Chapter 1216 There is a ban on spells!

This power not only caused one’s internal strength to increase suddenly, but more importantly, it allowed one to directly step into the sword.

Chu Xiao didn’t know that, with his current strength, if it weren’t for the help of this peculiar energy in his body, he would not know how many years he would continue to cultivate before he could break through that gate.

But right now, it was incredible that he had entered the kendo so easily.

Originally, this energy in his body has never been so powerful to show his sense of existence.

Chu Xiao thinks about it carefully, all of this is entering this dungeon, and the energy is getting stronger and stronger, especially after the final battle with the cave bone crane, this energy shows its incomparable strength. .

Moreover, he clearly felt that the closer he was to the center of the dungeon, the energy in his body became stronger and stronger.

He couldn’t help being shocked, could it be that the energy in his body was inextricably linked to this demon world.

Chu Xiao’s thoughts turned around, but he still couldn’t find any clues.

Unknowingly, a cloud of light appeared on the horizon, and it turned out to be the next day.

Chu Xiao retracted his thoughts, after a night of meditation and rest, at this moment he only felt that his dantian was full of internal energy and his whole body was full of power.

At the same time, several other people also became sober.

After a night of refurbishment, everyone was full of energy and energy.

After everyone was ready, everyone finally set foot on the pace to move on.

Here, there was no other way to go, and everyone continued along the river.

It’s just that there is a mess wherever you go, it is the masterpiece of the skeleton and crane the day before, then Ouyang Jian said with a little regret,

“Unexpectedly, I didn’t see the power of that skeleton crane!”

At this moment, Qiao Ling was walking side by side with him at the forefront of the team. Hearing Ouyang Jian said this, Qiao Ling was amused by him, “Brother Ouyang, it’s a pity that you are running slowly, and you haven’t seen the horror of the skeletons and cranes. ,”. ”

Qiao Ling deliberately used words to lead him, how could Ouyang Jian couldn’t hear the way, he deliberately followed his words and said,

“Sister Qiao Ling, please tell me how terrifying the skeleton crane is.” Ouyang Jian saw that there were countless caves on the two banks of the river. , Said with some surprise, “What’s that again?”

“Hee hee, Brother Ouyang, do you want to know, trade things for? As long as I know, I know that I can say nothing, I can say nothing” Qiao Ling smiled and stretched out her hand towards him.

Ouyang Jian knew that Qiao Ling Aikai was used to jokes, and knew she was just teasing him.

He said in a begging tone, “Good sister, just tell the brother, don’t lose my appetite.”

Seeing that Ouyang Jian’s appetite was suffocated by Qiao Ling, she talked to Ouyang Jian vividly about the scenes that happened at that time.

Qiao Ling was originally temperamental. At this moment, she said and gestured, the movements were extremely exaggerated, and there were even extremely exaggerated words in her words.

What kind of giant silver dragon, she rides on that dragon head and so on.

Ouyang Jian was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened and exclaimed from time to time.

Hearing Ruyi has been laughing and laughing behind these two people.

The remaining few people heard that these two live treasures were playing treasures again.While walking, they listened to the chat of these two people, while walking along the river bank, which finally added some to the silent journey. vitality.

However, he didn’t know how long he walked, even Chu Xiao felt that his feet were soft, let alone the other people, the winding river seemed endless.

Except for the countless weeping willows along the river, nothing else was found.

Every time, when they saw the river bend in front of them, everyone hoped that other scenery was waiting for them. However, after walking for a long time, apart from the winding river and the sparse willow trees, it seemed that there was no change at all.

At this moment, Qiao Ling even hopes that one or two monsters will appear to let her end this boring walk.

Finally, Qiao Ling, who was at the forefront of the team, said helplessly.

“Brother Chu, how long do we have to walk?”

That Ouyang Jian was originally a well-known son, no matter where he had traveled such a long way, he couldn’t stand it.

“No way, no way, I must stop and rest.”

Then Ouyang Xiu said, he had already sat down under the weeping willow tree on the side of the road, and didn’t move anymore.

Walking in this boring environment, everyone was a little tired, and they all stopped.

Chu Xiao had already noticed the anomaly here. At this moment, he frowned and looked around.

The surrounding scenery didn’t seem to have changed in general, and the winding Yin River was still in front of him, and there was Yin Qi in the river.

There are sparse weeping willows on both sides of the river, which is indescribably strange.

Qiao Ling and Ouyang Jian had been chatting just now, and they didn’t pay much attention to the changes in the surrounding environment.

But Shang Ruyi and Ouyang Xue are different. The two of them followed Qiao Ling and Ouyang Jian, while walking, while watching the surrounding situation.

Just listen to Shang Ruyi saying, “… Brother Chu, you see, the surrounding environment seems to have never changed.

Ouyang Xue also agreed, “It seems that we have been walking by this river all the time, is this river so long?”

You know, the pace of this cultivator is comparable to that of ordinary people. At their speed, let alone the river, walking for such a long time, I am afraid that I can walk from the southernmost southern Zhanzhou to the northernmost Beiju Luzhou. NS.

“Could it be that we have been circling around the bank of this river?” Ouyang Jian was so slow that he also found an abnormality. He only heard him sit on the ground. At this moment, he didn’t care about his image. It seemed that he was really tired.

The other women were also very tired, but in order to maintain their image in front of Chu Xiao, none of them shouted tired. Ping Ting’s station (Zhao De’s) was still in place, discussing countermeasures.

Regarding what Ouyang Xiu said, Chu Xiao shook his head, and only listened to what he said,

“It doesn’t look like it, Brother Ouyang, do you remember that where we started, we were razed to the ground by the skeleton crane. There were no willow trees, only tree pits after another.”

Ouyang Jian nodded, “Yes, if we go around in a circle, we should be back to the starting point again.”

Qiao Ling suggested, “Shall we go ahead and try?”

Ouyang Xue shook her head and said that she didn’t want to leave anymore, and said, “Sister, please forgive me. We have left for almost half a day. The scenery in front of us has not changed. I guess it will be the same again. cold.”

Chu Xiao stood still, loosened his legs, and muttered, “I’m afraid there is a spell restriction here.

Chu Xiao’s words seemed like a thunder, and all the people present were shocked by Chu Xiao’s judgment. .

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