Chapter 1164 How could you commit a risk with your own body!

I saw that the Jing Pozhu became brighter and brighter under such squeezing power, and it was so hard to look directly at it.

And Chu Xiao’s eyes were always closed tightly, and his original relaxed and solemn expression also changed a little. He saw his lips press tightly, and a hint of tension began to appear on his face.

Finally, the transparent Jingpo Pill couldn’t resist the pressure of that invisible hand.

Gradually approaching Chu Xiao’s chest, just “six 80”, the approaching speed is much slower than before.

Chu Xiao’s face started to flush a little, and the blue veins on his forehead were slightly raised, and there were even fine beads of sweat leaking from his forehead. .

The Jing Pozhu moved closer and closer to Chu Xiao’s chest, and the more at this time, the ups and downs in Chu Xiao’s chest became bigger and bigger.

“Plop, Plop”

In this extremely quiet environment, Shang Ruyi seemed to hear Chu Xiao’s heartbeat clearly.

Chu Xiao’s skirt also fluctuated slightly along his heartbeat, and the Jingpozhu was almost immediately approaching the slightly undulating chest, but at this time it stagnated, as if he was reluctant to take a step forward.

At this moment, Chu Xiao frowned, and the two hands placed on his knees trembled uncontrollably, as if he was using great strength to push the Jingpozhu towards his chest.

Time seemed to become very slow and slow. I saw big beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, slowly rolling down his cheeks and chin, making a thin trace on his face.

“Ding” At this time, Chu Xiao’s five senses were fully opened, and he even heard the sound of this drop of sweat falling in his ears.

At this moment, the Jingpozhu seemed to be disturbed by this drop of sweat, and suddenly it trembled violently, and it seemed to be out of control.

Chu Xiao didn’t make any extra moves. His eyes were still closed, his breath became deep and long, and suddenly, his hands on his knees clenched his fists tightly.

“Swish”, the Essence Pearl seemed to be unable to resist it anymore, it sank into Chu Xiao’s chest in an instant, and disappeared.

Upon seeing this, Shang Ruyi and Ouyang Jian saw that the Essence Pearl had gone through several twists and turns, but now it had successfully entered Chu Xiao’s body. They thought that the Essence Pearl had been absorbed by Chu Xiao, and they were greatly relieved.

However, at this moment, it suddenly changed!

I saw Chu Xiao who was sitting opposite them suddenly released a dazzling light, and at this moment a painful color appeared on his face.

The originally beautiful facial features are now tightly wrinkled together, the exposed skin is flushed, and the green veins visible to the naked eye are violent!

“Chu Xiao!” Seeing Chu Xiao like this, Shang Ruyi was shocked and couldn’t help screaming out, wanting to rush to see what happened.

That Ouyang Jian is a few years older than Shang Ruyi, and now is the critical moment to absorb the essence pill. Don’t disturb, he will hold on to Shang Ruyi,

He said to her: “Ruyi, absolutely must not, right now is the critical moment. If we disturb Chu Xiao at this time, we are afraid that it will cause his meridians to flow backwards and become devilish. 1.8”

Shang Ruyi had already complained about how Ouyang Jian cared about his sister’s life and death without caring about Chu Xiao.

Hearing what he said at the moment, thinking that he was unwilling to help Chu Xiao, he was anxious and said quickly,

“You don’t care about the life and death of Big Brother Chu. If it weren’t for you, how could Big Brother Chu be in danger.”

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