Fantasy: Beginning Saint Patriarch

Chapter 233 Herbal Medicine

"Well, in this case I have to leave. Just pay attention to the rest. You don't have to give it away. Take the time to break through. Although you have reached Rank Two, it is only because you have just come into contact with this field. road."

"The road ahead will not be as easy as imagined. It is almost impossible to make a breakthrough like this in a short period of time.

"I got it."

"Well, I'm leaving then."

After saying that, Lin Feng nodded and walked out as if taking a leisurely stroll. Then, under the leadership of the old man, he walked out of the courtyard where he had just entered.

After leaving the courtyard gate, Lin Feng looked back at the closed courtyard door with a smile on his lips.

This young man named Yin Zhen is really interesting. I am afraid that things will change in Fengyun City soon.

In the next two days, Lin "040" Feng did not go out. Instead, think about the next path.

If you want to recover from your injuries as soon as possible, you must either use elixirs or find a large amount of energy, and by devouring these powers, you can use your strength to promote your body's recovery.

But in the final analysis, what is lacking are the words materials and money.

Su Ri'an of the Yao family gave him some things, but on the one hand, those things were given by others, and on the other hand, they were not enough for him.

The reason why he gave away those gold coins and spiritual stones at will was because those things were a drop in the bucket for him, and he couldn't even get a chance to make a move.

As he said to Yin Zhen before, he has very few chances to take action. This is not only to test him, but also because the current situation does not allow him to take action many times.

If he now has peak strength, then why would he need to play these games? Maybe no one in the entire continent can be his opponent.

Since there is no way to regain strength at the moment, it is necessary to follow the normal state, and it is natural to make plans.

So getting rid of those meaningless thoughts, all Lin Feng can do now is: either refine herbs to restore strength, or look for energy.

Among these two, refining elixirs is obviously more convenient. He had already communicated with the three elders before, and the Yao family would provide him with herbal raw materials, and he would then refine the elixirs to regain his strength and leave them to Yao. Give me a few coins as a reward.

All in all, it's almost time.

After Lin Feng roughly planned how to use the elixir to regain his strength, there was a knock on the door as expected.

Then the voice of the third elder also came out.

"Mr. Lin, it's me."

"Oh, it turns out to be the third elder, please come in."

With a creaking sound, the door opened and the third elder walked in.

Because the matter was so important, he quickly closed the door as soon as he entered, and then said respectfully: "Mr. Lin, what we talked about before...I have already prepared the herbs and the like. I don't know what to do." Look at the elixir, when do you plan to refine it?"

"Of course, I am not in a hurry. I just think that since you are so seriously injured, recovering as soon as possible will ensure your safety. Although the Yao family has some strength in this city, there are many more powerful than our family... "

"Third Elder, please rest assured. I have been prepared. In fact, everything is ready. All I need is the herbs. I wonder how many of the herbs I listed have been found?"

Mentioning this, the third elder touched his nose a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Lin, with the strength of our Yao family, we have naturally found everything!"


Lin Feng was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at the old man in disbelief.

Among the raw materials for the elixirs he wrote about before, there are several herbs that are extremely precious!

Even though there are some mortal items as auxiliary materials, there are not many, and most of them are more precious, especially some that have become extinct in the entire Mountain and Sea world.

So in fact, he didn't expect the Yao family to find much at all. He just thought that he could find some simple ones and restore them slightly.

Therefore, hearing what the third elder of the Yao family said, Lin Feng exclaimed, "No way."

Seeing Lin Feng's shocked look, the Yao family couldn't help but chuckle.

Obviously, at this moment, even Lin Feng was so shocked. This earned him a lot of face, and he couldn't help but say proudly.

"Mr. Lin, please rest assured that I, Mr. Yao, will never lie to you. We have found all the herbs on the list you listed."

"Then take me there quickly!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng was really excited and stood up quickly...

The third elder chuckled, and then made a gesture of invitation, gesturing for Lin Feng to follow him.

Lin Feng was extremely excited. He forced himself to hold back his excitement and followed the third elder. Soon, several people arrived in front of the Yao family's warehouse.

The third elder led the way, and the third elder showed a token, so no one blocked the way, but there was indeed a hint of shock in their eyes when they looked at Lin Feng.

This seems to be the first time that the Yao family has brought outsiders to their warehouse. This is really surprising! Does this mean something big is about to happen?

Seeing the face of the third elder who was about to smile like a chrysanthemum, several guards also looked at each other, but with their status, they naturally knew what they should and should not say.

Following the third elder, the two walked into the warehouse. After the door of the warehouse was opened, their eyes suddenly became empty.

The third elder was obviously very familiar with this. He clapped his hands and the entire warehouse suddenly lit up, and then dozens of shelves were displayed in front of Lin Feng.

There is a dazzling array of items on the shelves, including all kinds of things, including fine weapons, calligraphy by famous artists, some martial arts weapons, and even some special types of Law Treasures.

Although many things should have been untouched for a long time and had a thick layer of dust on them, Lin Feng knew 4.7 that it was not that they were useless, but that many precious things were not common, and those who knew how to use them would naturally be more useful. few

Looking at the warehouse, Lin Feng had a look of shock on his face. Logically speaking, there should be nothing good in such a barren place, but now it seems that is not the case.

Not to mention the interior of this warehouse, just talking about what he could see when he first entered the door, he had already seen no less than five kinds of treasures. For a family of this level, the collection was too rich.

Follow the third elder and walk inside [Lin Feng's surprise soon escalated to the ten-mile floor.

There is actually a Grotto-Heaven among them, and there is a more core room on a wall on the right.

It can be said that unless he recovers his strength and uses that kind of perception ability or uses his spiritual consciousness to detect, he can discover this here. .

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