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"Bait? You ask me, who should I ask?"

Lin Xue was both amused and confused. It was already this late, and Lu Xiaobu actually cared about this.

He didn't even think about what was happening in the sky.

""Wow, my God!"

At this time, a female member of the special forces team behind them exclaimed, which attracted the attention of Lu Xiaobu and Lin Xue.


Lv Xiaobu looked up, his eyes were shocked.

Lin Xue looked up, and was also shocked. What came into view was the scene of a giant turtle stepping on auspicious clouds, dragging Fangzhang Mountain, and swimming in the sky. The gravity of Fangzhang Mountain is no less than Mount Tai, but the giant turtle can easily carry it and swim freely.

This is not something that a 6th-level strongman can do, at least the Douhuang does not have such great endurance.

"I originally wanted to block the news of the giant turtle, but now it is carrying the mountain and swimming around, it seems that I can't keep it secret anymore." Lin Xue said with a wry smile

"Yes, the Chinese Tianjiao will soon gather here to pay homage to the immortal."Lu Xiaobu said.

In fact, even if this had not happened, the Chinese Tianjiao would have come.

And Ye Chen would also make today's events known to the world for his own plan.

After the giant turtle swam, not long after, a fairy sound came from the void, resounding throughout the land of China.

"I am Xiaoyao Xian, and I have been ordered by heaven to come here three days later to pass on the teachings to my three friends."

The immortal did not mention a single word about the content of the teachings.

However, because of this simple sentence, Lv Xiaobu and Lin Xue, the residents nearby, and the fantasy players of the entire China were all excited.

"Does"one way to three friends" mean to preach to three people?"

"I don't know, but the inheritance of the immortal must be very powerful."

"Yes, in three days, I must land on Fangzhang Mountain"

"Don't even think about it. I guess all the planes are chartered now."

"Having a plane is useless. Some people have tried to take a plane, and some can get through, but some can't."

"No matter what, I have to try. I have three days to climb to Fangzhang Mountain."


As soon as the news came out, it immediately triggered a surge of people. The scene was much more exaggerated than the Spring Festival travel rush. In the past, there was not such a big scene when going to the Five Mountains to look for opportunities.

The reason is simple. In the past, only a few people could get opportunities, and no one knew what kind of opportunity it was.

But now everyone has the opportunity, and there are three people. Even what kind of opportunity it is, can be guessed. It must be a fairy preaching and an opportunity to become an immortal.

As long as they get this opportunity, players can leap over the dragon gate, just like Jiang Xiaoyu and Jiang Wuque, and become top players, surpassing Lu Xiaobu, Bai Yunfei, and Wang Taibai.

Among the players, everyone has a first echelon, Ye Tiandi deserves it, and no one can shake it.

The second echelon, Yiji Shenjiang, is also moving at present, but everyone guesses that Zhang Zhenren and Luo Hao can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

The third echelon, Chang'e Fairy Ye Shanshan, and the peerless duo Jiang Xiaoyu and Jiang Wuque, the reincarnation of the Overlord Xiang Tian, these players have the combat power of level 5 or 6.

These three levels are almost like gods in the real world, or they are god-level connections, and ordinary people cannot strive for it. The fourth echelon, Bai Yunfei, Wang Taibai, and Lu Xiaobu are top players who can resist the fifth level for a while. The fifth echelon, Cao Yan, Zhuge Qing, Sun Yu, Xiao Liu Guan Zhang, Tang Xiaoxiao and other Tianjiao players.

The sixth echelon, which can be regarded as genius players, is above level 30. This level is as numerous as cattle hair, and its reputation is far less than the first five echelons.

The seventh echelon, above level 20, is a backbone level.

The eighth echelon, below level 20, is the most popular level.

If you want to enter the top five echelons, it is difficult to ascend to heaven unless there is a strange encounter.

But if there is an immortal inheritance, or even accepting disciples, it will be different. The third echelon is a sure thing.

Therefore, the players of the whole China are eager for this opportunity.

Even many foreign forces are shameless and want to land on Fangzhang Mountain.

In this regard, the Chinese side did not stop it, because Fangzhang Mountain was not under their control, so they only extorted a sum of spirit stones and magic cores, and let in many foreign forces.

For example, Princess Lilia, Princess Lafla, Witch Jeanne d'Arc, and the new forces created by the Marquis.

As for the Chinese side, they also alarmed Zhang Zhenren of Wudang, Guiguzi of Yunmeng Mountain, Luo Hao, Fairy Chang'e, and Yan Ling of the Shanyue Clan.

For a time, outside Fangzhang Mountain, there were many heroes and it was very lively.


"Brother, aren't we going to Fangzhang Mountain?"

Ye Shanshan came to her brother's bedroom and asked

"Go, why not? I'm just not in a hurry. The other party said three days later, so it must be three days later. No one who goes now can see the immortal."Ye Chen said leisurely

"You don't seem to take this opportunity seriously."Ye Shanshan rolled her eyes. There are probably not many people in China who can be as leisurely as him.

"Why should we take it seriously? Opportunities are something you can only encounter by chance, so just go with the flow."Ye Chen smiled slightly.

"Brother, are the immortals on the mountain real gods? Do they really have the elixir of immortality?"Ye Shanshan asked with curiosity.

"If the legend is true, there must be an elixir of immortality. As for the immortal, that person is indeed an immortal, but his current state is definitely not back to the peak."Ye Chen explained.

"Oh, that's right. Fairy Chang'e hasn't recovered to her peak. Even if the immortals of Fangzhang Mountain survived from the mythological era, it is impossible for them to be completely healthy."

Ye Shanshan nodded, and immediately had no more questions.

"Yeah."Ye Chen smiled slightly. She understood it right.

The Xiaoyaoxian on Fangzhang Mountain was actually a saint in history, but now his realm is only level 7!

And even if there are other gods and immortals in the future, even if they are very weak, they can be explained by the mythological era and the destruction of the universe.

This is why Ye Chen asked the immortal to preach and was not afraid of people's suspicion.

Xiaoyaoxian, in fact, did not know the existence of Ye Chen. The reason why he acted according to Ye Chen's instructions was similar to Joan of Arc. In Xiaoyaoxian's memory, Ye Chen's will was destiny, and Ye Chen did not give orders directly, but used the system to interfere with the starry sky and celestial phenomena.

Once Xiaoyaoxian deduced the secrets of heaven and found that this was the will of heaven, he would execute it without hesitation.

This way of"incarnating the way of heaven" to control destiny is more powerful than the way of creating darkness. The elf Morgan le Fay and the lake elf Vivian are much better at controlling the battle between Jeanne and Lilia.

As the big boss behind the scenes, the fewer people who know his identity, the better.

Morgan le Fay and Vivian were created to obey him in order to better control the Western world, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

The Western world cannot be beyond his control, so there is no need to monitor it all the time.

However, it is still impossible for the people in the Western world to come to China to find their opportunities. The ancient sages and gods of China will not recognize them.

They come here with a thick face, but they will be slaughtered by the Chinese high-level officials in vain.

As for who will Xiaoyaoxian preach to in three days?

Ye Chen has not appointed anyone, so when the time comes, he will definitely go to see who will be the final lucky one!

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection and recommendation

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