Ye Tian's body was extremely fast. The moment he cut off Shen Wuming's arm, he rushed in front of him.

Looking down at him, he held the colorful sword of destiny in his hand and slashed it down without hesitation.

Shen Wuming raised his hand in a hurry and swung out a divine light!


A light curtain appeared on his body, and pieces of scales flashed on it. It was very hard and blocked the fatal blow. It was like a sword slashing on gold and iron.

"Defensive magic weapon!"

Shen Wuming looked pale, a little horrified, and a grim smile appeared on his face.

"If I hadn't been caught off guard, I wouldn't have been hurt by you!"

"If you can't break the Xuanlin Armor, I will be invincible!"

This is a life-saving magic weapon specially given to him by the Wuliang Holy Land. Its level is only lower than that of the magic weapon, but it is a thing of the awakening realm. Few people in the Cave Heaven Realm can break through the defense.

This is Shen Wuming's biggest trump card in the Holy Ruins. He originally kept it to deal with the third sequence, but he didn't expect that it would be forced out by Ye Tian now!

Shen Wuming grinned wantonly:"No matter how strong your combat power is, your cultivation is not as good as the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm after all."

"If you can't comprehend the magical power, what can you use to break the defense!"

While speaking, Shen Wuming stretched out his hand and pointed, and the spiritual power in his body surged out without reservation.

Suddenly, the suspended wooden sword shone brightly and suddenly disappeared.

Once again, with ghostly speed and violent attack, he slashed towards Ye Tian


Ye Tian had long been on guard against this wooden sword, and his ultimate fighting power burst out, causing a fierce collision in the bombardment, destroying the surrounding thunder and lightning, and playing a domineering posture.

The wooden sword condensed all of Shen Wuming's fighting power, which was his greatest reliance on the enemy.

But at this time, Shen Wuming was seriously injured, and his strength was getting weaker and weaker, while Ye Tian was still fighting more and more bravely! As one was gaining strength, the other was losing strength

, and Shen Wuming's face became gloomy.

"Even if I can't kill you this time, you can't kill me!"

"I have already comprehended the magical power, and I am only half a step away from entering the awakening realm. Sooner or later, I will kill you with the realm gap!"

Ye Tian frowned slightly. He heard something from Shen Wuming's words.

Only when the cultivation reaches the peak of the cave heaven realm can one comprehend the magical power?

Only when one comprehends a certain magical power can one have the opportunity to step into the awakening realm!

This made his mind suddenly clear.

"No wonder these young supremes are almost the same in strength. Even the most evil ones are only at the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm."

"It turns out that you need to awaken your magical power before you can enter the awakening realm!"

After entering the awakening realm, you can truly step into the field of cultivation and take the first step towards becoming a strong person.

There is a world of difference between it and the cave heaven realm!

He looked at Shen Wuming coldly, as well as the Xuanlin armor on his body, with a thoughtful look on his face.

He could feel the strong defensive power of the armor. If it was not a magical attack, it might be really difficult to break through the defense!

"Ye Tian, see you later!"

Shen Wuming struggled to get up, the light of the Xuanlin armor on his body bloomed, and he looked very proud.

"Sooner or later, I will avenge my broken arm!"

Shen Wuming gave him a fierce look, his face full of hatred, and stretched out his hand to recall the wooden sword.

It seemed that he was invincible and was about to turn around and leave.

"Did I let you go?"

Ye Tian said lightly, his eyes fell on the flying wooden sword, and a divine light flashed in his eyes.

The moment a smile appeared on his lips, the first cave behind him trembled violently.

"Although I haven't comprehended the magical power, but... you have it!"

While speaking, Ye Tian poured his spiritual power into the first cave without hesitation, and even the other three caves trembled together, emitting a terrifying devouring force, devouring the thunder and transforming spiritual power.

All poured into the first cave!


For a moment, Ye Tian's aura surged, and the extremely rich spiritual power made the thunder in the first cave sky shine with golden light.


A golden thunder finger, with a momentum like the power of heaven, appeared from the first cave sky.

After the first golden thunder finger appeared, the second one stretched out in an instant.

This is not over yet.

After that, three more fingers stretched out in succession, whistling out.

It actually condensed into a golden thunder hand!


Ye Tian roared, and after all his spiritual power was condensed into this golden thunder hand, he rushed out directly.

He grabbed the wooden sword that was about to fly to Shen Wuming's palm and held it tightly!


Shen Wuming's expression changed drastically, and in a hurry he manipulated the wooden sword to break free.


The supreme bone on Ye Tian's body trembled violently, and chaotic light suddenly appeared, emanating from him and merging into the golden thunder hand.

For a moment, the light on the big hand bloomed, dazzling.

The half of the mountainside that was swayed was filled with a sense of vastness, like chaotic sky light, blessed with thunder.

The power reached its peak in an instant, and suddenly grasped it! The violent shaking posture of the wooden sword stopped instantly, as if it was suppressed.

Ye Tian's cold voice came out lightly:"Use your wooden sword magical power to break your treasure armor defense!"

The golden thunder hand, after covering the wooden sword, directly brought with it the monstrous divine power and descended in front of Shen Wuming.

Then, stab out!

The magical power on the wooden sword pierced the treasure armor, which could only penetrate a small hole and could not really break the defense.

After all, Shen Wuming activated the awakening realm magic weapon.

However, there is also Ye Tian's thunder hand, which is a full-strength blow condensed by Ye Tian.


It was as powerful as a bubble bursting.


Shen Wuming's face turned pale instantly, and he was extremely horrified.

The light curtain emitted by the Xuanlin Armor shattered, and Shen Wuming's screams also stopped abruptly.

The whole body was directly destroyed into ashes by the destructive power of the Thunder Hand!

The fourth sequence, death!

Crash, something fell to the ground


Ye Tian looked up and found that it was Shen Wuming's Xuanlin armor. After his death, he lost his spiritual power and fell to the ground.

Also falling to the ground was the wooden sword covered with runes!

The two good things fell together, emitting a bright light, which was very strange.

Ye Tian waved his hand and threw them directly into the storage bag.

These two items were Shen Wuming's treasures. This time, the spoils were quite rich!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Shen Wuming and obtaining 1 attribute pill!"

After the system task sounded, the free pill also reaped a lot of rewards.

"Sword Controlling Divine Ability!"

Free pill, nothing is impossible to get, with the blessing of the Golden Crown of Luck, it was indeed free!

He only felt that there was a wisp of Qi in his Dantian, which was different from the domineering and fierce Qi in the Cave Heaven Realm, but with a mysterious and dangerous Qi.

It seemed that it was not something of the same level, more mysterious, and more sharp!

Ye Tian's face changed slightly before he had time to be happy.

Beside the four cave heavens behind him, the void trembled.

Suddenly, another dark cave heaven condensed!

The fifth cave heaven!

He actually upgraded again and broke open a cave heaven

"After entering the Holy Ruins, I have never practiced seriously, but I have improved so quickly.……"

Ye Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't want to upgrade so quickly.

The attributes were not enough!


The moment the fifth cave appeared, the devouring power suddenly exploded, devouring the spiritual power as fiercely as the fourth cave, and reached perfection in an instant.

The purple gold token in the fourth cave trembled and fell directly into the fifth cave.

It began to fly up and down again, emitting endless purple light.

The fifth cave maintained its current status and did not completely solidify into an ordinary cave.

Ye Tian was immediately surprised:"The purple gold token is really my lucky star!"

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