Chapter 1213 A familiar voice came!

At this moment, Chu Xiao finally recovered a bit of sanity. With a little clarity of his thinking, with the help of that power, his body also recovered a little bit of strength.

Finally, Chu Xiao opened his eyes abruptly, and what he brought into his eyes was indeed still wishful.

She saw Shang Ruyi’s teary eyes pouring, and seeing Chu Xue finally woke up, her tears fell like a broken bead.

“Brother Chu, you finally woke up.” After finishing speaking, he cried ~ louder.

Chu Xiao rubbed his dizzy head and frowned. He didn’t even remember how he fell from the mid-air-.

Seeing that Shang Ruyi cried and became more sad, he couldn’t help but smile and joked,

“Silly girl, you cry so sad when you see me wake up?”

When Chu Xiao said this, Shang Ruyi’s face flushed red and couldn’t help but choked, “It’s not sad, I’m so happy.”

That Shang Ruyi explained in a hurry,

“Brother Chu, don’t you know, you all passed out just now, I’m really worried.”

Yes, Qiao Ling was also fainted by the tremor of the skull and crane just now.

“How is Qiao Ling?” Chu Xiao straightened up and looked aside.

Sure enough, Qiao Ling was also leaning against a large rock with a pale face. In this terrifying dungeon, there was indeed only a female stream from Shang Ruyi taking care of their two unconscious wounds, and it was indeed a bit of a collapse.

“I have taken the medicine to Qiao Ling. I don’t know why she hasn’t been awake, and you just fell directly from the midair. I don’t know what to do for a while.” Shang Ruyi was a little embarrassed. Said.

“You are already great, you see, if it weren’t for you, I might be here today.” Chu Xiao comforted her.

Chu Xiao’s stamina has recovered a bit at this moment, and the strands in his body can be activated again and begin to repair on its own.

Hearing what Chu Xiao said, the embarrassed expression on Shang Ruyi’s face became more obvious, and he didn’t even dare to look up at Chu Xiao.

But after a while, Shang Ruyi suddenly remembered something and said to Chu Xiao,

“Brother Chu, look at Qiao Ling, I don’t know why she hasn’t been awake.”

Chu Xiao immediately propped up, walked to Qiao Ling’s side, and stretched out his hand to probe Qiao Ling’s pulse.

I saw that Qiao Ling’s original ruddy apple-like face was pale, and her bright lips were not only pale and colorless, but there was even a hint of blackness.

Shang Ru’s opinion reached Chu Xiao’s brows tightly, and he asked with some worry,

“Brother Chu, how about sister Qiao Ling?”

Chu Xiao retracted the hand placed on Qiao Ling’s wrist, and said, “She should have been injured by the devilish energy of the skeleton bone crane. Right now, the devilish energy has invaded her body, so your elixir may be harmful to her. Useless”

“Ah, what should we do now?” Shang Ruyi was taken aback when he heard this, “Brother Chu, is there any way to save sister Qiao Ling?”

Chu Xue groaned for a moment, and took out an inner alchemy of that skeleton and crane, only to see that inner alchemy in his hand was radiant, and it was almost impossible to open his eyes.

“Since Qiao Ling was injured by the skeleton and crane, with this inner alchemy, she should be fine.” Chu Xiao said.

Generally speaking, he brought that radiant inner altar to Qiao Ling’s mouth.

I saw that inner alchemy seemed to feel the devilish energy on Qiao Ling’s body, and even swished straight into Qiao Ling’s mouth.

After Nai Dan got into Qiao Ling’s body, Qiao Ling seemed to be disturbed in her sleep before.

Dense beads of sweat began to appear on her forehead, and her head seemed to be swaying gently.

Qiao Ling’s hands even began to clenched tightly into fists, as if she was struggling with something.

Na Shang Ruyi was about to ask, but Chu Xiao made a silent motion and lowered his voice.

“Don’t worry, Qiao Ling’s internal force is fighting with that body. With the blessing of the inner alchemy, Qiao Ling will be fine.”

Shang Ruyi’s expression was tense, and after hearing Chu Xiao’s explanation, he felt a little relief.

Even so, her heart is full of worries, but at this moment, she can’t do anything, she can only guard Qiao Ling quietly.

Sure enough, as Chu Xiao said, after a while, Qiao Ling calmed down and her clenched hands began to relax.

Visible to the naked eye, the strand of black on her lips was getting lighter and lighter, and gradually, it finally disappeared, and her cheeks slowly began to return to the previous ruddy.

…Please ask for flowers………

Qiao Ling slowly opened her eyes when she saw the fluttering eyelashes trembling slightly.

What greeted her were the two concerned faces of Monk Chu Xiao Ruyi.She felt a little sore on her body, but in her dantian, her internal strength was unexpectedly abundant.She was even surprised to find that she seemed to be sore. A breakthrough is imminent.

She clearly remembered that she was scratched by the big wings of the broken-winged skull and crane, and then she became unconscious.

Yes, those two horrible skeleton cranes, she opened her eyes in a little fear, and looked around for a week, the two skeleton skeleton cranes have disappeared!

She was a little bewildered and asked, “Big Brother Chu, Sister Ruyi, what happened to the two monsters?”


At this moment, Shang Ruyi couldn’t help it anymore, and stepped forward and hugged Qiao Ling in his arms, “Qiao Ling, you finally woke up, but it scared me to death, my elixir didn’t work, I thought you ”

Shang Ruyi couldn’t say the whole thing at this time, and just kept holding Qiao Ling and crying.

At a loss, Qiao Ling stretched out her hand and patted Shang Ruyi’s back, “Sister Ruyi, I can’t be better now, don’t worry.

Qiao Ling absorbed the inner alchemy of a skeletal crane, not only expelled all the devilish energy in the body, but also increased her internal strength. There was no danger right now.

Chu Xiao knew that their girls had a lot to say about themselves, so he motioned to Qiao Ling and walked towards the bank of the river, leaving some space for the two sisters to say things about themselves, and by the way, he would inquire about the surrounding area. environment.

At this moment, far away, he heard a familiar voice coming,

“Chu Xiao!”

This sound successfully attracted the eyes of the three people present. Even the crying Shang Ruyi wiped his tears and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

I saw two white figures coming side by side. From a distance, they were both slender. One of them was slightly taller and walked lightly. Her long, jet-black hair fell straight down her waist.

From this sound and shadow, everyone has already distinguished that this is not Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Xue brothers and sisters!

The wind was blowing under the feet of these two people, the speed was extremely fast, and they had come to everyone in the blink of an eye. Son.

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