Thirty-nine thousand years old!

Is this just adulthood?

How long must one's life span be to be so heaven-defying!

Ye Tian and the other two moved in unison and swallowed their saliva.

"I'm jealous."

Si Lingzhu pouted slightly and said with a wry smile:"The longest-lived of our Beast King Clan is only five thousand years!"

"The Black Turtle Clan can actually live so long……"

Ji Ziyan and Ye Tian looked even more strange, thinking in their hearts, if they cultivate to the saint level, can they live for ten thousand years?

"The black tortoise has a long lifespan, and with the sacred beast's origin, it is almost no problem for it to live for 100,000 years."

Yun Mu smiled faintly and looked at Ye Tian:"Master, you have merged a wisp of my soul, and your lifespan will gradually become longer!"

""And the master will become an emperor in the future, and his life span will be limited to the era, and he will live as long as the sky!"

These two sentences made Ye Tian very happy. After taming the nine black turtles, he did not expect constant surprises.

Even his life span could be extended!

"Yun Mu will take his leave first. If the master has something to do, he can summon me at any time."

After Yun Mu finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and entered the Xumi space opened by Ye Tian, and returned to his body to exorcise the evil spirit.

Ye Tian and the other two were almost at the entrance of the Holy Ruins. He silently recited in his heart and opened the system list.

Check the current strength

【Ye Tian

【Realm] Cave Heaven Realm Ninth Heaven

【Weapons: Magical Weapon Seven-Colored Destiny, Magical Weapon Jinghong, Rune Wood Sword

【Attributes: Golden Thunder, Hundred Battles Emperor Fire, Heavenly Emperor Sword Intent, Evil Corpse Blood Sea, Five Elements Divine Tree, Five Elements Divine Soil

【Talent: Supreme Realm, Golden Crown of Luck

【Constitution] Hongmeng Divine Body (to be upgraded)

【Skills: Dou Zi Mi 2nd level, Blazing Flames, Nine Transformations of the Spirit King, Wind and Thunder Phantom, Nine Caves Soul Enlightenment, Beast Nerve, Sword Controlling Magic

【Pills: 233 Qi-training pills, 60 spirit-gathering pills, 1 big smoke pill, 1 concealment pill, 1 borrowing pill, 1 skill pill, 1 teleportation pill, 2 death pills……

""I defeated eight sons of the sequence in total, and used up all the eight attribute pills I got."

Ye Tian murmured in his heart, looking at the attribute column, there were only six attributes.

The seventh and eighth caves were still brewing!

"I need to find time to get another attribute pill to prepare for the Ninth Cave Heaven."

He was very satisfied. This trip to the Holy Ruins was very fruitful.

"The level of cultivation has leapt across an entire realm, and one can obtain various attributes for free, becoming a paradise of attributes!"

"Obtain the inheritance of the Emperor of Hundred Battles and tame the nine sacred beasts!"

"He got the magical power of controlling swords, as well as the divine weapon Jinghong Long Spear!"

He killed nearly a thousand disciples of the major sects, leaving no one alive! Except for the first and second sequences that he had not seen, almost all the other ten sequence supremes were killed!

This record was even more tragic and terrifying than the bloody battle ten years ago.

Ye Tian avenged the blood of the hundred Tianjiao of Hongmeng Holy Land with his fierce and invincible posture!

While thinking, the three of them had already walked close to the Holy Ruins.

They heard a shocking noise and the trembling roar of the annihilation of the Holy Ruins.

Looking up, they found that the elders of the major sects were terrified and stared at the entrance of the Holy Ruins in a daze.



Various sounds of annihilation were heard, and a strong divine light suddenly burst out from the entrance of the entire Holy Ruins.

It was as if the sky was falling and the earth was collapsing. Black fog filled the air, and the Holy Ruins were annihilated!

Then it returned to calm, and that piece of space was wiped out directly and disappeared!

Only a dead and silent place was left, without any life.

