Chapter 1003 Continuous damage, new tricks!

In this way, it is really not that easy to solve.

Boom! Boom!

For example, every time Chu Xiao’s attack is colliding with this Bai Ze.

And what it looks like at this time is really not ~ as simple as that.

It is not so easy when such a thing occurs-it can be solved.

“Damn it, how could this guy’s strength be so strong, isn’t it that I have nothing to do next? No, it can’t be like this!”

Chu Xiao said something in his heart.

Regarding this matter, he could not accept such a situation.

So now he shook his head.

Knowing this is a bit disadvantageous for him.

But there is really no way, he can only do this.

If you can’t hold on, you may wait for something to happen.

He also thought of this, but he didn’t want to give up at this time.

If you just give up like this, it’s really unwilling.

What’s more, there is no way to solve it.

I just don’t know if this method is useful.

I’m still testing now, and I still want to see if the opponent has any weaknesses.

If you can fully understand, this is the best.

At that time, one’s own confidence will be great.

Thinking of this at this time, I won’t think about it so much anymore.

If it can be completely resolved, of course it is the best.

If it doesn’t work, you can only look at it and use other methods.

Anyway, I have to succeed this time.

Otherwise, he didn’t know what happened next.

The strength of this guy is really too strong.

And being able to walk out of the eye of the storm without being affected at all, also shows that the defense is very strong.

If you can be like this, then it will definitely be the best.

It’s just that now I can only think about it myself.

What’s going on in the future? He hasn’t thought about it now, and hasn’t prepared for the next thing.

After all, this situation seems a bit bad.

If you can’t handle it, then it’s no use.

Then it’s better to wait and see what happens next.

If there is really no problem, then it must be the best.

And I don’t think about it anymore, and I won’t say anything anymore.

Anyway, it’s this time, saying so much doesn’t have much effect.

No matter what will happen later, there is no need to worry about it now.

Things have developed to this point, it is still acceptable, and it is not too bad.

After all, I have known it a long time ago, and this matter is not easy.

What’s more, what happened next time is still unclear.

If it is clear, it will certainly not be like this.

Things have come to this time, and I don’t want to entangle so much.

I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I have also thought of all kinds of possibilities.

But he also knew that he still had a chance to kill this Bai Ze.

But this process may also be a bit long.

In addition to this, there will definitely be danger.

But there is no good way, it is indeed the only way.

If you really can’t handle it, then you really don’t know what to say.

Things are like this now, so they can only accept such things like this.

When I came here, I was indeed the only one, and no one could help myself.

In this way, there is really nothing to say.

Apart from this, I can’t do much because I haven’t found anything yet.

If he could find out, he might not have to wait any longer.

In fact, he is still waiting now, waiting for a chance that he can really make a move.

This guy definitely won’t give himself a chance to see it so soon.

It can be seen that Bai Ze didn’t seem so careless.

And when dealing with himself, he also kept a hand.

For this preparation, such a thing, Chu Xiao was really taken aback.

I didn’t expect this guy to be so careful.

In this way, this matter is really not solved.

Let alone whether it can be resolved, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find an opportunity now.

After thinking about this, I didn’t think about it that much anymore.

Anyway, this matter is also more difficult, not only now, it has been doomed since they came here.

They met this guy, it was destined.

…For flowers

After all, the big guys had the same idea before, and they all wanted to come here to find out.

So even if a group of them can come here, they will meet this guy.

So this matter is already doomed, it was like this before.

After thinking about this now, I didn’t think about it so much anymore.

This was the situation, he felt that he could still accept it, but it was still more dangerous.

If one is not careful, there may be a big problem.

He can’t let himself face danger here, although this situation is very dangerous, but he can do without problems.

In any case, this time, I can’t think about other things, and I can’t be careless or distracted.

I haven’t encountered such a fighting state for a long time.

That way, there is more war intent in the eyes at this time.

In addition to this, the aura on the body has also become stronger.

Anyway, this time, I can’t think about that much anymore.

He also knew that this thing was like this.

I don’t want to worry about what will happen in the future.

Anyway, now that there is no accident, I can still accept it.

I don’t want to say what will happen afterwards.

So now I won’t talk about it anymore, I don’t think about it again, and it’s still acceptable now.

There is really no way to solve this matter so quickly.

I don’t need to think about what will happen later.

Anyway, there is already such a situation. If you must handle it carefully, it should still be acceptable, and you can deal with it here.

So now there is no need to think about it, no more entanglement, now it is serious to throw into the battle.

He also knew this matter, and if he wanted to deal with it thoroughly, he would really have some trouble here.

And it won’t be so fast, and there won’t be results so soon.

As long as he is not injured here, it is not a big problem.

What’s more, the other party hasn’t made a full shot yet, so I know that this situation will continue.

How long it will take is not something that can be known now, and it will be clear after a while. Son.

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