Chapter 109 Dao domain shakes, Daozi emerges from the mountain (1)

At the moment when the voice of the Shenwu Sage Lord fell.

Above Sacred Land, in the Great Hall, the faces of powerful people from all over the realm have changed!

The truth of the Great Disappearance!

The Warrior who is able to board the Great Hall at this time is either a strong person from the major forces or a Tianjiao character, and they can all be exposed to many secrets.


Naturally, I have an understanding of the history of Tiannan Daoyu.

The great collapse can be described as a turning point in the Tiannan Dao realm!

Before the destruction, martial arts developed to the extreme, and there was a great emperor Warrior who possessed terrifying power.

A big bust.

The inheritance of martial arts in the Tiannan Dao domain was almost cut off, and after countless years of recuperation, it was restored to its current state.


The absence of the emperor in the world and the appearance of the warrior in the imperial realm made the current Tiannan Dao region incomparable to the ancient times.

Among the Warriors in the column, most of the forces from their backgrounds emerged after the devastation.


They have also been in some of the relics left before the Great Destruction, watching the leopards and knowing the glory before the Great Destruction.

At that time, the Tiannan Dao Region had its combat power at its peak, and more than one emperor was sitting in town. What kind of disaster was it that would cause the Tiannan Dao Region to be hit hard by this?

When they knew that the Shenwu Sage was mainly preaching a major event, they had also made a guess, but they never thought that this matter was actually related to the destruction!


As the voice of the Lord Shenwu fell, the big screen of the Great Hall dome appeared, and everyone’s eyes fell on the top.

In that big scene

It is a picture of battle, there are powerful men with terrible power, fighting in the chaotic starry sky.

The Great Hall was quiet to the extreme, and a martial arts expert was serious to the extreme, quietly listening to the narration of the divine martial master!

The truth was revealed one by one.

The secret place that contains the truth.

Seven ancient emperors.

Emperor war!

Three thousand domains, nine heavens and ten earths.

Outland rival!

as well as

In this world, the Tiannan Dao Region may be restored to its ancient glory, and the Great Emperor will appear again!

for a long time.

Sacred Master Shenwu finished speaking, his gaze swept across the audience, and he said solemnly: “If you have any doubts, you can open a word.”

His voice fell.

Immediately someone opened his mouth and said, “Holy Master Shenwu, can you tell me the specific location of that secret place?”

It was the deputy pavilion master of Kongchan Jiange, Lu Tianyun. He stopped and continued after a pause: “It’s not that I, Kongchan Jiange, doesn’t believe what the Holy Master Shenwu said. I’m sure, I don’t dare to make a judgment in Kongchan Jiange.”


Sage Lord Shenwu lifted his sleeves, and the curtain of the dome changed, turning it into a map.

The Holy Master Shenwu said in a deep voice: “That secret place is located in an abyss where there is no life or death. Now countless years have passed. The prohibition seal there has been weak. With the means of you, as long as you go in person, you can naturally confirm the authenticity. ,”.”

“No life or death?”

“Where is it?”

The voice of the god martial master fell, and the faces of some strong men in the Great Hall changed slightly.

Those who are strong in the life and death realm, feel the meaning of life and death, and there is no place of life and death, which is one of the different places in the realm that can help the Warrior to sense the meaning of life and death!

Among the many powerful Dao domains listed, there is no lack of Warrior who broke through the life and death realm there in the past, but he did not expect that the secret land involving such important information would be in the land of no life and death.

Immediately after…

Inside the Great Hall.

There was a sound of goodbye, and the figure flashed, leaving the place directly.

Some people have been unable to bear it, and are ready to personally confirm it without life or death.

Shenwu Shengzhu watched these people go away without saying a word.

Just now.

Another voice sounded.

The voice is elegant, it is from Guiyuan Sacred Land’s Great Sacred Realm elder, Great Sage Yinyu, Duan Rui.

She looked directly at the Shenwu Sage Master, with a hint of doubt in her tone, and whispered: “Shenwu Sage Master, I don’t know if you want to tell everyone of you about this matter, what do you intend to do?”

She showed thoughts: “Daoyu is resurrected, and it is hoped that the Great Emperor will be born. Wuliang Sacred Land learned of these news first, and originally took the lead, but now it reveals these news, Wuliang Sacred Land is going to make a big move. NS?”

Her voice fell.

The Lord Shenwu has not yet responded.

First, a majestic voice sounded, and he said in a deep voice: “Elder of Guiyuan Sacred Land, is this so insightful?”

The speaker is the Emperor Tianlan!

At this moment, Emperor Tianlan got up from his seat, his face seemed to be enlightened, and he said in a deep voice: “Infinite Sacred Land has been passed down from ancient times to the present. If you consider the background and strength, how many major forces are in the list? Can one be comparable? How would you care about a few opportunities?”

“Shenwu Holy Master revealed all these things, naturally because of Outland, because of the destruction!”

