Chapter 1071 The taste of a winner!

And that Ouyang Jian, who was born to be an optimist, laughed at everyone’s embarrassed appearance.

There was something called “masculinity” and “the taste of a winner.”

Seeing Ouyang Jian’s appearance, Chu Xiao pulled the corners of his mouth open, smiled lightly, and couldn’t help but say,

“Brother Ouyang, I’m afraid that our masculinity will increase a little bit later.” As he said, he gestured toward the mountain-high monster corpse outside the cave.

Yes, if you want to move on, you must turn over the mountain of corpses.

The women standing behind Chu Xiao’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot at this moment, thinking of turning over the pile of stinking monster corpses, Ouyang Xue was almost crying.

At this moment, Ouyang Jian also hesitated a little, murmured,

“Chu Xiao, why don’t we see if there are other channels?”

Chu Xiao held the Wandi Sword in front of his chest and smiled bitterly, “Brother Ouyang, let’s get down from the ground. There is only this stone cave or even a fork in the road. Where do you think we should look for other passages…”.

Ouyang Jian’s face was red and white. He, who was still calling the winner just now, was a little retreat in the face of the stinking corpse mountain, not to mention the female cultivators.

These cultivators have always taken care of themselves, and they love Jie. When have they been so embarrassed, for a while, no one has stepped forward.

Unexpectedly, that horrible monster failed to organize the footsteps of these cultivators, but facing this filthy place, these cultivators hesitated.

Chu Xiao didn’t care too much. He walked forward, condensing his hands into his palms, his inner strength was condensed in his palm, and he waved towards the corpse mountain.

With a loud “pounce”, he saw that the mountain of corpses was pushed out of a gap by his internal force.

“Hurry up and get out of here as soon as possible, otherwise we will all have to die here.” He stepped out in a vigorous step and said to everyone behind him.

Everyone knows that what he said is reasonable, and it is not a way to cast ramblings here, so they followed Chu Xiao’s steps and walked out.

Although Chu Xiao cut a gap in the Shishan Mountain, it is not easy to cross this Shishan Mountain.

If you want to cross this corpse, you must first go to the height of the corpse mountain and then walk into the hole on the opposite bank.

Seeing Chu Xiao lifted his body and drew it gently, he landed steadily on the height of this corpse mountain.

And these female cultivators are not so easy. If you want to go up, I’m afraid you have to climb up with hands and feet.

At this moment, their bodies are full of filth, and when they think of the monster beast sucking the same kind, they must not dare to touch this terrifying monster again.

While Ouyang Xue was hesitating, only a slender palm appeared in front of her.

Looking up, it was Chu Xiao.

I saw that he seemed to see through her mind, bent down from the height of the corpse, stretched out his hand to Ouyang Xue, and motioned her to come up quickly with his eyes.

At this moment, Ouyang Xue’s heart was beating like thunder, and her face was hot. Fortunately, the light in this cave was gray (kingly) dark, and no one noticed the blush on her face.

Although there are not so many men and women who are practitioners, her heart palpitates for no reason at this moment.

However, before she had time to react, she saw that Ouyang Jian actually took a step ahead of her, grabbing Chu Xiao’s outstretched hand, leaping lightly with his strength, and falling on the pile of corpses lightly.

“,. Chu Xiao, it’s interesting enough” Ouyang Jian said as he stretched out his hand to his sister!”

Come up, Xiaoxue!.

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