
The red-armored black turtles roared in unison, with pain and relief.

Most of the power they had been devoured by the evil corpses in the blood sea dissipated, and their bodies were covered with red light, and they were not even conscious.

At this time, the golden light in their eyes surged, and there was something magical.

It was as if after the three corpses dissipated, there was no longer the devouring breath of the evil corpses of the Hundred Battles Emperor. Their divinity had begun to revive and was expelling the devil!

For a moment, the entire passage was filled with red and golden light, and the divinity and devil in their bodies were rioting, and the confrontation dissipated!

"When the red light is completely driven away, it is estimated that the strength of the holy beast will be restored!"

Ye Tian's eyes moved slightly, with deep thought.

"Now is the time when they are at their weakest and their minds are still unclear.……"

"It's the best time to subdue them!"

These nine red-armored black turtles are said to be ancient sacred beasts, with the power of saints at their peak!

There are nine of them, and after they recover their strength, they are equivalent to nine saints!

If they can be taken away, even if they just make friends with these nine sacred beasts, it can be said to be a very terrifying force!

They are very powerful!

Just this point can make Ye Tian excited!

"How to subdue them?"

Ye Tian's eyes flashed with deep thought. It would definitely not work if they relied on strength.

Although the strength of these nine black turtles has been mostly reduced, they were once holy beasts after all, and the remaining aura on their bodies is also extremely powerful.

A random claw can kill me!

I have to use my wits!

Ye Tian spoke after pondering, testing the waters:"Senior Black Turtle, the Holy Ruins are about to be destroyed, will you leave here with me?"

Since these black turtles are holy beasts, they can definitely understand what people say.

However, after Ye Tian spoke, the nine black turtles just glanced at him.

Their eyes were slowly recovering, and they could sense that Ye Tian and the other two were too weak, so they were too lazy to pay attention to them.

"The passage is only ten feet in radius. Even with your hundred-foot body, you can't get through it."

"The Holy Ruins were destroyed, and the seniors just regained their consciousness, do you want to die here?"

Ye Tian patiently persuaded them and put the reality in front of them.

The nine black turtles raised their heads and glanced at the passage above. The light in their eyes fluctuated slightly, as if they were thinking.

Ye Tian quickly said:"I can take you out"

"I am a disciple of Hongmeng Holy Land. Hongmeng Holy Land has the inheritance of the Hundred Battles Emperor, and I also have a connection with several predecessors."

"You can recuperate in the Hongmeng Holy Land, expel the evil, and restore your strength!"

While Ye Tian was speaking, he also performed the Douzi Secret and demonstrated it to the red-armored black turtle.

As soon as he started, he saw that the power of the Great Dao in the Hongmeng Dao Realm that originally existed on his body trembled slightly.

It actually transformed into a vast world, in which there were sacred mountains and thousands of beasts flying together, and there was also a great emperor across the void, stepping on the long river of time.

This scene made the nine red-armored black turtles' eyes shine brightly.


They made strange noises from their noses, as if they could sense the breath of the Great Emperor and were a little excited!

Just the breath they exhaled made Ye Tian and the other two unstable and almost blown away.

This startled Ye Tian a little.

"When he was in the Hongmeng Dao Realm and comprehended the Dou character secret, this ray of Dao power appeared on his body somehow. He didn't expect it to be so magical?"

He had a feeling that this ray of Dao power was somehow related to the Saint Master, whom he had never met!


The nine red-armored black turtles trembled together, but still had no intention of leaving.

There was even a light and ethereal voice coming out with a sigh.

"As holy beasts, we have our own dignity. Although we want to leave, your cultivation is too low, and you are not qualified for us to surrender!"

Not qualified?

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes. These holy beasts are really not easy to fool.

Just now, they were obviously tempted, but they were still putting on airs here.

While thinking, the five caves behind him opened.

The five elements of the Hundred Battles Emperor Fire slowly emanated from the caves behind him.

This shocked the red-armored black turtles,"The breath of the emperor..."……"

In the previous battle, although Ye Tian had merged the attributes, the nine black turtles were not yet conscious, so they did not sense it.

Now the attributes around Ye Tian were radiating, and the five elements of the Hundred Battles Emperor that they had just inherited made them feel familiar.

The eyes they looked at Ye Tian became much gentler, and even the divinity in their eyes surged, and their minds became much clearer again.

"Not enough... still not enough!"

The light voice came out again, sounding like a girl, but coming from the body of a hundred-foot black turtle, it sounded weird.

It meant that Ye Tian was still not qualified.

"Do we really have no choice but to submit to the Hundred Battles Emperor?"

The passage between heaven and earth began to become unstable, and Ye Tian had lost his patience.

The nine red-armored black turtles had become gentle after seeing the aura of the Hundred Battles Emperor on Ye Tian.

It seemed that as long as they stimulated him again, they would succeed!

While thinking, he took out a pill and swallowed it, trying the last trick.

Charm Pill!

"After taking it, you will have a supernatural charm, and any creature within a thousand feet around you will feel close to you!"

As long as you are not without desire, you can be infected by charm.

After Ye Tian took the charm pill, he didn't feel any changes, but two exclamations came from the side

"Brother Ye Tian, how come you have the breath of my father?"

Si Lingzhu looked at him in surprise, with obsession and nostalgia on her face:"What a comfortable breath, I haven't seen him for a long time!"

Ji Ziyan's eyes were also filled with nostalgia at this time,"I feel my brother's breath from you, he died in my arms!"

As the two girls spoke, tears appeared in their beautiful eyes.

It was as if Ye Tian had an extremely close breath that made them intoxicated.

The two girls were obsessed with this feeling, which made them feel a strong sense of security!


Even more frightened than them were the nine red-armored black turtles.

The aura of the charm pill on Ye Tian's body was like the might of heaven to them.

"The breath of the emperor!"

The light voice sounded again, already with shock and astonishment.

There was also a strong sense of surprise and closeness!

The other black turtles also made sounds, all with the intention of submission.

"Meet the Great Emperor!"

Having reached the level of holy beasts, they should not be easily influenced, but they have just regained consciousness.

The power of the Great Dao of the Hongmeng Dao Realm, the aura of the Great Emperor Bai Zhan on Ye Tian, and the Five Elements Cave Heaven attribute behind him.

These three mysteries superimposed together, resulting in a qualitative change!

Let the red-armored black turtle think that Ye Tian is the reincarnation of the Great Emperor Bai Zhan!

Submit directly!


After the black turtles made sounds, golden rays of light appeared on their heads and penetrated directly into Ye Tian's brows.

His eyes widened.

"A wisp of soul!"

Nine red-armored black turtles actually sacrificed a wisp of soul to merge into his brow.

This means that as long as Ye Tian has a thought, he can kill them!

Absolute submission!

He originally just wanted to make friends with the holy beasts, which might be of great use in the future.

Unexpectedly, he directly accepted nine holy beasts!

It was an unexpected surprise!


The clear voice sounded again, this time it was no longer condescending, but respectful. It even transformed into a human figure, appeared in front of Ye Tian, and bowed.

It was indeed a woman, and a woman who was only wrapped in a short piece of cloth!

As she bent down, the scenery on her chest made Ye Tian's heart beat faster...

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