Chapter 1131 A silver lining, keep it!

Chu Lei’s mind turned quickly, and at the same time, he calmed down and observed the surrounding environment at the moment.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and Chu Xiao secretly said in his heart, “Sure enough, there is still a ray of life.

He only heard Chu Xiao’s voice coming in a low voice, he tried to speak to Ouyang Jian and others in a calm voice,

“Don’t panic everyone, look ahead.”

At the moment, everyone was a little panicked, Chu Xiao’s steady voice seemed to have a kind of magic, so that Ouyang Jian and others’ originally impulsive and flustered mood seemed to calm down a lot under the comfort of such a voice.

Ouyang Jian followed Chu Xiao’s gaze, and there seemed to be a small black spot far in front of them to the left.

“Brother Chu, what is that?” Qiao Ling also saw it and couldn’t help but ask Chu Xiao.

Before Chu Xiao had time to answer, the tiger shark launched a new round of attacks.

These tiger shark monsters are huge, and they are already infinitely powerful. Under these, under the attack of those tiger shark monsters, the Wandi Sword at this moment has been shaky. .

With the attack of these tiger shark monsters, the blue-green water was like ink splashing towards the Wandi Sword.

Although the mana can’t deal with this tiger shark monster, but the ability to protect is still there.

Seeing that the blue-green water is about to pounce in front of you, Ouyang Jian and others have no time to say anything. The strong yellow spring water hit it.

This sea water is full of monster air, and it must be extremely corrosive. Being contaminated by these sea water is not a joke.

But right now, with the fierce attack of these monsters, the Wandi Sword was already shaky, shaking left and right, and everyone almost couldn’t stand firmly on this sword.

But Chu Xiao was already speechless at this moment, he could only use his whole strength desperately to barely maintain the Wandi Sword from falling down.

Seeing that these cultivators were unable to fight back, those tiger shark monsters were obviously getting more and more excited, and the speed of the attack towards the Wandi Sword was getting faster and stronger.

“It can’t go on like this,”. Chu Xiao secretly said, thinking quickly about the countermeasures in his heart.

Just now when everyone was preparing to fight the tiger shark demon to the death, Chu Xiao saw from a distance that a small black spot appeared on the blue-green sea.

Right now, although the flying speed of the Wandi Sword has slowed down a lot under the influence of these tiger sharks, Chu Xiao has never taken action against the group of tiger sharks. His goal has always been to leave this weird area as soon as possible. Of the sea.

He drove the Wandi Sword towards the direction of the black spot. If he didn’t guess wrong, the black spot would be a ray of life for them at the moment.

Because of the peculiarities of this sea area, their Cultivation Base and magic weapons are restricted, and the tiger shark is taking advantage of the time and place here.

This is undoubtedly using one’s own shortcomings to deal with the enemy’s strengths. In the Huangquanhai that is constrained everywhere, the possibility of winning is undoubtedly very small (the king’s).

Only through this sea area quickly is the best choice.

Therefore, even under the constant attack of the tiger shark monster, Chu Xiao had no distractions, and concentrated on driving the Wandi Sword under his feet, hoping to quickly leave here and avoid the entire army from being annihilated.

However, the tiger shark monster group obviously also knew Chu Xiao’s intentions, so it changed from side attack to attack from side to front to reduce the speed of Wandi Sword and block Chu Xiao and the others from advancing.

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