“The great destruction was created by the invasion of those foreign enemies. Now the Dao Domain has recovered and will soon return to the Three Thousand Dao Domain.”


“Will those foreign enemies in the past years make a comeback?”

“You know, in the ancient times, there were seven ancestors of the great emperor in the Dao Realm, each of which was capable of reaching the sky, but despite this, it was only a narrow victory.”

“In today’s world, it may now be possible for an Emperor Realm Warrior to appear, but after all, it hasn’t appeared yet!”

“If a foreign enemy attacks again, can we stop it?”

Having said this, Emperor Tianlan stopped, his eyes darkened a bit, and his thoughts flashed.

“The scene I first saw in the Treasure of Inheritance, is it the domain battle scene?’

“I was bloodied, and the sky was turned into wasteland

“but ”

“After the second change of Inheritance Treasure, the picture I saw was completely different.”

“What’s the difference between this?”

He never spoke again.

Guiyuan Sacred Land’s Duan Rui’s complexion changed a few times, and finally said: “I think it is shallow.”


Above the platform.

The Holy Master of Shenwu nodded slightly, and said: “Shenhuang Taoist Fellow is right.”

“I told you about this matter this time, naturally because of the entire Tiannan Dao realm, because of the enemies of the outer realm.

He showed his memories and said slowly: “I have read the records in Sacred Land after the devastation.”

“At that time, the Dao domain was broken, and the martial art inheritance did not exist. In the Dao domain, the Warriors who had experienced the great destruction united sincerely, united and developed together, so that the martial art inheritance will continue and be reborn.”


“Countless years have passed. Although there is still a gap between today’s Taoism and the glory of the ancient times, it is already infinitely close.”


“The sincere unity after the Great Destruction is never seen again. Fighting against each other, fighting against each other, can be seen everywhere in the realm.”

His voice was long: “I tell everyone that I hope everyone will make preparations.

“In ancient times, in the face of enemies in the outer realm, the major forces in the Tiannan Dao realm, and the ancestors of the great emperor, were able to put aside their views, power struggles, sincerely unite, fight foreign enemies together, and protect our Tiannan without losing.”

“.. now”

“My Warrior, can’t fall behind others!”

His gaze swept over everyone present, his face solemn, and he said solemnly: “If the Dao Realm is fully recovered and we really encounter foreign enemies, I hope you will know what to do and be prepared.”

Silence in the Great Hall.

Shenwu Holy Master continued: “At the same time”

“There are two more things.

“The Great Emperor Realm, and after the Great Destruction, in order to make up for the realm created by the combat power, the fourth stage of Wuxing.

“You should understand what I mean.”

The Sacred Land Daozi Ceremony ended, and a grand event ended.


The aftermath raged, spreading more and more widely, and the words of the Shenwu Holy Master spread throughout the entire Taoist area.

The truth of the Great Destruction, a powerful enemy of Outland.

As the Shenwu Holy Master said, today, there are constant battles in the Southern Dao domain. All major forces are fighting and fighting, and you can see them everywhere.

And now

The appearance of the enemy from the outer domain made all Warriors feel shocked.

If the Tiannan Dao region was breached and occupied by others, then what would their Warriors who were born in the Tiannan Dao region fall to?

at the same time.

After the Sacred Land Daozi Ceremony ended, among the major forces, a strong Saint Lord Realm standing on the top of the Dao Realm announced a retreat, ignoring world affairs!

There is only one purpose!

Emperor Realm!

Countless years after the Great Destruction, there were countless Tianjiao characters stuck in the Holy Master Realm and unable to enter (Noma’s), and the Emperor Realm seemed to have only become a realm that exists in the legend.

And now

Dao realm revives, and great emperor can be born!

This gave the contemporary Saint master realm powerhouses a glimmer of hope, and they retreated one after another, wanting to try to go further.

If the emperor can really become the emperor, then everything will change tremendously.

At the same time, these Saint Lord Realm powerhouses also had a sense of contending in their hearts.

Who will be the first emperor in the world after the devastation?

Dao domain.

Even more, many powerful people gathered together to discuss the solution of Wuxing’s fourth-order.

If the Dao Domain returns to the Three Thousand Dao Domains, and there is information about the fourth-order of Enlightenment Star, the natal Star, then, I am afraid that it will become the common weakness of the entire Tiannan Dao Domain, countless strong people!

The optimal solution must be explored!

The noise from the outside world was incomparable, and the realm vibrated everywhere.

Infinite Sacred Land, as the starting place for everything, is much calmer.

Since the end of the Daozi Li, Chu Xiao announced that he would not see others and was in a quiet retreat.

In Daozi ceremony, he showed his horror power, which made him even more majestic in Sacred Land.

And after many days of meditation.

Chu Xiao never took a ride on the jade wing, never told others, solo with a sword, and quietly left Sacred Land.

. E.

The author of the transition chapter is dizzy..

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