Just pick whichever one you like?

Ye Tian looked at the elders opposite him, and from their aura and the divine light of their skills, he could roughly tell what their attributes were.

"The beast kings should step aside first, we don't need the physical attributes"

"Zhan Wangchao is not good either. Although his sword intention is amazing, he is still a little short of success."

Ye Tian muttered as he watched.

"The flame attribute of the elder of Daoyi Holy Land is a bit like the Hundred Battles Emperor Fire."

"The elder of Wuliang Holy Land has a hot temper, and the spread of thunder attribute seems to be normal, don't do it!"

"This old man actually has the attribute of charm? No, no."

Every time he looked at someone, he shook his head slightly.

It seemed that he looked down on the attributes of these people.

The elders were shocked and angry. They didn't expect that they would line up for Ye Tian to choose, and he was so disgusted.

At the same time, they were inexplicably relieved in their hearts. Ye Tian looked down on their attributes, which meant that Liu Taixu would not use the Heaven-Flipping Seal to kill them.

Inexplicably escaped a disaster!

This feeling made the elders look very strange, but they didn't dare to breathe heavily. They were afraid that Ye Tian would pick one at random and it would fall on their heads!

"Their attributes are not that good, why isn't there any one who can fight?"

Ye Tian glanced at the dozen elders and kept shaking his head.

Although the aura of their attributes seemed terrifying, that was because of their high cultivation.

They were not comparable to the attributes that Ye Tian possessed, and were not even worth mentioning.

The golden thunder, plus the five elements of the divine light attribute of the Hundred Battles Emperor!

Each one of them could make them tremble, and they exclaimed that Ye Tian had the demeanor of an emperor...

The great elder Liu Taixu was surprised:"These people can cultivate to the Nirvana realm, but they are all unparalleled talents, and the attributes of their skills are unmatched."

"Don’t like them all?"

"If you take away any of these people and integrate them into your cave heaven, you can turn your nine cave heavens into attribute cave heavens."

Although it is difficult, with only a 30% chance of success.

But as long as Ye Tian succeeds in the integration, he will become a one-in-a-million attribute cave heaven, surpassing the same level!

After entering the awakening realm, the awakened magical powers will also exceed ordinary people by many times!

"Nine caves, with the same attributes?"

When Ye Tian heard this, he immediately retracted his gaze.

He didn't even look at the elders and waved his hands:"I don't want it!"

What a joke, I went through countless hardships in the Holy Ruins before I integrated several heaven-defying attributes.

Now they are all the same to me, isn't that a joke!

He looked disgusted.

This made the elders on the opposite side look at each other in dismay, feeling insulted:"Ye Tian, if it weren't for the Heaven-turning Seal protecting you, I would have killed you with a thunderbolt!"

The elder of the Wuliang Holy Land spoke angrily, with indignation on his face. He was in the Nirvana Realm, but was actually despised by the Cave Heaven Realm.

"If not?"

Ye Tian glanced at him and sneered,"If my realm was not lower, I would have destroyed you with one palm!"

Everyone can talk nonsense!

Since these elders can't do anything to him, he doesn't mind making them even more angry.

While Ye Tian was speaking, he looked at Liu Taixu and bowed slightly.

"Great elder, these old men have such bad attributes that I don't like them."

"But I am somewhat interested in this Hundred Wars Prison!"

He looked up at the Hundred Wars Prison, which was suppressed by the Heaven-shaking Seal and was constantly rumbling and shaking.

"The Hundred Battles Prison is something that the Hundred Battles Emperor has."

The meaning of annihilation and deprivation on that palace and the broken chain, in his opinion, is more tempting than the attributes of those elders!

The moment he looked at the Hundred Battles Prison, the Seventh Cave Heaven behind him appeared quietly.

Squeezed out from behind him, Ye Tian looked at it in surprise.

