Chapter 1225 Much bigger than before!

Chu Lei hadn’t heard Shang Ruyi’s reply for a long time. He saw Shang Ruyi stunned and looked at her with some concern: “Junior Sister Ruyi?”

Shang Ruyi saw it in place. Chu Xiao’s concern for her is not a bit of affection between men and women. Some are just caring for friends. Shang Ruyi smiled reluctantly: “Yes, if I don’t turn on this hidden skill, It will not be able to hit a higher realm.”

Ouyang Xue and Qiao Ling saw that Chu Xiao only cared about whether Shang Ruyi could hit the highest level, instead of caring about Shang Ruyi and cutting off love. It would be impossible for him in the future, so they were a little anxious. Chu Xiao is a wood, how can he know cultivation , Can’t he see, Shang Ruyi’s feelings for him?

When Ouyang Xue was about to say something, Chu Xiao said, “Since turning on hidden skills is a necessary path for Ruyi Junior Sister cultivation, it is good for Ruyi Junior Sister, that’s also good.”

There were already some tears in Shang Ruyi’s eyes. She felt that she was cold all over her body. It turned out that she had paid for it by mistake. It was her unrequited love, Chu Xiao, who had no affection for her at all. Big brother

At this time, the crows outside the barrier began to make noise, and the barrier was about to be broken by these crows. Seeing the crows were about to rush in, Chu Xiao said, “If Junior Sister Ruyi feels that there is something unspeakable and doesn’t want to turn on hidden skills, then If you don’t turn it on, I don’t believe it, we have no other way today, get out of here!”

Chu Lei looked at the crows outside, and he only recovered a little bit of internal strength. It was not enough to deal with these crows. However, Chu Xiao didn’t want to force others to do things that others didn’t want to do for himself.

Although, Chu Xiao doesn’t understand Shang Ruyi well, why don’t you turn on hidden skills? In order to hit a higher realm, then, if Shang Ruyi wants to continue to practice, it is necessary to activate this hidden skill

Yes, however, Shang Ruyi is very reluctant to open it, and Chu Xiao does not want to force Shang Ruyi.

“Brother Chu is a wood.” Ouyang Xue said angrily, saying that Chu Xiao is a little bit inexplicable, but now is not the time to entangle these, the immediate goal now is to deal with these crows, and then escape from here.

Shang Ruyi looked at Chu Xiao’s face with a very tired look. Shang Ruyi also understood. Now, it is not the time for her to think about love and love. They can’t hold it for long now. If they don’t turn on the hidden skills, they will quickly supplement everyone. With internal strength, everyone will die here.

Moreover, these friends of her, when they knew that they could turn on hidden skills and quickly replenish their internal strength, they did not force themselves. They had to turn on hidden skills. Instead, they respected their own opinions and made Shang Ruyi’s heart feel a little bit. Warmth, for the sake of these friends, she felt that it was worth it to do so.

“Brother Chu, is there any way for you to escape from here? I will activate the hidden skills in a while and let us quickly fill up our energies. However, if there is no way to escape from here, my skills and everyone will not last long.” Shang Ruyi made a decision, Mei Mou looked at Chu Xiao.

Chu Xiao nodded and said, “If I fill up my internal strength, I can tear out a seam like just now. Then, we can get out of that seam, but I don’t know if we will encounter the situation just now.

Shang Ruyi looked at his lamp. The Youxian lamp emitted a faint yellow light, reflecting on Shang Ruyi’s face, and a determined look appeared on Shang Ruyi’s face, “It’s okay, I turned on the hidden skills. There will be a second time, we will definitely be able to go out!”

Chu Xiao looked at such Shang Ruyi, with a look of appreciation in his eyes. He admired Shang Ruyi for being able to take care of the overall situation, instead of being entangled there alone. Moreover, he still had a firm belief, “Since Ruyi Junior Sister is like this Trust me, I have to work harder.”

Ouyang Xue controlled her scimitar, Qiao Ling’s Gu Ling floated in front of her, and Ouyang Jian’s jade bone fan shined again. They all knew that this time, if they were unsuccessful, they would all be buried here. They must Escape!

Shang Ruyi looked at everyone trusting herself so much, and her heart was slightly stable.She didn’t want to lose these friends or the lives of these friends. Wrap Shang Ruyi, and gradually, everyone can’t see Shang Ruyi clearly.

“Kacha, Kacha.” This is the sound of the broken barrier. The crows are about to break the barrier, but they are not in a hurry. They believe in Shang Ruyi and believe in themselves. Their lives will not stop there. , They have a more exciting future.

“Bang!” The barrier was shattered, and then they felt that their internal strength was quickly being filled up. Several people looked at each other and they returned to the full state.

“Roar!” With a dragon chant, the Wandi Sword issued a dazzling sword light, and a silver dragon roared forward, as if very angry. The behavior of these crows, that powerful air current, would once again be covered by crows. The sky, tore a seam, this seam is much larger than before, and this stegosaurus 717 is more powerful than before.


“Go!” Chu Xiao said to others, he didn’t know how long this seam would be closed, so he could only pass it as soon as possible. After this seam, they could survive.

A few people leaned against the seam together, the Youxian lamp was no longer the same as before, the light was dazzling, and Shang Ruyi was also revealed.She looked a little different, but now is not the time to observe this. After going out, naturally You can ask, now, they must go out.

The five people walked to the crack, and there was another roar from the crack. Chu Xiao felt fierce and summoned the dragon to the front. The dragon roared inside, and the roar from there was gone in an instant. . The crow was about to approach, and the dragon roared again, and stunned the crow that wanted to approach. Five people quickly passed through the crack.

Passing through this seam, the five people felt that, for a moment, nothing was seen, and they felt that they were moving in an instant, “hold each other’s hands! Don’t get lost!” Chu Xiao felt that between the five people There is strength, speak immediately.

The five invisible people immediately held the hands of the people next to her, and Shang Ruyi was startled. She held Chu Xiao’s hand, but now Shang Ruyi didn’t feel much anymore. .

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