Fantasy: Beginning Saint Patriarch

Chapter 173 Lin Feng Returns [Please Subscribe]

Within a few seconds after being hit by the arrow, these Demon Races in the air were like dumplings, falling one after another into the water, and then melted into pools of blood under the poison in the water.

"Oh oh oh yeah!"

"Very good!"

Immediately after the first battle was won, many soldiers on the human side cheered.

Obviously the power of this giant crossbow was beyond their imagination. Such a terrifying Demon Race was defeated and died like this, which made their emotions immediately rise to an exciting point.

The maid behind Motian suddenly became very surprised. She never expected that such a powerful Demon Race soldier on her side would be killed by the vanguard in a single encounter.

She couldn't help but wonder about the outcome of this tactic: Can we really win? It was also at this moment that she heard what Master Motian said before.

But this made her even more worried. Before, she didn't believe that humans had any ability to resist, but now when she saw the many Demon Races being shot and killed, she suddenly understood this.

In her eyes, weak humans do not seem to be without the ability to resist, but she has been blinded by the power of Demon Race before and did not see this, but today she has gained a lot of knowledge.

But soon, the maid's worries about the future turned into admiration for Master Motian. Being able to lower his status to observe those weak humans is Master Motian, the real strong man of Demon Race!

But Motian didn't pay attention to the adoring eyes of the maid behind him. His eyes were empty and distant, and he was still watching the human defense line in the distance quietly.

For some reason, he seemed to be a little worried about the outcome of this battle.

Although with his strength, it is absolutely easy to navigate this area, but for some reason, he has a faint worry in his heart. It seems that he will encounter an unprecedented crisis when he goes to this small human area this time.

This feeling came very suddenly, and it should not have such a result.

But this kind of premonition has saved him countless times over the years, so he was a little cautious this time.

The battle between the two sides began, and countless Demon Races rushed forward one after another.

Although they were shocked by the scene just now, Demon Race's ferocity and bloodiness were then aroused. They were not afraid and rushed forward crazily like puppets without pain.

Then the human race also fought back. Countless spells, spells, and various meteors and meteorites continued to fall from the sky into Demon Race's team. Suddenly, countless flesh and blood exploded, as if hell was coming.

Many human warriors are also crazily promoting their spells, and various attack methods are constantly displayed.

With the joint release of each team, the attack became neat and orderly. Under such an offensive, Demon Race's offensive was temporarily repelled and contained hundreds of meters away from the city wall.

But this is temporary after all. After all, the effects of magic circles cannot last forever, and those magic circles cannot be continuously turned on.

After all, some magic circles require a large amount of energy to be continuously supplied and consumed in a single time. Although Demon Race continues to attack, in order to save energy, it still needs to be used accurately.

Soon, the first wave of Demon Race's offensive was repulsed, and both sides temporarily stopped, each regrouping and sorting out the team's injuries.

Demon Race is better at individual combat, so in many cases, in addition to the injuries suffered from being attacked by human skills, there are also many internal conflicts of Demon Race.

After the rest of the army, there is a competition between the strong ones.

This seemed to be a stipulation in the war between the human race and the Demon Race. The strange old man in the round hat also knew a little bit about it and immediately slapped him in the face.

Then, three soldiers wearing special armor appeared behind him. But after that, he did nothing and quietly waited for the situation on Demon Race's side.

Soon, a Demon Race knight riding a black Demon Race horse came out of the Demon Race team. He was standing in front of the city wall, holding up a spear made of bones in his hand, shaking his finger and pointing directly at it. Above the city wall.

A series of strange Demon Race spells came out of his mouth, whether it was a provocation or a challenge.

Many human warriors were a little confused about this and didn't know what he was doing, but the old man in the round hat naturally understood.

He turned around and looked at the three people in front of him very seriously. After seeing the calm expressions on the three people's faces, he nodded heavily.

The three people moved in unison and walked towards the outside of the city wall in exactly the same way. Within a few seconds, they reached the outside of the city wall. Then a golden light glowed on the three people's bodies, and shadows lit up behind them.

These golden lights and shadows intertwined together, condensing into a huge figure, and then quickly shrunk, and the bodies of the three people merged into it with this change and became one person.

".~This...this is the Three Marks Technique`.!"

Many of the human soldiers were knowledgeable and quickly realized what this thing was, and then immediately exclaimed.

The companion next to him was a little puzzled and asked him. There was a look of extreme shock on the man's face, and then he explained to the companion beside him.

"This is a special fusion technique. There must be three people who perform it, and they have a very high level of tacit understanding. They can use this technique together to instill the strength of three people into one person, so as to achieve a sudden increase in strength. .”

"If the level of tacit understanding is not high enough and consensus cannot be reached, the body will collapse, and you may even hit yourself, causing many weird situations."

"I see, but is this power really that strong?"

"You'll know just by looking at it."

The man was also very excited and did not want to say more (Li Hao). He gave an instruction and looked at the field.

Lin Feng's figure flashed through the space in an instant, and a long trajectory was drawn in the sky. Soon, the journey that originally took a long time to catch up was only a few hours away.

Looking at the raised protective shield and the battle in the distance, Lin Feng felt worried and flew over in a few flashes.

"Lin Dao Ancestor is here!"

Someone with sharp eyes in the crowd saw this scene, and they immediately shouted. Suddenly, all the human soldiers became excited.

You know, Lin Feng's name now represents everything in the Mountain and Sea world. The reason why many people were nervous before was because Lin Feng was not there, but Lin Feng's appearance now means that they are safe!

Lin Feng arrived on the high platform in a few seconds. Looking at the serious old man, he apologized quickly.

"I'm sorry, old sir, I'm late.".

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