"The young generation of Tianjiao of our Wuliang Holy Land is completely destroyed.……"The elder of Wuliang Holy Land collapsed to the ground, his face horrified and terrified.

The elders of other sects also looked pale and terrified to the point of vomiting blood.

"The prince of the War Dynasty, Ji Lingtian, had his life plate shattered and he died!"

"Si Lingshuang, the young supreme being of the Beast King clan, had his life plate shattered and he died!"

"Leng Lingshan, the young supreme being of Daoyi Holy Land, had her life plate shattered and she died!"


Various sounds of fear and panic were heard, and the elders were in a mess.

You have to know that these young supremes are the geniuses cultivated by the countless foundations of the sect!

When the great era comes, they can all compete for the opportunity to become a god!

The other young geniuses are also the best of the major sects, and they will be the figures who dominate the world in the future.

"Unexpectedly, the entire army was annihilated in the Holy Ruins!"

Endless grief, mixed with blood and tears, flowed from their eyes. They mourned for the Tianjiao and worried about the future of the sect!

"" Tap, tap, tap."

With the sound of footsteps, Ye Tian and the other two walked to the front of the Grand Elder of Hongmeng Holy Land.

They bowed slightly and said,"Greetings, Grand Elder!"

The Grand Elder turned around in surprise. He had a look of great worry on his face, but suddenly he relaxed.

He laughed loudly and said,"I was afraid that you would also be annihilated and killed in the Holy Ruins, but I didn't expect you to appear from behind me."

"How are you? You didn't get hurt badly, did you?"

Ye Tian smiled faintly and said,"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission and returned successfully!"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu also said,"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission and returned successfully!"

The three people's clear voices made the scene suddenly quiet.

People stared at Ye Tian and the other two in a daze, some of them were surprised and doubtful.

"The Holy Ruins have been destroyed, how could the three of them escape?"

"What about the other young supremes? Even the three rubbish from Hongmeng Holy Land could escape, so there was no reason why they couldn't escape.……"

Such doubts lingered in their minds.

Although they could sense Ye Tian's peak strength in the Cave Heaven Realm, and Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu, who were at the fifth level of the Cave Heaven Realm, they still looked down on him.

Any of those young supremes had this level of strength, or even stronger!

As they were thinking, the Great Elder of the Hongmeng Holy Land became even happier.

"How is it, how many did you kill?"

He actually asked this question directly in public.

Ye Tian and the other two were stunned. After seeing the gesture of the great elder, they immediately understood that he wanted to provoke the elders of those sects to avenge ten years ago.

Ye Tian said softly:"All the disciples outside the Holy Ruins will be killed!"

"All the young supremes, one escaped, the rest are dead!"

His voice was not loud, but every elder could hear it clearly, like thunder resounding in their minds, making their faces suddenly change.

"It's you!"

"How could you possibly kill so many people!"

Ye Tian shrugged slightly, and at the signal of the Great Elder, he looked very innocent and grinned:

"I don’t know, maybe they are just too rubbish!"


One punch, one kill , so cool!���, completely ignited the anger of all the elders, and the murderous intent was shocking.

Ye Tian alone slaughtered all the people in the entire Holy Ruins. They simply couldn't imagine how tragic it was.

Only endless anger and murderous intent exploded

""You bastard! Die!"

The great elder of Wuliang Holy Land rushed to kill Ye Tian with his mighty power, regardless of his status.

The elders of other sects also attacked angrily to avenge their sect disciples!

The divine light in their hands roared, with the power of dominating the world, making the void glow.

Red chains stretched across the sky and earth, forming a huge hall that looked like a divine prison, exuding a terrifying aura.

It enveloped Ye Tian!

"Ye Tian is a man of heinous crimes!"

"Kill all the young supremes in the Hundred Battles Domain and cut off the road to the great world of the Hundred Battles Domain!"

"We should use the Hundred Battles Divine Prison to refine and kill them!"

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