Fantasy: Beginning Saint Patriarch

Chapter 180 Bloodline Suppression [Please Subscribe]

The moment the attack hit Lin Feng's side, the voices of those Demon Races also sounded behind Lin Feng.

"Jie Jie Jie ~ Stupid human being, you are too arrogant. Do you really think that I, Demon Race, am easy to bully?"

"Just now I just let you show off, and now I want to kill you. Let's see what else you can do!"

After saying that, the three people's attacks fell.

But at this time, the shield-shaped Demon Race in his left hand, who had been let go by Lin Feng before, couldn't bear it and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Be careful."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Demon Race around him stared at him with hatred, obviously very angry at what he had just done.

For the Low Level Demon Race, betrayal of the race is absolutely not allowed. You can fight fiercely within the Demon Race, but you cannot rebel externally.

Of course, there are explanations for this rebellion. For example, there is a hatred relationship between the two Demon Races. When they face the human enemy together, then if one of them betrays the other, it is considered an act of surrendering to the enemy.

If the upper echelons of the Demon Race army find out~, they will definitely be punished.

But this kind of thing is just like in a human country or a kingdom. Whoever has the rights and the big fist is the last word! What you say will also become a fact.

But they didn't think too much about the Low Level Demon Race. They only knew that this guy reminded the human being that "this is rebellion," and the ten guys were yelled and stood up.

"You are simply not worthy of being a Demon Race. You are rebelling and surrendering to the human side!"

"Thanks to the fact that we have been on missions together for so long, I didn't expect you to want to be a traitor. Well, let me teach you a lesson today on behalf of your elders.

After saying that, Demon Race turned its right hand, a huge red light appeared on its right hand, and the last terrifying claw struck down.

However, this attack was nothing to Demon Race. He didn't pay attention to it for a while, but was beaten hard.

Immediately, his body froze, and he slowly turned his head, with a terrifying aura in his eyes.

"What did you just say? Teach me a lesson for my elders? I wonder if you have this ability!"

"That's ridiculous. Who do you think you are? You're just a Low Level Demon Race, but you're qualified to replace my elders?"

The moment he finished speaking, a huge demonic shadow suddenly appeared behind him, which was something that other Demon Races had not seen at all.

But the guy whom Demon Race was looking directly at just now seemed to be trapped in hell at this moment.

At this moment, he saw a huge demon god standing across the sky, and behind the demon god was a hell like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The phantom of the demon god had its head in the sky and its feet on the ground. Its eyes were full of red terrifying power. Just one look at him made him sweat profusely, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Immediately, the Demon Race's body softened and he immediately knelt down. The shield Demon Race slapped the Demon Race's head with his right hand. At that time, the guy's blood spattered and the whole head exploded into a mass of flesh and blood.

Shield Demon Race wiped his hands and then looked up in Lin Feng's direction.

When Demon Race was observing this side of the shield, Lin Feng was also observing Demon Race's side of the shield.

To him, the attacks from those three little Demon Races were insignificant. Even if they stood still and let them attack for a month, they probably wouldn't be able to break through the defense.

The reason why he didn't fight back to kill them was simply because Lin Feng was a little interested in this side and had no time to deal with them.

Lin Feng also heard the exclamation from Demon Race just now. He couldn't help being a little surprised, so he looked over.

It was precisely when he saw the scene just now. Although he couldn't see the shadow behind the shield Demon Race, at this moment he also knew that it was not something like power or coercion.

It's the kind of bloodline suppression that exists among Demon Races.

For Demon Race, having bloodline is like having those demon formations.

This kind of inheritance is not like human beings who have teachers to teach, or learn from their respective masters. They have a unified learning model. Their method of inheritance of the Power Emperor is the inheritance of power supported by blood.

Of course, there are also innovations that they each possess, but these things will be deeply imprinted into the souls of their next generation Demon Race, allowing them to gain knowledge from birth.

And Demon Race who possesses this knowledge will be very smooth in the process of advancement. Even if he is just a few years old, his strength is still low, and his cultivation level is not enough to apply it.

...Please give me flowers...

But that knowledge will suddenly emerge when he reaches the corresponding realm in the future, or when he uses it for a corresponding purpose, allowing him to successfully break through the barrier. Therefore, for Demon Race, they do not exist until their bloodline is fully activated. Any barrier in cultivation.

Unlike human beings, who can only rely on their own talents and acquired efforts. If they want to break through a certain realm, they must either look for genius treasures or rely on their own talents and practice.

For example, in the rumors, the kind of person who met a master who passed on his legendary power is simply rare, and it is only passed down in legends and some circulated songs.


On top of bloodline, Demon Race is divided into some levels.

This level is difficult for the human race to figure out, but according to Lin Feng's previous classification, it can be roughly simulated.

Just like the Low Level Demon Race and the normal Demon Race, there is blood suppression between them, and the Middle Level Demon Race can crush the low Demon Race.

The high-level and intelligent Demon Race can crush the average ones. Even if they have the same cultivation level, the suppression of their bloodline is irreversible.

Therefore, apart from his strength, that guy could make Demon Race kneel on the ground and tremble all over with just one look. This is the power of bloodline suppression.

Lin Feng had noticed this guy before. This Demon Race seemed to have a lot of wisdom and thoughts. Now it seems that, with such wisdom, his bloodline is not low.

Because Lin Feng was distracted by observation, those Demon Races also opened their attacks. They had already launched several attacks in the past few seconds, but the bombardment on Lin Feng's back and head only caused a ripple. The same spatial ripples.

But Lin Feng's body didn't move at all, as if he didn't feel anything.

"Hey, have you guys fought enough? I'm bored. Since you have no other means, you can't blame me."

As he said that, Lin Feng slowly turned around and slapped him with his palm.

Suddenly, a huge energy palm quickly condensed in the air through spiritual energy, and then patted the first Demon Race towards the soldier. .

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