Chapter 1210 As if falling from the sky!

It’s just that everything in this world has different fate gates, some are on the top of the head, some are on the soles of the feet, and even some cultivator’s fate is on the buttocks.

That fate gate is not only so fragile, but also the most important point of oneself. Therefore, all the practitioners strictly protect their fate.

The location of the fate gate will never be leaked, and even his close relatives and friends will never disclose it arbitrarily, for fear that he will suffer the disaster of destruction unintentionally.

At the same time, in order to prevent the opponent from being able to break this fateful place, some cultivators even camouflage that place to prevent being recognized by the opponent.

However, no matter how strong the camouflage is, it cannot conceal one’s special concern for that fate gate, no matter who it is, in the subconscious mind, it will treat that place differently.

In extremely fast fights, such subtle subconscious movements are hard to find.

But how could this subconscious movement withstand the scrutiny in Chu Xiao’s mind right now.

Chu Xiao was overjoyed, as long as he attacked the life gate of the skeleton bone crane, his chance of success would be greatly improved by 11 times. Moreover, these two powerful bone cranes might have other treasures on them.

At that time, she might be able to use it for Ouyang Xue. After all, she is weak now, and urgently needs some high-level magic weapons to improve the Cultivation Base.

Thinking of Ouyang Xue’s pale little face, Chu Xiao inevitably has some hidden feelings.

The thoughts in his mind flashed like lightning, and the two figures that had been phantom in the void had disappeared.

At the same time, he felt that his inner strength had already recovered a lot at this moment under the action of the abundance energy. He tried his luck, and sure enough, the spiritual power in the inner palace was abundant.

If you don’t fight now, when will you stay?

Chu Xiao, who was immersed in the riverbed of the Yin River, opened his eyes abruptly and burst out of the water!


There was a loud noise from the boiling river, and a dark shadow jumped up from the gloomy river.

Dingqing saw that it was not Chu Xiao who was floating in the midair of the Yin River.

Seeing Chu Xiao leaping out of the river, the skull and bone crane let out a weird cry and waved its huge wings to greet him immediately.

The two wings of the Skeleton Crane are not only infinitely powerful, but also contain terrifying magic.

As soon as the huge wings fanned, the sky and the earth were dark, flying sand and rocks.

The hurricane was blown by the hurricane, and the hurricane was blown into the air.

The speed of the skull and bone crane was much faster than Chu Xiao imagined. Seeing that the opponent was not slapped to death by it, even as if it became stronger and leaped out of the river, it seemed to be irritated by Chu Xiao. While stirring its huge wings, he used his long and pointed beak to attack Chu Xiao floating in the air at a swift speed.

Visible to the naked eye, a smile appeared on Chu Xiao’s face. Facing the attack of the skeleton crane, he didn’t even move. He seemed to be calmly watching the skeleton crane attacking him.

When Qiao Ling saw this scene, her heart was hanging in her throat, and she couldn’t help but yell.

“Brother Chu, be careful!”

The broken-winged crane didn’t even relax at all at this moment, and rushed towards Qiao Ling vigorously.

Qiao Ling didn’t care about the others, so she greeted her again, mobilized the magic weapon, and attacked the broken-winged skeleton crane.

After all, with Shang Ruyi’s strength alone, even this broken-winged skeletal crane could not cope with it.

But fortunately, these two people held the broken-winged skeleton crane, otherwise it would be more difficult for Chu Xiao to deal with it.

I saw the skull and crane shaped like lightning, and almost instantly, the beak had come to Chu Xiao floating in the air.

At this moment, Chu Xiao moved, and saw that he was holding a sword in his right hand, his body leaned towards the side, his figure looked like a ghost, and he went under the armpit of the skeleton crane at a tricky angle.

And the skeletal crane seemed to be frightened by Chu Xiao’s blow, and stopped the attack of the beak in an instant, and even wanted to retract his huge wings to protect his armpits.

Chu Xiao said in his heart, “Sure enough, I didn’t guess wrong, the armpit of this skeleton crane is where it lives.”

My fate gate was attacked, how can the skeleton bone crane not recover?

However, Chu Xiao’s attack was really unexpected, and his actions were as fast as lightning. Even if the skeleton crane immediately returned to protect it, it was too late at this time.

“Puff” there was a very small sound.

The skeletal crane let out a terrible cry.

Chu Xiao came to react to others. He already knew that he had succeeded. Once he succeeded, Chu Xiao’s whole body flipped out in midair, quickly throwing it out.

The sword that Chu Xiao stabbed at this time was not very powerful. It focused on the angle and the speed of the wind. Once the speed was slightly slower, it was estimated that it would be injured by the skeleton crane.

Chu Xiao used most of his power to control his body, so with a single stroke, the fate gate was extremely fragile, and even a single stroke had already caused serious damage to the skeleton.

At the same time, Chu Xiao used most of his internal power to control and even stay away from the injured and violent skeleton crane,-he was far away from the skeleton crane and left the attack range of the skeleton crane.

The skeletal crane screamed sternly, and kept its wings drooping down. The other huge wing rapidly stirred in the mid-air to prevent his body from falling from the mid-air. 707

At this moment, because the remaining wing is extremely fast, the wind speed in the air is even faster, and the dust that is rolled up by this strong wind speed is dim and dark in the world at this moment.

The water of the Yin River was even more turbulent, scouring the bank of the river, making a huge noise, coupled with the scream of the skull and crane, straight to the people’s hair.

The skeletal crane, who was fighting against Monk Ruyi, felt the screams of his companions, and immediately wanted to incite his only wing to come forward and help each other.

However, how can Monk Qiao Ling wish to make it happen? Qiao Ling kept urging Gu Ling, and the crisp voice circled towards the skull and crane.

And the faint lantern in Shang Ruyi’s hand, the red flame in the lamp, as if falling from the sky, hit the skull and bone crane.

The skeletal and bone crane cared in confusion, while inciting its wings to split the tangerine of the ancient bell, while evading Shang Ruyi’s attack embarrassedly.

Suddenly, the skull and bone cranes gradually fell into the wind, and the two monk Ruyi Qiao Ling became more and more courageous.

The situation on the scene has undergone earth-shaking changes because of Chu Xiao’s crucial blow.

Before this one, two skeletal cranes came fiercely, not only seriously injuring Chu Xiao, but even flipping one of his palms into the Yin River.

And Qiao Ling’s monk Ruyi could only barely make a tie with the broken-winged skeleton crane. .

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