Chapter 1012 Be on guard again and again, make sure to act!

Angry, Chu Xiao is very angry in his heart now.

Unexpectedly, this guy took advantage of his carelessness to freeze several of his teammates.

Of course, he couldn’t accept such a thing.

For this kind of person, I never thought it would be so sudden.

And there was no response to the previous ones.

If it hadn’t been for a look back, maybe I haven’t noticed such a thing yet.

This matter, it really made myself somewhat unacceptable.

In this situation, I don’t know what to say.

Anyway, this thing is still quite bad.

But his heart is a little confused.

Unexpectedly, I am here to fight for them.

But this guy directly frozen all of them.

And I can’t feel their breath anymore!

He really couldn’t accept such things now, and he was really angry in his heart.

But soon, at this time, they all calmed down.

He also knows that he must not be impulsive at this time.

If you are so impulsive, it may be really not easy to say.

The next step is more dangerous for myself.

The situation is like this, it really looks a bit bad to him.

If it really cannot be resolved, then this matter will become even more dangerous.


I don’t need to think about it for the time being.

Anyway, I have already thought about it clearly, so I can’t think too much about what will happen afterwards.

Moreover, I was very angry in my heart before, and I almost forgot the situation I was in.

Now that I calm down, I feel a bit too impulsive.

So now I don’t think about it so much. At this time, I can still accept it, and I can’t think about it too much.

And I also know that this guy is doing his own job now.

Not only that, but the shot is more violent than before, and even stronger!

In this way, for him, there is really nothing to think about.

This is the situation, the other party definitely wants to eat himself.

Then of course he would not give Bai Ze such an opportunity.

If he was eaten like this, he would not be reconciled even if he died.

So of course there can be no such situation.

Things are still bad at this time, so I can’t accept it.

The other people have become ice sculptures at this moment, and I don’t know whether they are dead or alive for the time being.

I don’t know how to live or die, just to describe them.

But I don’t have any mood to think about it too much here.

Because if you are distracted from thinking about this, it may also put yourself in a more dangerous situation.

He certainly can’t do this, and it can’t happen.

If this is really the case, it would be a little difficult to handle.

Because the strength of this guy is really too strong.

If you want to solve it directly, it is unlikely.

Besides, I am very dangerous, so I can’t do anything else.

And this situation is already very bad, and there can be no other bad situations.

He still knows this and knows such things very well.

In this situation, no matter what, you can’t be too impulsive.

If you are too impulsive and lose your mind at that time, then you will die.

He knew very well that there would still be such a possibility.

Then after thinking about it clearly before, he calmed down all of a sudden.

Fortunately, I was not too impulsive, otherwise it may be even more dangerous now, maybe they are already injured.

Maybe the other party is waiting for this time, then he can’t have such a thing now, can’t do what the other party wants.

He knows very well that the more at this time, the more calm he should be.

Because anger can’t solve anything.

So he knows very well that there is really no need to say anything about this kind of thing.

Because if you say so much, you might be even more dangerous here.

This was already the case, and there was nothing to say, he knew he was dangerous.

Also know that the next thing will be worse.

Whether it can (bbbi) or not solve the problem, he still doesn’t know at this time.

Because this Bai Ze is really too strong.

If he has a way, he doesn’t need to struggle too much at this time.

But the main reason is that there is no such situation.

There is really nothing to say about such a thing.

In fact, it can only be faced like this.

If you can find any flaws next, this is definitely the best.

But if it doesn’t work, it’s really troublesome.

In this way, there is really nothing to say.

If there is no way, then he will definitely be very dangerous here.

This is indeed the only way to do this now, and nothing else can be thought of.

If you think about it again, you will be distracted and cause some trouble.

He didn’t want to have such a situation. Once that happened, it would really be overwhelming.

If such a thing does happen, you might not be reconciled.

So of course it cannot be like this.

So now it is more careful than before.

Not only that, every action is also a lot of defense.

Because one is not careful, it may actually die here.

He already knew that such a thing was more dangerous.

And now I can see at the same time that Bai Ze must have done this deliberately!

There is no doubt about this.

He had already seen it when he looked at his eyes before.

So of course, I have completely calmed down now, without any impulse.

For him, the situation at this time must be no longer careless.

The other party turned out to be like this already.

Then it can be seen that there are already more murderous opportunities for oneself.

Or that he was too cautious, Bai Ze always wanted to get rid of himself as soon as possible.

When thinking of this, Chu Xiao of course also sighed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this guy could still use such a method.

Such a situation, after thinking about it carefully, is really a bit scary.

If you didn’t calm down before and really got angry, then maybe, now it seems that it will be another result.

This situation, Chu Xiao is certainly certain now.

So at this time, I didn’t think too much.

Because knowing this matter is not very clear, and some are not very good.

Bai Ze actually had such an intention, which really made him feel that he needed to be more cautious.

Otherwise, the result may be worse than it is now.

That can’t be like this. At this time, I can only be more careful, and there can be no carelessness!

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