Chapter 1218 Weak links, focus on processing!

However, as time went by every minute and every second, it seemed that Chu Xiao’s spells didn’t work.

Then Ouyang Jian said with a sad face: “Chu Xiao, can you do it? Could it be that you made a fool of us? I don’t want to be stuck here for the rest of my life.”

And Qiao Ling, Monk Ruyi and others are also a little skeptical at this time, after all, the power of this spell restriction is so strong, with their strength, it is impossible to break it.

Just listen to the ruyi and gentle persuasion, “Brother Chu, should we think of other ways”

Chu Xiao turned a deaf ear to these sounds. At this moment, he was looking for a gap in this seemingly indistinguishable space.

Suddenly, the power that Chu Xiao released finally found a place.

Although the difference between that place and other places was only one thousandth, Chu Xiao discovered the anomaly.

The spiritual power in one place is actually weaker than other places.

Since this transparent protective cover has the ability to rebound, naturally the rebound strength of the weak spiritual power will be higher than the rebound of the strong one~ The strength is somewhat higher.

Chu Xiao really used his spiritual power to try out the weak link of the spell restriction- little by little.

“Finally found it!” Chu Xiao was overjoyed, his fingers changed rapidly-movements.

Following his movements, I saw a little white bright spot just less than five steps away from the crowd. Originally, there was no difference between that place and other areas, but it was just a clearing under the most common weeping willow on the bank of the Yin River.

“Look at it!” Qiao Ling spotted the bright spot for the first time, and said with some surprise, “Let me say, Chu Xiao’s strength, how can you presumptuously guessed.”

Seeing such a wonder, no one spoke any more, and their eyes were staring at the brighter and brighter area, and they dared not blink for a moment.

I saw that the bright spot that was originally only a little bit more and more coming under Chu Xiao’s actions, and soon, as if it had been burned by a fire, a small hole was torn open.

Ouyang Xue said with some surprise, “It seems we will be able to leave this place soon.”

Shang Ruyi looked towards Chu Xiao, and saw that Chu Xiao was also trying his best to support him at this moment, so that he could tear up the small hole that was forbidden by the spell. Want to come, cast the cultivator, Cultivation Base for the spell forbidden, far more than they thought. It’s much higher.

There were big beads of sweat dripping from Chu Xiao’s forehead, and his fingers were still changing on his chest, strengthening the input of his spells and the restricted areas.

As Chu Xiao’s movements continued to increase, the gap in the shining spot grew bigger and bigger.

I saw Chu Xiao act for a while, and his two fingers were claw-like in the void, as if grasping the two sides of the crack.

Along with Chu Xiao’s low growl, his two arms strenuously opened outwards. Following his movements, the bright light five steps away from the crowd was alive in an instant.

“Hiss!” The bright light was under Chu Xiao’s fierce force, splitting a human-high space.

Knowing this, Chu Xiao withdrew his movements, and slowly dropped his hands from his chest, panting heavily.

It seems that Chu Xiao really took a lot of effort in order to break the spell restriction.

Everyone was overjoyed when Chu Xiao saw that the spell had been torn out of a person-high space, and they were finally leaving this ghost place.

Everyone was waiting to leave, and suddenly heard the crack, there seemed to be a voice.

“Listen,” Shang Ruyi, who was the first in the team, said, “There is a strange sound.”

Everyone held their breath and listened carefully. Sure enough, a crackling sound came from the crack.

The voice became louder and louder, and everyone present looked at each other, not knowing what kind of voice it was.

Chu Xiao’s heart was different, so he walked in front of everyone and stopped the others behind.

“Be careful, everyone backs away first.

As soon as Chu Xiao’s voice fell, everyone didn’t seem to have reacted, and only saw a dark shadow flashing past the crack, coming straight towards Chu Xiao’s facade.

At this time, Chu Xiao’s reaction speed was even faster, the silver-white sword light flashed, and the dark shadow on the opposite side had been split in half.

A stench filled the surroundings and it was almost nauseating. Ding Qing saw that there were two black corpses on the ground. Even if they were split into two halves, they were still struggling in a pool of blood.

Chu Xiao carefully identified it, and finally saw that the creature that suddenly struck in pitch black turned out to be a black crow. However, it was obvious that the body of this crow was obviously larger than that of the crows seen in the ordinary day.

…Please ask for flowers………

Especially the pair of black feathers, shining with a purple-blue cold light, it was obvious that they were covered with highly poisonous things at a glance.

“It turned out to be the Black Crow Flying Bird!” Shang Ruyi almost recognized the terrifying creature for the first time.

Chu Xiao couldn’t take a closer look, the rumbling voice in his ear grew louder and louder, Chu Xiao looked through the crack in the direction that the voice came from.

As far as I can see, there is a swarm of black crows and birds.

Even though Chu Xiao had seen so many scenes, he was shocked by the terrifying flock of black crow birds at this moment.

However, there are many black crow birds, but there is only a human-high crack in the space here, and these low-level monsters with no IQ all stare at the people on the opposite side of the crack, and refuse to be one step behind. I want to rush forward for the first time and eat the flesh and blood of this group of Human Cultivator.

To this group of monsters, the flesh and blood of Human Cultivator is like honey to black bears and fish to cats, which have a fatal attraction.

So many black crows and birds wanted to rush through the crack, but the number of these black crows and birds was too much, and it was impossible to pass through that crack at the same time.

In order to compete for this opportunity, these black crow birds collided with the squeezer at the crack, desperately trying to rush through the crack and compete for the delicacy in front of them.

At this moment, on the opposite side of the crack, I don’t know how many black crows and birds gathered. I saw the heads of countless black crows and birds squeezing in the direction where Chu Xue was in this one-person-high crack.

Every one of them had their mouths growing hard, trying to squeeze ahead, and at a glance, they saw countless huge scarlet mouths, which was extremely disgusting.

However, it was these black crows and flying crows who squeezed into the thin cracks at the same time, and for a while, no black crow flying bird could squeeze in.

Don’t do it at this time, but wait when.

Chu Xiao raised his hand, and his sword fell.

The black crow bird that was squeezed in the front was chopped off its head in an instant. For a while, blood and light splashed and the head separated.

Pushed forward by the black crow birds behind, those black crow birds struggling with their heads fell to the ground, even if their heads were separated. Son.

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