Holy beast?

Ye Tian didn't know what level it was, but seeing the two people's trembling expressions, he knew it must be of great origin.

He had just cut off three feet of luck, which must have made the holy beast aware of it, so it showed up.

Changes had also occurred in the depths of the Holy Ruins.

Otherwise, Ye Tian and the other two would not have been able to sense its existence at all!

Looking up, the scales on the giant black turtle were emitting a red color, which was eerie and terrifying.

Its two huge pupils were extremely strange, one red and the other golden, as if divinity and devil existed at the same time.

"This is called Golden Armor?"He said strangely

"Why is the whole body covered in red? The holy spirit is gone, full of weirdness, it should be called the Red-armored Black Turtle!"

Only the head of the black turtle is covered with golden light, as if it is protecting the spiritual platform from going crazy.

A pair of eyes emit divine light, and between the red and gold colors, it roars to the sky.

Suddenly, there is another loud roar not far away.

In an instant, the sky is full of exploded rocks and broken wood, and huge figures rise into the air, covering half of the sky!

"How come there are more than one red-armored black turtles!"

Under the gaze of Ye Tian and the other two, they found that the red color filled the entire world, emitting endless evil spirits.

There were actually nine red-armored black turtles in front of them!

Each one was like a giant city in the sky, extremely huge.

They were arranged in mid-air, motionless.

After the nine red-armored black turtles appeared together, golden light flashed on their heads, and they were connected to each other, forming some extremely mysterious formation.

A vast momentum rose up, causing the void to tremble continuously!

"There are people there!"

Ye Tian suddenly discovered that there were several figures in the distance.

They all had extremely strong spiritual power fluctuations, far exceeding Leng Lingshan and other children of the sequence.

It seemed that their strength was far superior!

"The top five young supremes in the sequence?……"

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes and looked at the few people, who were standing separately without gathering.

Each of them stood under a red-armored black turtle, looking up at the huge black turtle.

Seeing their fearless appearance, it seemed that they had known that the red-armored black turtle would appear!

"Could it be that the opportunity of Saint Ruins lies on this red-armored black turtle?"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu looked at each other, somewhat suspicious, and sighed at the same time.

"They stood under the black turtle, as if waiting for something!"

"These people came to the Holy Ruins ten years ago and know many more secrets than we do."

"I'm so angry! If it weren't for Brother Ye Tian, we wouldn't know anything."

"Not to mention meeting an opportunity, I can't even pass the blood sea.……"

The two women were a little discouraged, feeling that those supreme geniuses had mastered too many secrets in the Holy Ruins and would take advantage of many opportunities.

Ye Tian groaned and said softly:"Don't worry, I'm here."

The Fortune Golden Crown has the function of avoiding danger and seeking good fortune. Now after the transformation, it can also control fortune. His strength is constantly improving. Even if he loses the advantage, he can still go against the current. Because the distance was too far, and the red-armored black tortoise caused the void to vibrate, Ye Tian couldn't see the appearance of those people. He only vaguely saw the human figure and the soaring momentum.


At the moment when the golden light on the heads of the nine red-armored black turtles connected and formed a mysterious formation, they all roared together.

Shaking the heaven and earth, the sound was filled with desolation and ferocity. The red and gold mixed light in their eyes surged, and then, they moved!


The formation formed by the nine red-armored black turtles was activated with a bang, and a bright beam of light rushed straight into the sky.

The chaos and haziness in the nine heavens was instantly broken.

In an instant, there was a terrifying thunder, falling from the sky.

It struck the red-armored black turtles directly. They were all shocked, and their bodies suddenly fell to the ground from mid-air.

The four giant claws smashed the ground with boundless power, and a terrifying huge pit was blasted out!

After landing, the nine black turtles roared to the sky, and golden light emanated from the tortoise shells on their bodies, like a chessboard.

Thunders were also emitted from the stars, bombarding the void.


In the shocked eyes of Ye Tian and the other two, they saw thunder in the void, which continued to spread upwards.

It merged with the thunder above the nine heavens and penetrated the heaven and earth!

It was as if a new world had been opened, and the void was rustling.


A huge and majestic mountain suddenly appeared before their eyes!

Lightning flashed on it, as if it was made up of thunder all over the sky, stretching between heaven and earth.

There was no end in sight, and no foot of the mountain below.

It was like a pillar supporting the sky, with chaotic light mixed with thunder, shaking the heaven and earth.

"Nine red-armored black turtles are actually carrying a huge mountain!"

Ye Tian's eyes widened:"There is chaos on the top of the mountain, as if something is gestating!"

"Moreover, thunder exploded on this sacred mountain, and there was a lot of golden light flashing, which should be a treasure of opportunity!"


There was a sound of breaking through the air in the distance, and the figures of the young supremes quickly flew into the air.

They flew towards the back of the red-armored black turtle in front of them, at an extremely fast speed.

In a blink of an eye, they were almost close to the golden light on the black turtle's head, as if from there, they could climb to the Thunder Mountain!


The appearance of this magnificent thunder mountain caused a roar from the direction of the blood sea.

A huge wave of blood rose up, causing the boundless blood sea to surge and rise, and the blood surged!

In a blink of an eye, it swallowed up a large area of the other side of the land, and soon spread to the ground! In the blood sea ice coffin, the evil corpse was struggling to get out of the coffin.

"The evil spirit is even stronger. His roar can still affect the soul from such a distance!"

Ye Tian's face changed slightly, and he was a little annoyed.

The evil corpse in the ice coffin was really scary. Being stared at by it, he felt uncomfortable all over.

"Don't give me a chance, or I'll chop you off!"

After Ye Tian glanced at the direction of the sea of blood, he stepped forward and was about to fly to the top of the black turtle.

But he hesitated for a moment, the supreme bone in his chest trembled, and he activated the golden crown of luck again.

After covering his eyes and being able to see the power of luck, his momentum burst out.

With Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu, he rushed to the top of the nearest black turtle!

He started at a rapid speed and crossed the void.

Not long after, he had stepped on the top of the black turtle. Looking up, the Thunder Mountain appeared clearer.

It also felt more magnificent and terrifying. The thunder exploded, full of murderousness and danger!

Ji Ziyan exclaimed:"With nine sacred beasts carrying a huge mountain, thunder piercing through the sky and the earth, this kind of big hand is too terrible!"

Si Lingzhu whispered softly:"What will be on the top of the sacred mountain? Don't be another evil corpse!"

Ye Tian thought deeply:"If there is a living creature on the top of the Thunder Mountain, it will not be an evil corpse."

He already had some guesses about the mystery of this holy ruins, but they still needed to be verified!

Standing in front of the sacred mountain, Ye Tian knew that the final decisive battle in the holy ruins was probably coming.

Those young supremes had already started climbing the mountain, staggering forward against the thunder.

It seemed that there was a mysterious force suppressing them, and they couldn't fly!

"The blood feud of Hongmeng Holy Land will end only after defeating the top five young supremes."

"The system task is considered successfully completed!"

While thinking, Ye Tian looked up, wanting to see how the five people were going through the Thunder Mountain.

But as soon as he looked over, he frowned.

"Why are there only three figures?"

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