Fantasy: Beginning Saint Patriarch

Chapter 255: Uninhabited Village

Although a few people can travel all night, they can still take a day and a half, and there is no need to work so hard on themselves.

What's more, there are two injured people in the team now.

So Lin Feng proposed to rest here for one night and continue on their way early the next morning, but the two of them did not raise any objection.

However, this town looked very desolate from a distance. Looking closer, everyone realized that it was not just desolation. There was no one in this town at all.

There are about dozens of houses in this village, but there is not a single living person inside. In fact, even the tables and chairs in the house are covered with a thick layer of dust.

Several people casually walked into a dusty room. After opening the door, she couldn't help but cough.

"Why is there so much dust? Do they usually don't clean the house? Why is there no one here? There must be something powerful nearby.

"Of course not. Judging from the situation, they must have fled."

Lin Feng glanced at her helplessly, and finally Butler Yao explained: "Miss, I'm afraid you are overthinking. It is our luck to encounter that monster in such a desolate land."

"Besides, if it weren't for these things, I'm afraid you wouldn't be willing to take this path, right? The same goes for Warcraft."

"Not only are people reluctant to leave this desolate land, but even the monsters dislike it."

"So, the people here are not eaten by monsters, but it is most likely because there are horse bandits nearby, which makes these villagers move away from their homes. Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

"I think so too. How could it be something like Warcraft? If it were them, it would definitely not be like this."

After hearing this, Yao Xin was naturally a little dissatisfied and couldn't help but ask: "How can you be sure?"

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and then said: "Look!"

Yao Xin didn't understand what Lin Feng meant, so she looked at the cabinet inside the cabinet as Lin Feng pointed.

There was nothing in the cupboard, nothing at all.

"There's nothing, what do you want me to see? Mr. Lin, are you kidding me?"

Butler Yao smiled and explained: "Mr. Lin means that the cabinet is empty, there is nothing."

"If, as you said, these villagers were captured by monsters or some evil people, then there will definitely be clues left here."

"If you discovered that a monster was coming one day and was about to be eaten, would you hide the things in your home first?"

Yao Xin shook his head, and then said: "Do you think I'm stupid? Of course not, it's important to escape first.

The two laughed.

"Yes, since you also know that if a monster comes, you will give priority to escaping, then what about the things in this cabinet?"

"What's more, those Evil Cultivators are wanted by people all the time. Even if they appear here and kill the villagers here, they will definitely move their positions and escape immediately, instead of standing here and killing everyone. Take those tattered things with you."

After hearing this, Yao Xin reacted and couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

Indeed, if there is really an invasion of Warcraft, even if all the villagers are eaten, they will definitely not eat the tattered sundries, pots, pans and the like.

Therefore, since there is nothing here, it means that they are leaving on their own, so the situation she mentioned should not exist.

"Of course, we haven't checked other places, so we can't draw any conclusions at the moment, but there's no need to check. Judging from how thick the dust here is, it's obvious that no one has come back here for decades."

"Just find a house to live in. If someone really finds it, I can pay him some money and be done with it."

"That's right, but judging by the thickness of the ash, let alone three or four years, I estimate it has been there for ten or eight years."

"Yeah, but we live's a bit too dirty.

Yao Xin looked at things like the floor, tables and chairs, and a troubled look suddenly appeared on his face.

Obviously, she, who has always been praised as a little princess in her family, is naturally not used to living in such a dilapidated house in the wilderness, so she can't help but become pretentious.

Lin Feng let out a breath and said, "There's no need to worry about this."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a strong wind spread quickly, and the dust suddenly rose up. "Under the influence of Lin Feng's spiritual power, it quickly rolled into a small whirlwind.

But the dust moved with the wind, but the surrounding furniture and other objects remained motionless. Butler Yao was stunned when he saw it, and he couldn't help but sigh at the terrifying power of Lin Feng's control.

Soon the dazzling wind dissipated, and all the dust in the room gathered together and formed a sphere the size of a football.

Lin Feng threw it casually, and the door opened automatically, throwing the gray ball outside.

".~It's better now, you don't have to worry anymore, the dust in the house is gone."

Yao Xin looked carefully, and sure enough, under Lin Feng's spell just now, he had eliminated all the dust in the house, and now the house was very clean.

But then Lin Feng might have been a little embarrassed, because just two seconds after he threw the dust out, many of the furniture in the room turned into sand at this moment.

It seemed that these things had not been touched for several years and were already weathered to the extreme. Once Lin Feng blew and touched them, they immediately dissipated into the air.

"This is too weak."

Lin Feng raised his forehead and was speechless.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Yao Xin couldn't make such a request, so she had to say.

"Forget it, Mr. Lin, I'm not that squeamish. I also brought some blankets and other items with me. They are enough."

(De Wang Hao) As she said that, she took out a number of exquisite blankets from the space ring, threw them on the bed, and then lay down on them.

Seeing that Yao Xin had no objection, Lin Feng and Butler Yao naturally made do with it.

So the two of them sat aside and meditated with their eyes closed.

Butler Yao mainly wanted to recover from his injuries, while Lin Feng tried his best to recover his spiritual energy.

Nowadays, Lin Feng's demand for spiritual power is still relatively large. Although he has recovered part of his body, he has not recovered much strength.

Although he has the Daoist shadow in the sand table for fighting, according to Lin Feng's philosophy, relying on others is never the right way, and only one's own strength is truly powerful.

Therefore, he is naturally very eager to restore his strength.

In this way, a few hours passed. When Yao Xin fell asleep and Butler Yao was immersed in practice, Lin Feng suddenly heard a rustling sound. .

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