Fantasy: Beginning Saint Patriarch

Chapter 190 Mutation [Please Subscribe]

"What... happened?"

Infected by this strange sight, everyone couldn't help but look up in surprise. After seeing such strange phenomena in the sky, they couldn't help but frown.

Even those Demon Races in the war retreated in unison and looked up at the sky.

In this situation, the color of the world changes, either something is going to happen, or a disaster is coming, or there is a Transcending Tribulation by an extremely powerful person.

But this is a battlefield, and there is nothing similar to the above situation! For a moment. Everyone was also a little confused.

Finally, after a huge thunder explosion, a touch of chaos suddenly appeared in the dark clouds, and then a crack opened [the gray area suddenly lit up.

Everyone looked up. Just then, two people were seen standing in the air, facing each other.

The old man in the round hat looked around and immediately discovered that the man standing on the right was Lin Feng.

He observed the expressions of the two of them and found that both of them looked solemn, but neither of them even had the slightest change in their hairstyles. It seemed that neither of them had taken advantage of the previous confrontation.

For some reason, the atmosphere between the two seemed a little strange.

While everyone is waiting. The two of them just stood in the void, and Wei didn't say much.

It wasn't until after burning the incense that they seemed to sigh at the same time and turned back to their respective square formations.

at the same time. The Demon Race side announced a temporary withdrawal.

Watching the Demon Race army around him recede like a tide, the old man in the round hat couldn't help but frown.

Logically speaking, Demon Race's retreat is a good thing for the human race. Although it is only a temporary retreat, it at least gives the human race time to polish the formation and repair the damaged walls.

But he always felt that there were some other reasons, which seemed not as simple as watching the drama on the surface.

The old man sighed and planned to go back and ask Lin Feng.

While the Demon Race people were withdrawing, the injured Ai Hua also paused his healing, walked out of the circle, and returned to the human camp with the support of the original old man.

Just when he returned to the camp, there was a burst of cheers.

A large number of human soldiers spontaneously came to greet Ai Hua. Feeling the welcome of these human compatriots, Ai Hua was also a little moved.

From this point of view, the previous efforts were not in vain. Even if it hurts so much, it's worth it.

Although Ai Hua suffered a lot of injuries due to Motian's intervention in the previous battle, she made a great contribution in the previous battle.

If she hadn't been stalling for time and resisting the impact of the opponent's strong men until Lin Feng arrived, I'm afraid something big would have happened this time when facing such a powerful attacker.

Although she was defeated by the terrifying Demon Race, her contribution was enough. At least he delayed time, and thus won everyone's respect.

After transferring Ai Hua to the companions responsible for healing, the old man with the round hat went to the room where Lin Feng was.

Although this is the camp of the coalition forces, after all, humans are on the defensive side and have corresponding lines of defense. Therefore, they have also done a good job in housing and transportation.

War supervisors like Lin Feng, or those powerful masters, have prepared good rooms for them to rest together.


The old man in the round hat knocked on the door a few times and then walked into the room.

At a glance, he saw Lin Feng sitting on the chair with a sad face. Lin Feng was holding his forehead with his right hand and half of his body was on the table, seeming a little at a loss.

It wasn't until the old man approached that Lin Feng seemed to react and greeted him casually. He didn't seem to be in the mood to talk.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, I wonder what happened? Ever since you fought with that Motian, I think your condition seems to be not quite right. Could it be that Motian is so powerful that you can't even do anything to defeat him?"

"Haha, if that's really the case, that would be great. In fact, not only me, but even Ferris will have a headache this time."

"Well, what does this mean?"

The old man in the round hat looked confused and couldn't understand.

"Did something else happen while you were fighting?"

Lin Feng nodded, and then said solemnly.

"You should have seen the vision in the sky before, right? That is the change of things, but you may not understand it. The truth of the matter starts when we first entered that space... "

…Please give me flowers…

The old man in the round hat saw that Lin Feng seemed to be interested in telling stories, so he sat on a stool nearby and waited for Lin Feng's next words.

It turned out that after Lin Feng stepped into it. He and Motian didn't make a move in time, and they looked at each other across the sky.

For the strong, many times it is not just fighting, but momentum is also an issue that needs attention.

In many aspects, momentum is also extremely important. It is commonplace to compress momentum into strength and gradually climb up.

Therefore, the two of them were not in a hurry to fight to the death before taking action, but instead worked up their momentum respectively.

The two of them looked at each other across the void, with powerful aura brewing around them, and then they took action at the same time.

Suddenly, two spatial fluctuations began to oscillate rapidly and blasted towards each other.

The position in the middle of the two was twisted into one piece, and there was only a teeth-searing and mouth-painful sound, and then the space was twisted into a ball, and was completely blown into pieces in an explosion.

Countless space debris scattered in all directions, but this was not a big deal.

After all, their location is not the previous place, and there are no ordinary people here who will be affected by them.

Both sides can fight without any concern. They don't need to worry about other things.

Lin Feng unleashed a form of Beidi Sword Qi and attacked.

Motian's methods were also very sharp. He gathered a ball of demonic energy in his left hand, then quickly compressed it into a ball, and then rushed forward with a gentle push from him.

If it was just a magic ball, it would be fine, but this magic ball spun quickly during the forward motion, crashing into Lin Feng's Beidi Sword Qi like a spiraling cannonball.

One can imagine the power of Beidi's sword energy, but now with this move, they can barely maintain a tie without any advantage.

This made Lin Feng surprised and couldn't help but feel a sense of fear towards the other party.

However, the initial test cannot determine the subsequent result. Lin Feng did not feel discouraged at all after his most powerful attack was blocked. Instead, he stepped close to the opponent. big. .

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