Chapter 124 Holy subjective luck, Daozi and promise, the emperor leads the true dragon

Linglong Sacred Land Head Teacher, Sacred Land Head Teacher, Lu Yunzhu!

Every expert in the Saint Lord Realm is a person at the top of the Tiannan Dao realm, who can become a Sacred Land Head Teacher, and even one of them!

Sacred Land Sect, like Linglong Sacred Land, which contains the inheritance of the great emperor, wants to be the head teacher among them, it is almost inevitable to obtain the method of the great emperor’s inheritance and practice the power of the emperor!

The power of terror is unimaginable.

As the opponent slowly turned around, Chu Xiao’s gaze fell on the opponent.

This Dongshuang Saint Lord has a beautiful face, and it does not seem to have the grace and luxury of being in a high position for a long time, but a hint of coldness is revealed all over his body.

After a moment of gaze, Chu Xiao clasped his fists again and said seriously: “I have seen Saint Lord Dongshuang.”

“Chu Xiao Daozi.”

The tone of the Holy Lord Dongshuang is softer. Now he is looking at Chu Xiao and whispering: “I didn’t expect that you would come to my exquisite Sacred Land.

“Although I have had several ties with your master, it is considered acquaintance, but it has been a long time ago.”

“Since the Daozi ceremony, it has been rumored that you have been practicing in retreat without leaving Sacred Land, and have never heard of any rumors about you and my exquisite Sacred Land. We have never met.”

“You came to Linglong Sacred Land on this trip. I don’t know why?”

Hear the words.

Chu Xiao’s expression became more serious, and he said in a deep voice, “Chu Xiao came here to ask for something.”


Holy Lord Dongshuang showed a surprised look: “What’s the matter?”

The other party is Linglong Sacred Land Head Teacher, a figure standing on the top of the Dao realm. Since the other party directly asked each other, Chu Xiao would naturally not say anything else.

He bluntly said: “I heard that there is a forbidden land in Linglong Sacred Land!”

“Chu Xiao came this time because he wanted to go to the forbidden place to explore.”

“Go to the forbidden area of ​​Sacred Land?”

Holy Master Dongshuang raised his eyebrows slightly, and did not directly answer whether he agreed, but said: “In my exquisite Sacred Land, there are many forbidden places.”

“Some are helpful in practice, while others are in large areas, so they are included in the forbidden area.”

“Which is the forbidden place you are talking about?”

Chu Xiao looked directly at the other party, his tone was neither humble nor overbearing, and he uttered all the words that he had prepared: “Holy Lord Winter Frost, in the Daozi Ceremony, I first receive the blessing of Sacred Land Qiyun, and then the blessing of Heaven and Earth Qiyun, and my own Qi. Fortune surges.”

“after that ”

“In my heart, there is always a feeling of throbbing.”

“After some tests, I can be sure that the feeling of throbbing is the sacred instruction given to me by the heavens and the earth, which illuminates the opportunity for me.”

“I came on this trip precisely because of that opportunity.

He reached out his hand, pointed to the east of Linglong Sacred Land, and said: “According to the feeling of throbbing in my heart, the forbidden land I want to enter is located in the east of Sacred Land!”

He paused.

Continued: “In this forbidden area, there is a chance that is related to me, so I can get the hint from the heaven and the earth, and I also ask the Holy Lord Dongshuang to agree to let Chu Xiao step into it.”


“The Sacred Land forbidden land is extremely precious. Naturally, Chu Xiao will not come here for nothing. If the senior needs it, Chu Xiao will try his best to satisfy it, just to exchange for the forbidden land.”

What he said was true and false.

The throbbing is true, and the chance reminder is also true.

Only the source of the chance reminder is the result of the chance card, not the feeling in the heart.

It is extremely difficult to go to other forbidden places in Sacred Land, so Chu Xiao chose to tell the truth.

As the Taoist of Boundless Sacred Land, he has the capital to tell the truth, and the two sides can be frank before they can talk further.

According to his speculation, Linglong Sacred Land did not know the truth of True Dragon Nest Six, and did not really go deep into it.


A forbidden place with a value that is not that high can naturally be used for “trading.”


Holy Master Dongshuang’s eyes lowered slightly, and he whispered: “What you are talking about, is it the Forbidden Land of Longwei?”

“The forbidden land was there when it was created. Because of the birth of Longwei, it was listed as a forbidden land for my elite disciples in the exquisite Sacred Land to temper their minds.”

“There is a chance that has something to do with you.”

“Could it be”

“Is there another mystery?”

Her whisper seemed to be talking to Chu Xiao, and it seemed to be talking to herself.

Hear these.

Chu Xiao’s heart moved slightly.

“The true dragon lair is very likely to be related to the emperor. It seems that Linglong Sacred Land has not discovered the truth.’

“The gap between the emperor realm and the holy master realm is far beyond imagination. If nothing can be done, even if Linglong Sacred Land has born more than one holy master realm like Sacred Land, it is impossible to ascertain the truth.”

Chu Xiao’s mind flashed.

In front of you.

Saint Lord Dongshuang pondered for a moment, and then his gaze fell on Chu Xiao.

There was a bright brilliance in her eyes, and she said, “I can feel the heaven and the earth, and illuminate the chance.

“Your luck”

at this moment!

Above Chu Xiao, the golden crown of Qi Luck trembled slightly, and he felt a faint feeling of being peeped.


This is what the Holy Master Dongshuang is confirming because of what Chu Xiao said.

The mystery of Qi Luck is extraordinary, but it is a real existence. A powerful Saint master realm who has the inheritance of the great emperor has so many methods, and naturally has a method of viewing!