He found that there was a huge devouring power coming from the Seventh Cave Heaven, and the attribute nurtured in the purple light actually conveyed a desire, lingering in Ye Tian's heart.

This surprised him a little, and without thinking too much, he immediately spoke to Liu Taixu

"Elder, I want the attributes of the Hundred Battles Prison!"

Liu Taixu and the elders were all stunned. Ye Tian finally set his sights on the magic weapon?

Too arrogant!

This is a seventh-level magic weapon!

Unless it is destroyed, there is no way to get the attributes!

Liu Taixu also knew this. He frowned slightly and sent a voice message to Ye Tian.

"The power consumption of controlling the Heaven-Flipping Seal is too great, and I don't have much strength left."

"If I target an elder, I can kill him with one strike and then take you away!"

"But if I want to destroy the Hundred Wars Prison by force, it will exhaust all my strength.……"

The elder's voice was filled with worry:"With our strength exhausted and wolves surrounding us, we are in danger!"

Originally, in his and Hongmeng Saint's plan, any of the attributes of these people on the opposite side would be suitable for Ye Tian. As long as he could become an attribute cave, he would have a promising future.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tian chose the most difficult Hundred Wars God Prison!

Really... good vision!

Ye Tian didn't expect it to be so difficult. After listening, he pondered for a moment and still nodded.

"I want the attributes of the Hundred Battles God Prison!"

He smiled faintly:"Grand Elder, just take action. As for the crisis afterwards, I will handle it!"

He just communicated with Yun Mu, and she could go out to fight.

This made Ye Tian completely worry-free!

Liu Taixu glanced at Ye Tian hesitantly, and found that he had a strong self-confidence on his face, and the strangeness and mystery of the Seventh Cave Heaven behind him.

He gritted his teeth and pointed his finger, and the last strength in his body roared out.

"Life and death are determined by fate!"

As Liu Taixu's voice fell, the Heaven-Flipping Seal trembled.

A breath of destruction burst out directly, and the chaotic divine light was extremely dense, directly covering the entire Hundred Wars Divine Prison! A violent and terrifying sound was heard, the meaning of annihilation was everywhere, and the chaotic light was whistling.

It seemed to turn the mid-air into a turbulent flow of the void, stirring up countless spatial ripples.

Each ripple carried a dangerous force that made people palpitate.

It can kill Nirvana in seconds!

Although the elders of the Wuliang Holy Land and others were angry and distressed, they never dared to get close. They could only watch their own divine weapons being destroyed with extreme frustration!


The familiar sound of breaking resounded through the world, and only one sound.

The light dissipated, and the seventh-level divine weapon, the Hundred Battles God Prison, became a useless weapon under Liu Taixu's full-strength use of the Heaven-shaking Seal!

Only a ball of red divine light merged into the seventh cave behind Ye Tian, and then the Hundred Battles God Prison became scrap copper and rotten iron.

It fell to the ground and turned directly into ashes in front of the elders of the Wuliang Holy Land and others, and it was completely gone!

"The seventh cave, fusion attributes!"

Ye Tian looked at the cave behind him with a burning gaze, excited.

He had already taken the attribute pill, and the attributes in the seventh cave had not yet manifested.

"Now after swallowing, it has indeed reached saturation and become an attribute cave heaven!"

In the dark seventh cave heaven, a red light ball emerged.

It exudes bursts of annihilation attributes, which is extremely terrifying, as if everything can be annihilated!

Ye Tian's eyes flashed:"This annihilation breath is not all, there is also a deprivation attribute hidden in the red light ball!"

It is as if the two major attributes of the magic weapon, the Hundred Battles Prison, are directly combined into one, and directly integrated into the cave heaven!

From then on, as long as the seventh cave heaven appears, as long as it can cover the opponent.

In a moment, it can annihilate the attack, and in a moment, it can deprive everything.

"Wow! This is the effect of the free pill!"

Ye Tian slowly grinned:"By accident, I actually cultivated a cave that can be used for free forever!"

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