Chapter 1136 Great shock in my heart!

The cultivator and Cultivation Base I have encountered in the past are stronger than this young cultivator, but when these cultivators encounter this Huangquanhai, the Cultivation Base has been suppressed and can successfully escape the attack of its giant tail, but the Fengmao water chestnut.

However, the only one who can react quickly when attacked has been the first young cultivator throughout the ages.

The tiger shark can clearly feel that this young cultivator is standing firmly on its dorsal fin at this moment.

“Ming!” The tiger shark demon uttered an angry cry from the bottom of the water, and the huge sound still spread far and wide underwater.

The voice was like anger and command. When the tiger shark monster heard the voice of the tiger shark monster king, they began to agitate.

He also responded with a “oooo”.

The tiger shark monster group, which was one monster away from this person, immediately surrounded them, centering on the tiger shark monster at Chu Xiao’s feet.

At this moment, Chu Xiao is already at the end of the battle.

Originally, his mana had been suppressed by the sea of ​​yellow springs, and just now was swept by the wind of the huge wave raised by the tiger shark’s tail. If it weren’t for the armor that the pangolin demon king sent him, at this moment, he is afraid that his meridians have been broken. NS.

With only a little mana in his body, he avoided the fatal blow that the Tiger Shark Demon King had just prepared.

Otherwise, he would not be able to volley above the Yellow Spring Sea at this moment.

However, he did not dare to show the slightest trace of injury, these monsters were extremely clever. Once he revealed a little trace of injury, I was afraid that these monster beasts would pounce on him without any estimate and tear him to pieces.

He spotted the red dorsal fin of the tiger shark, and without hesitation, landed firmly on the dorsal fin of the tiger shark.

However, he didn’t dare to put his entire weight on it, just borrowed a little bit of the strength of the tiger shark’s dorsal fin.

Otherwise, if it wasn’t for this little strength that gave him the courage to continue, he would doubt whether he had the strength to continue dealing with these monster beasts.

The cold sweat fell drop by drop along his back.At this moment, he was standing on the back of the tiger shark monster, trying to adjust his breath, attracting the spirit into his body, and taking advantage of this gap, he desperately repaired his own. Mana.

And the tiger shark who was stepped on by him, at this moment, was also greatly shocked in his anger. The cultivator avoided the attacks three times and twice, which made him face.

Not only did the cultivator send away several other cultivators, but the attack he launched did not hurt the young cultivator.

Who is he? Why is he so strong? These questions linger in the tiger shark’s heart.

The tiger demon group surrounding the tiger shark demon king whispered in a low voice, seeming to ask the demon king how to move next.

Then the Tiger Shark Demon King thought about it again, how powerful this cultivator is. As long as it is in the waters of the Yellow Springs, then his mana will be suppressed. It is impossible to escape the siege of the sharks.

The idea was set, and the tiger shark uttered a short tweet.

(Wang Wanghao) Hearing this sound, Chu Xiao secretly said: “…not good,”Ling!”

Sure enough, he only felt that the focus point under his feet suddenly disappeared, and he had to make preparations when he heard the tiger shark’s response.

Just when the tiger evil demon hesitated, the mana in his body had already recovered a bit.

I saw that the Demon King, who had exposed his dorsal fin on the surface of the Huangquan Sea, sank to the bottom of the sea in a moment.

If Chu Xiao is not ready, I am afraid that he has been dragged into the sea of ​​yellow springs at this moment. .

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