributes and treasures he wanted for free, so in that case, let you play with the Ice Coffin Evil Corpse.

When he looked over, the Sixth Sequence also happened to be looking over.

Noticing the teasing in Ye Tian's eyes, his expression changed drastically and he wanted to speak


Ye Tian waved his hand lightly, and a ray of Hundred Battles Emperor Fire swept out and fell on him.

The extreme icy power directly sealed the sixth sequence, and even cut off his Dantian power at the moment Ye Tian attacked him.

The sixth sequence became a useless person, waiting to die!

Without spiritual power to drive him, he was immediately pulled back by the vortex with the keel boat under his feet.


In the blink of an eye, the keel boat, along with the people and the boat, all turned into ashes at the ice coffin and disappeared.

The devouring power on the sea of blood really stopped. Ye Tian waved his hand, and the three of them drove the keel boat out.

They jumped up and landed on the other side!

"The blood of the proud god smells so good……"

The horrible sound of the evil corpse also came from the ice coffin, as if it was somewhat satisfied.

There was a chewing and tasting sound, resounding between heaven and earth.

Ye Tian and the other two immediately broke out in cold sweat!


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