Chapter 1223 Live and die together, hide skills!

Even Chu Xiao’s face turned pale at the moment.

At this time, Na Ouyang Jian said, “Even if you die today, it’s worth it with you by your side!”

After that, Ouyang Xue’s tears were about to fall.

I only heard Qiao Ling say, “Bah, baah, what a dead end, we can definitely think of a way.”

But Shang Ruyi didn’t say a word at this moment, and I don’t know what he was thinking about-.

The Black Crow Asuka seemed to feel the worries in the hearts of several people, and the bag-circle was getting smaller and smaller.

Among them, there are many black crow birds who want to take the lead. These black crows tried to step forward. How can a few high-level cultivators be vegetarian, and they cut the black crow birds to pieces in an instant.

If Chu Xiao is not nervous at all, it is impossible. He even felt that the horrible scene facing him at the moment was the biggest crisis he faced after entering this dungeon.

Not to mention, the powerfulness of this single black crow bird, right now, the crowd of black and crushed pieces in front of him, even under the circumstances that he himself is full of internal strength, he is not fully sure.

What’s more, at the moment his internal strength is almost exhausted, and the companions around him are all showing exhaustion.

Chu Xiao had already placed the only remaining internal force in his body into a protective barrier. At this moment, everyone was exhausted. Right now, I can only use this protective barrier to delay for a while and see if he can find a way to crack it.

In addition, everyone can relax a little while in the protective enchantment and recover some physical strength.

However, since one’s own internal strength has been almost exhausted, the protective enchantment that can be supported is so small that it can only cover everyone in it.

I don’t know how long this enchantment can last. Chu Xiao thought worriedly, and wanted to mobilize the magical power in his body to quickly replenish his energy.

However, he discovered in vain that at this time, the magical power in his body had disappeared!

If he would give up like this, then he would not be Chu Xiao anymore. Even so, Chu Xiao did not give up at all. Since there is no blessing of that power, he is still trying to mobilize the movement of the internal energy in the body, hoping that his internal strength can be restored as soon as possible.

The others were also exhausted at the moment. Seeing that Chu Xiao had set up the protective barrier, they temporarily put down their defenses and run Zhoutian to quickly replenish their internal strength.

…For flowers,

However, this way of replenishing internal strength is really too slow, not to mention that there are such a group of terrifying beasts that are close at hand.

Black crow birds are constantly trying to attack them. The fairy tools in their hands are already sane. Dealing with the black crow birds who come forward occasionally is no longer a problem.

At this moment, I only heard Shang Ruyi saying,

“Brother Chu, I have a way to quickly replenish my internal strength. I wonder if I would like to give it a try?”

From the very beginning, Shang Ruyi has been silent. At this moment, when Shang Ruyi said this, Chu Xiao was shocked.

“Sister Ruyi, do you have such a way? I have never heard of it.”

Shang Ruyi’s face was a little pale, she looked at the Youxian Lantern in her hand, and there was a nostalgic look on her face. Just listen to her

“Brother Chu, you also know that I am a master of Medicine King Valley. In our discipline, what we are best at is the skill of saving the dead, healing the wounded, healing the sick, and saving people. However, the world does not know that we have a hidden skill in this discipline.” Son.

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