The arms of the ape-like monsters are powerful, their bodies are strong, and their huge muscles stretch across their bodies. The flesh on their faces and the terrifying fangs give them a fierce aura.

The ape monsters all made threatening sounds, and the leader, a huge leader who was more than four meters tall, snorted coldly and expelled two streams of white air from his nostrils.

It also opened its mouth and let out a roar. Immediately, the violent bear and the sand wolf king stopped, looking at it with a little fear.

Lin Feng looked at the two of them, and through Yin Jue's induction, he knew the fear in their hearts, and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's just a monkey, what kind of waves can it cause?"

As if hearing Lin Feng's disdainful words, the giant ape monster froze.

The sound resounded like thunder, and then a sound wave quickly spread out, swinging straight towards Lin Feng.

This sound was invisible, but it seemed to have great pressure. The violent bear standing in front was the first to bear the brunt, and immediately fainted to the ground.

Bao 14 Xiong fell to the ground, stirring up smoke and dust, and was knocked unconscious by the sound wave.

But just when the sound wave spread to Lin Feng, Lin Feng just waved his hand gently and dispersed it, and then Lin Feng grabbed it with his backhand.

Immediately, a huge spiritual palm appeared in the air. It took less than half a second for this spiritual palm to solidify. Then it quickly grabbed hold of the big demon ape white collar.

Then Lin Feng threw the leader of the demon ape casually like a ball, and slapped him into the ground with another palm.

The leader of the demon ape was very angry, but his four-meter-tall body, under the giant hand made of spiritual power, was like a baby facing an adult, with no ability to resist.

Lin Feng just pulled it casually, and the demon ape leader immediately flew backwards.

After getting up again, the demon ape leader's eyes were full of anger. He looked up to the sky and roared, and a wave of air visible to the naked eye rushed towards him.

In this roar, the demon ape leader kept waving his arms and hitting his chest, and his whole body changed more and more with each hit.

A large number of muscles continued to expand and filled his body, and his height and strength also increased rapidly, reaching about five meters in one fell swoop.

Then, facing the spiritual power coming at him again, the gorilla raised his hand, pulled back his right fist, and then suddenly punched out.



With a huge impact, the leader of the demonic ape was knocked away by the giant spiritual hand as expected, and finally hit the giant tree behind him and fell unconscious.

It covered its big hand with one hand and supported its head with the other, and stood up with great effort. Apparently, the dizziness in its mind was too strong, making it difficult for the leader of the demon ape to recover.

At this moment, a huge shadow suddenly shrouded the head of the demon ape leader. It slowly raised its head and looked up, and was immediately frightened and froze on the spot.

This is a huge palm that hangs over his head, carrying a huge power, crushing the surrounding vegetation, and at the same time bringing up a strong wind.

These strong winds blew the hair of the demon ape leader, whistling.

The leader of the demon ape slowly knelt down, put his paws on the ground, made an act of worship like a human, and initiated surrender.

So at this moment, the giant spiritual hand slowly dissipated and turned into a spiritual force again, reverberating from the air to Lin Feng's left hand like a stream.

Lin Feng pointed at the fainted violent bear beside him, signaled the Wolf King to step forward to wake it up, and then continued to walk forward.

Butler Yao and the other two quickly followed, and at this moment their hearts were filled with excitement.

The leader of the demon ape just now may not be an opponent for an ordinary Rank Seven strongman, but he was defeated so easily in front of Lin Feng.

And that palm-turning song made them feel infinite admiration in their hearts.

At this moment they finally knew this, Lin Feng was not as powerful as their level could understand at all.

After experiencing the scene just now, many beasts near the oasis also got a glimpse of the whole scene, and they were all trembling with fear. As soon as they saw Lin Fengli, they ran away frantically, for fear of provoking this terrifying existence.

Lin Feng was even more relieved that there was no interruption. Even though he had the strength, he didn't want to waste energy by getting entangled with those guys. It would be better if he could scare them.

So, the three people and the two beasts stepped into the lake and felt the moisture on their feet. Yao Xin let out a long sigh and relaxed.

Her three steps turned into two, and she quickly ran to the edge of the lake. She quickly picked up a handful of water and washed her face.

The lake water looks slightly yellow from a distance, but it looks extremely clear when you walk in. The yellow color is also reflected on the bottom because the lake water is too clear.

However, this phenomenon only lasts at the edge of the lake. The closer you get to the middle, the more hazy it becomes, making it difficult to see clearly.

Lin Feng touched his chin and sighed lightly.

"It seems that the secret should be in the middle of the lake."

Then he turned around and warned Yao Xin and the others.

"You two wait here. Don't follow me. There may be some dangers in the middle. If the situation is special, I'm afraid I may not have time to distract you to protect you.

"You can stay here first, replenish food and water, and restore your physical strength. With the examples of the violent bear and the leader of the magic ape, other monsters should not dare to come here."

"The Sand Wolf King and the Violent Bear have been controlled by me with my mark. They are now reliable helpers and will not do anything harmful to you. I will come back as soon as I leave."

After saying that, Lin Feng had no intention of listening to the two people's attempts to stay. He stepped lightly and jumped lightly in the air.

With the help of spiritual power, he glided towards the lake.

Because this large lake is only about two thousand meters in diameter, excluding the surrounding vegetation, there is only less than five hundred meters left.

Within a few seconds, Lin Feng saw the fog in the middle.

Different from the image seen in Sand Wolf's mind, what he saw this time was completely foggy, and the shadow of the black well could not be seen at all.

But presumably the dark well should be hidden in it.

It wasn't until he was a few meters close to the edge of the fog that Lin Feng fell down lightly, his feet stepping on the water as if he were walking on flat ground.

Lin Feng had a layer of spiritual power attached to his body surface as a protective film, and then he slowly thrust his right hand into the gray mist, trying to grab a ball of gray mist and feel what kind of material it was.

But just as he touched the gray mist, there was a burst of clicking sounds. .

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