Chapter 101 Longyin cave sky, may everyone in the world be like a dragon (2)

The second cave sky!

At this moment, Chu Xiao’s mind sank into the spirit ruins.

At the moment when the phantom shadow of the cave sky appeared, Chu Xiao’s body was blooming brightly. Yu Lingxu, melt on the second cave sky!

Make a name for heaven and earth!

Above the second cave sky, the power condensed, and finally slowly built into a few big characters!

Longyin Cave Sky!

Compared to the Changsheng Cave Sky, the moment this Longyin Cave Sky takes shape, there are many wandering dragons appearing inside and outside the cave sky, swimming around the cave sky.

At this moment!

The sky trembled, and the treasures quickly formed, and a lot of information fell into the heart.

In a blink of an eye, he has mastered it.

He opened his eyes slightly and got up from the throne.


Two phantom shadows of the cave sky appeared, and the extremely majestic turbulent power blessed him, and the aura of Chu Xiao’s whole body rose again and again!

The light flashed in his eyes, quietly examining himself.

“Longyin Cave Sky”

“Is it because of Emperor Longyin?”

“A great emperor realm is dead, and heaven and earth weep blood for him. This heaven and earth must remember the aura of Emperor Longyin.”

“After all, countless years ago, Emperor Longyin was just trying to protect this world, so he died.


“I used the emperor’s blood condensed by the Great Emperor Longyin to open up the cave sky, and the heaven and the earth felt that this cave sky was called Dragon Yin.”

In my mind, information about Dongtian Baoshu emerged.

Chu Xiao’s eyes narrowed slightly, feeling quietly.

True Dragon Treasure!

This is exactly the name of the treasure art cultivated by the Heavenly Wen of Longyin Cave!

The longevity imparting and breaking longevity, which are cultivated in the cave of longevity, are all treasures with extremely mysterious effects.

And this true dragon treasure art cultivated by the dragon’s temperature is a fierce and extreme attack method!

Being a real dragon, using this as an offense is a real dragon treasure!

Chu Xiao wanted to try the power of this precious technique, but at this time, it was not suitable for him to be in a place of inheritance.

As his thoughts turned, his mind merged into Longyin Cave Sky.

The moment he blended into it, he seemed to feel something, his eyes condensed slightly.

After the formation of the cave sky, the Warrior needs constant warming and consolidation to gradually reach completion.

And now

He was not cultivating, but he could clearly perceive that Longyin Cave Heaven itself was constantly strengthening, and it was impacting towards the realm of Consummation.

“Is it because of the emperor’s blood?

Thinking of what the Holy Master Qingming once said, he showed the color of comprehension: “After turning the emperor’s blood into the foundation of the cave, it is not even necessary for me to actively absorb it, and the power will naturally arise and do it to me. Subtle improvement.”

Chu Xiao withdrew from Lingxu with a heart.

His eyes looked not far away.

The Holy Lord Ruyi and the Holy Lord Qingming stand side by side.

The moment he looked at them, Chu Xiao’s complexion changed slightly.

In the line of sight, the figure of the Holy Lord Qingming became more and more illusory. At this time, a part of the body had begun to gradually turn into a light spot.

This means that her remnant thoughts have reached the limit and are beginning to dissipate.

As if feeling Chu Xiao’s gaze, Holy Master Qingming’s remnant phantom showed a smile.

Her body became more and more illusory, and she said: “The cave sky opened by the blood of my father emperor, and the heaven and the earth named it Longyin.”

“It seems

“This side of the world, this south of the world, after all, still remember the contributions made by the emperor.”

She looked at Chu Xiao directly, saw the complex expression on Chu Xiao’s face, and shook her head: “Don’t feel sorry for me.”

“after all ”

“My true body has already fallen into the dead due to the limit of countless years ago, and now such a remnant thought sealed by a secret method can see your peerless Tianjiao cultivated into my father’s law, and can see that one. Longyin Cave Sky is already satisfied.”

Speaking of which.

Sage Master Qingming’s eyes were deep, he looked directly at Chu Xiao, and said softly: “Chu Xiao, do you remember what you said?”

Chu Xiao’s gaze was solemn, and he replied with a deep voice: “Senior Xu, Chu Xiao remembers.

He paused, and then said one word after another: “I wish to use the True Dragon Technique to punish foreign enemies.”

“it is good!

A dazzling light burst into the eyes of Holy Master Qingming, and her voice faintly contained a hint of excitement.

“But the price is very high!

“The Great Emperor has fallen, countless inheritances have been left behind, without a trace, the path of cultivation in the Tiannan Dao realm is almost completely cut off.

