Chapter 1074 The boulder turned out to be active!

“It’s very weird here, I think it’s important for us to quickly find a way to leave here.” At this moment, Ouyang Xue suddenly became extremely uneasy for some reason, she said to everyone.

Everyone knows that she is right, but here is no more than a stone cave the size of a few people, under the shining of the Wandi sword rainbow, it is clear, at first glance, there is no exit at this moment. .

It seems that there are many difficulties in going to the underground city. Even at the time when everyone was unable to do anything, Chu Xiao did not give up. He carefully explored every place in this black cave.

Sure enough, the effort paid off.

In the deepest part of the black rock cave, there was a thin gray crack measuring two feet long, which almost merged with the black rock.

If it weren’t for the rainbow light of Chu Xiao Wandi Sword to be strong enough, it would be impossible to find this crack at all.

“Presumably the organ is here.” Chu Xiao secretly said. At this moment, when everyone saw that Chu Xiao had discovered something strange, they also surrounded him.

Chu Xiao stretched out his hand, placed his palm on the side of the fine-grained rock, and slowly activated his internal force.

At the beginning, Chu Xiao only used 30% of his power, and the rock didn’t move at all.

Chu Xiao pressed the surprise in his heart, his 30% strength was not weak, and he couldn’t even push this mechanism.

The movements in Chu Lei’s hands kept increasing, continuously increasing the strength of the blessing on the black rock.

Sure enough, as he expected, with the loud noise of the “rumbling”, the black boulder turned out to be active, and along the black-gray gap, a gap that only allowed one person to pass through was cracked.

“Unexpectedly, this mechanism is here,” Ouyang Jian said. “No wonder that few people know about the dungeon. It’s just this bloodthirsty monster bat and this black stone mechanism that there are many people.”

A few people were not talking too much. They looked into the crack by the light, and saw a section of stone ladder winding down from the crack and spreading towards the darkness of the ground.

Chu Xiao tried to lift the Wandi sword out of the crack, and tried to photograph the stone ladder farther away. However, apart from the stone ladder, there was no more discovery.

Ouyang Xue looked at the stone ladder spreading into the darkness, her scalp numb, and her heart became more restless.

Ouyang Jian was originally connected to her by blood, and he knew her heart and soul. He felt her anxiety and comforted him when he saw it, “Don’t worry, there is me, not to mention, isn’t Chu Xiao here?”

Ouyang Xue nodded with a pale face, and suppressed the intense anxiety in her heart.

Ouyang Jian glanced at the crack again, then turned to Chu Xiao,

“Chu Xiao, how about I take the lead this time?”

I saw the stone ladder leading to the bottomless dark abyss. Hearing Ouyang Jian said this, even Ouyang Xue couldn’t suppress the anxiety in her heart at this moment, and she couldn’t help exclaiming.

“elder brother!”

As if Ouyang Jian couldn’t stop her call, he didn’t wait for Chu Xiao’s answer, and stepped toward the crack without looking back.

It was so weird here, Chu Xiao didn’t stop, and immediately followed.

And Ouyang Xue, Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling didn’t dare to neglect 1.8. They took their magic weapon back in their hands and followed the steps of the two in front of them towards the cracked stone ladder.

Everyone picked up the ladder and went down, only to feel that the cold air here seemed to be much lighter than that in the cave.

Shang Ruyi also sacrificed the Youxian lamp, illuminating the path of everyone.

But Ouyang Xue was very disturbed. At this moment, there was Chu Xiao between her and Ouyang Jian, and she followed Chu Xiao closely. .

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