Immediately, the sand wolf's attacking figure stopped, and then exploded. The bright red blood immediately sprinkled on this land of yellow sand, soaking the soil, but it was quickly covered up by the wind and sand.

Without digging through the sand to look, or relying on a strong sense of smell, it would be difficult for other people or creatures to discover that a wolf corpse was buried here.

Butler Yao obviously felt the power fluctuation behind him, so he quickly got out of the carriage and sat side by side at the front of the carriage.

"Mr. Lin, what's wrong?"

Lin Feng waved his hand gently, pulled the reins, controlled the direction of the carriage and horse, and then answered.

"That sand wolf just now was a little impatient and took action.

Butler Yao nodded silently. He understood what happened next without Lin Feng having to tell him.

After walking forward for a while again, many wolf howls were heard all around, and then followed by a swooping sound, more than a dozen shadows suddenly passed around, accompanied by the sound of wolves gasping. .

Butler Yao's expression became solemn. As far as he could see, there were at least twenty sand wolves following the carriage, hiding in the sandstorm and seemingly ready to attack at any time.

His heart couldn't help but twitch, and he began to worry about his future survival.

The sky is full of yellow sand, the wind is howling, and this scene of nature exerting its power is also mixed with countless low howls of wolves, which makes Yao Xin and Butler Yao couldn't help but feel conflicted.

Such a scene is truly something they have never seen before. Although Butler Yao has experienced countless battles in his life and is quite experienced, he has never fought against an unknown number and unknown strength of monsters in such a situation.

Although it might not be impossible to defeat those sand wolves in a real fight, but after hearing the story told by the sand tribesman due to preconceptions, Butler Yao already had no idea.

Yao Xin is even worse. After all, Lin Feng and Lin Feng still have strength as a guarantee. Although she has a little foundation, if she really fights with these swarms of monsters, she may become the opponent's lunch at some point.

Lin Feng naturally saw their panic. He pressed lightly in the void to signal Butler Yao not to panic, and then pointed to the right front.

"Mr. Yao, I believe you must have heard of a saying, which is to capture the thief first, capture the king~"

Butler Yao nodded when he heard this, but his face was still solemn and full of doubts. He didn't know why Lin Feng would mention such a thing.

Lin Feng chuckled lightly, clicked twice with his finger, and then said.

"There, there is a giant Great Demon beast that is different in size from other sand wolves. It is about three meters tall. I guess it should be the leader of these sand wolves."

"As the saying goes, to catch the thief first, catch the king. As long as we get rid of him, things will be more than half simple."

Hearing this, a flash of surprise flashed across Butler Yao's face, but then he gave up his worries.

A monster of this size is probably not easy to deal with. On this continent, the strength of a monster is generally proportional to its size.

The smaller the body, the thinner the body, the weaker the strength, but the corresponding speed will also increase.

But just like the eternal truth, assassins cannot defeat tanks.

No matter how strong the speed and attack power are, facing a monster as huge as a hill, the only monster that is as tall as a person can't cause any effective damage to it no matter how fast it is.

Therefore, in the world of Warcraft, the most powerful ones are still those huge monsters, so the bigger they are, the more difficult they are to deal with.

It is recorded in the Yao family tree and ancient books that the Yao family discovered a treasure land decades ago.

In order to get the treasure before other families and forces, the Yao family hid the truth from many forces and sent a team to explore the secrets alone.

As a result, they met a giant made of huge stones there, but the giant looked clumsy, so everyone didn't care about it, so they all decided to take action

But the moment the two sides fought, everyone in the Yao family was stunned on the spot.

That big guy who looks extremely bulky actually has the strength of Rank Six!

The moment the stone man moved, the Yao family suffered a big loss, and many strong men were seriously injured on the spot almost instantly.

And this is just an ordinary palm of the stone giant.

At that moment, the huge boulders they saw shattered, and the entire Secret Realm suddenly trembled. Countless falling rocks rolled down, and many disciples with low strength lost their lives on the spot.

The remaining ones with better luck also panicked at this moment. They had never seen such a terrifying creature before, and they did not expect that the opponent's power would be so high.

Under this situation, the preparations they had made before were completely useless.

At that time, the head of the Yao family panicked, but then he thought of his identity and rushed forward to resist, thus saving several elites.

But for a while, everyone was helpless against this huge giant.

Under the crisis, the current head of the family reluctantly used a token to call out the ancestor who was sleeping at the time, and then led a group of elites to outflank and delay the time until the ancestor arrived. when.

With the cooperation of the ancestors and the concerted efforts of many disciples, they were able to force the giant into a desperate situation.

But from this, they finally realized this truth. The bigger the body, the stronger the strength.

Although this matter is still not an absolute truth, it is still useful in most cases.

This brief memory did not affect Lin Feng's actions.

After Butler Yao said this, he felt a lot of panic in his heart. He looked at the wolf shadow that was constantly attacking and flickering, and quickly changed the topic.

".~Mr. Lin, let's not mention this for now. (Okay okay) I can tell you our family's story anytime in the future. Let's deal with these sand wolves first.

"You just said that they have a huge sand wolf leader here, so how should we deal with it?"

Lin Feng glanced at him in surprise.

"As I said just now, to capture the thief, capture the king first. When that guy shows his head, kill him and that's it.

"As for these, if they don't pounce, there is no need to deal with them. If I really take the initiative, it will be a waste of my strength."

"You also know that I haven't recovered from my injury now. If I can save a point, I will have more energy. Who knows if there will be other troubles later.

Butler Yao nodded.

"Mr. Lin, if they really attack, I'll delay it for a while.

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

"There's no need to be so serious, just adapt to circumstances."

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