“However ”

“Those powerful enemies from the Outer Realm eventually lost the sand, but the price they paid was far less than that of our Tiannan Dao realm.

Her gaze looked upwards, as if looking at the sky outside through this place of inheritance.

Her voice was long, with a hint of expectation.

“I hope that everyone in Tiannan Dao is like a dragon, and one day, let the dog thieves of the outside world know that invading Tiannan will eventually have to pay a price.”

“It’s not that you don’t report, the time has not come!”

The moment the voice fell.

The Cannian incarnation of the Qingming Saint Lord suddenly collapsed, turned into a series of light spots, and completely disappeared in this inheritance place.

Looking at this scene, Chu Xiao’s heart was silent.

Although he opened up the longevity cave and mastered the magic of the cave to bestow longevity, but faced with all this, there was no way.


The true body and soul of the Holy Master Qingming had already fallen due to the arrival of the deadline countless years ago.

This remnant thought is sealed with a secret method at best, and it has a self-conscious image.

Even if he grants longevity to him, it has no effect.


This Can’t Thought is not a creature.


Seeing Chu Xiao’s silent appearance, the Ruyi Holy Master took a few steps forward and walked in front of him.

She reached out her hand and stroked Chu Xiao’s shoulder gently.

“Chu Xiao, as this senior Qing Ming said, there is no need to feel sorry for her.”

“What you need to do is to continue practicing and improve yourself.”

The voice of the Holy Lord Ruyi was long, and he said in a deep voice: “When the Tiannan Dao realm is fully recovered and after returning to the 3000 Dao realm, it will attack the enemy of the outer realm with the momentum of invincible four enemies!”

…For flowers…

“We won the battle countless years ago.”

“So ”

“The next battle, we also have to win!”

“The one to win is even more beautiful!”

Chu Xiao nodded slightly.

He exhaled a long breath, his whole body was full of vigor and sharpness.

With his thoughts flashing in his heart, Chu Xiao looked towards the Holy Lord Ruyi.

“Master, I am going to leave Sacred Land after the ceremony is over.”

“In Sacred Land, it’s too easy.”

“I want to travel, travel far, to see the vast mountains and rivers of the Tiannan Dao region, to see the customs and customs of the Tiannan Dao region, in order to cultivate myself.”

Chu Xiao’s thoughts penetrated to the extreme.

Having a card system, hiding in one place, is the worst choice.

Now he has opened up two caves and his strength has been improved again. With his means, he has already gained a foothold in this vast Dao realm.

In that case

Then choose the fastest way to improve!

The Tiannan Dao realm is about to recover, and many mysterious places have emerged. Those treasures and foreign soils are the most suitable places for self-improvement!

The Holy Lord Ruyi nodded slightly: “You have a good idea. When the Daozi ceremony is over, let’s go.

“My warrior, one path of cultivation, cultivation and practice, are originally two parts.

“but ”

“Now, we are going back to Sacred Land.”

Holy Lord Ruyi shook his head: “This trip takes a long time in the land of inheritance. At this moment, it is estimated that many Dao domain experts have arrived in Sacred Land.”

She looked directly at Chu Xiao, and said solemnly: “Before you go out, this is the last test.”

“Let the Tiannan Dao domain, a strong person, a Tianjiao figure, see my immeasurable Sacred Land Daozi style!”

After that.

Her sleeves flickered slightly, and not far away, a passage quietly appeared, hanging in this open area, leading directly to the outside world.

When the Holy Master Qingming passed on the control method of the practice large array, he already informed the Holy Master Ruyi about some mysteries about this place of inheritance.

Looking at the passage, Chu Xiao opened his mouth and said: “Master, Senior Xu once said that there was something left in the bamboo building.

“I’ll take it away.”

The Holy Lord Ruyi nodded slightly.

Chu Xiao walked forward quickly and stepped into the bamboo building.

On the first floor of the bamboo building, the decoration was simple, his eyes swept away, and then he went up to the second floor.

At the moment of boarding the second floor.

His eyes fixed on the bamboo table on one side.


There is a jade bracelet with extremely fine workmanship, blooming with a touch of brilliance.

This is a treasure of storage.

Obviously it was left by the Lord Qingming.

After staring at the jade bracelet for an instant, Chu Lei’s gaze suddenly shifted, as if feeling something.

I saw

On the other side of the second floor of the bamboo building, at this moment, there is a card, blooming with dazzling orange brilliance, quietly suspended here.

“This ”

Chu Xiao raised his brows slightly: “Is this the card that condensed from here on my way to open the cave?!”

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