Aware of the meaning of the Holy Lord Dongshuang, Chu Xiao did not cover it up, his mind moved slightly, using the emperor’s vision technique to mobilize his own luck!

When he first obtained the Golden Crown of Qi Luck, even if he mastered the emperor Wang Qi technique, he could only watch and read, but could not control it.


As he condensed the magic weapon of Zhanyun in the Daozi ceremony, and gained the status of the son of Qiyun, he has a certain control ability on his own Qiyun.


The golden glow in Chu Xiao’s eyes flashed, and under his control, the golden crown of luck, and the treasure of luck appeared on his own initiative!

Since the other party wants to watch, then show her!

This is already in Chu Xiao’s plan.

Chu Xiao integrates the child of luck card, and he is truly the child of luck in the southern realm of the sky, and it is for this reason that he will speak such words to the holy lord of Dongshuang earlier.

As a strong master of the Holy Master Realm, he naturally understands Qiyun, and he also knows the meaning of the son of Qiyun!

A child of luck is well known by the world, and friendship with a child of luck will have various benefits for himself!

Especially now that Taoism is about to recover, the son of luck in such a great world is of even greater significance.

If you want to trade with the other party, you naturally need to show your own value.

Wuliang Sacred Land’s Daozi status is one of them.

And the identity of the son of luck is the second!


The golden crown of luck hangs high.

The whole body, the treasure of luck is looking around!

That condensed horrible luck is truly shocking!

After doing all this.

Chu Xiao’s gaze turned to the Holy Lord Dongshuang.

I saw

At this moment, the Holy Master Dongshuang naturally saw this scene. After sweeping the golden crown of luck and the treasure of luck, a trace of surprise appeared in her eyes.

The divine light in the eyes converges.

Holy Master Dongshuang shook his head and sighed: “Sure enough…”

“It’s no wonder that with such a talent, on the emperor’s communication stage, it is even more capable of inspiring the blessing of heaven and earth.”

“turn out to be ”

“You are just a child of luck who is well known by the world.”

“Infinite Sacred Land”

“It’s worthy of being an absolute force capable of arrogantly shattering unbroken inheritance. This luck is really beyond the reach.”

Sacred Lord Shenwu preached a major event related to the entire Dao domain. As Linglong Sacred Land Head Teacher, she naturally went to Wuliang Sacred Land at that time and saw scenes of Daozi ceremony.

Upon seeing this.

The Lord Chu Xiao’s face has no waves.

The Holy Master Winter Frost obviously guessed the wrong order, thinking that he was the son of Qi Luck, and he had only received the blessing of Qi Luck from Heaven and Earth, but it was also harmless.


Since obtaining the ID card of the son of Qiyun, his identity is equivalent to obtaining the “official certification”, and he is the son of Qiyun.

The goal has been achieved, Chu Xiao controls the convergence of his own air luck, the golden crown of air luck, and the treasure of air luck slowly disappear.

In front of you.

Saint Lord Dongshuang looked at this scene, thoughtfully, and said: “It seems that you had such a plan before you came to me.”

“It was beyond my expectation to take the initiative to reveal the identity of the son of luck.”

After all, it is the Sacred Land Head Teacher, extremely intelligent, and already reacted, Chu Xiao has been laying the groundwork since the beginning.

Hear the words.

Chu Xiao’s tone was calm, and he replied: “Senior, wanting to enter the forbidden areas of other Sacred Land is also a big taboo in the realm.”

“After thinking about it, Chu Xiao thinks that only by revealing himself can he get a chance. Therefore, he has to make the best plan and hope that the seniors will not be offended.”

Holy Master Dongshuang shook his head: “Naturally I will not be offended.”

Afterwards, her tone was a little emotional, and she looked at Chu Xiao and said: “The Dao Realm is about to recover. After returning to the three thousand Dao Realms, it will be a magnificent world unfolding.”

“You are so talented, and you are a tianjiao character who is the son of luck. You must be the man of the day, stirring the situation of the Dao domain.

“Unfortunately, why aren’t you a disciple of my Linglong Sacred Land.”

“If you are my disciple of my exquisite Sacred Land, then I am afraid that my exquisite Sacred Land can also rise by the wind at that time and go further. It will become more and more brilliant.”

Chu Lei was silent.

Linglong Sacred Land was founded since its inception and only recruits female disciples.

It is better not to participate in this topic.

The Holy Master Dongshuang didn’t say much. After a sentence of emotion, her face became more serious, and she looked at Chu Xiao and said in a deep voice, “Since you are the son of Daoyu Qiyun, you should be true.”

“In that Longwei Forbidden Land, it seems that there is indeed something mysterious, but it has never been noticed.”

“Linglong Sacred Land established a sect here. In such a long time, I have never found any abnormality in it. It seems that the opportunity in your mouth has nothing to do with my exquisite Sacred Land.”

She wore Chu Xiao and said slowly: “I can let you enter the Longwei Forbidden Land.

“but ”

Saint Lord Dongshuang paused, his face became more serious, and he said solemnly: “I have two conditions!”

Chu Xiao’s expression was serious and calmly said, “Senior, but it’s okay to say.”

Sacred Lord Dongshuang with his hands behind his back, stepped on the attic, and muttered: “My Linglong Sacred Land is located in the eastern part of the Daoyu, and Wuliang Sacred Land is located in the north of the Daoyu.”

“The Dao domain is vast, so in the past, my Linglong Sacred Land and Boundless Sacred Land didn’t have much intersection.


“Since you immeasurable Taoist came to my Linglong Sacred Land, it is an opportunity, a chance to contact.”

The tone of the Holy Lord Dongshuang is serious: “I want to take this opportunity to form an alliance with Boundless Sacred Land, and the two sides will keep watch and help each other.

She stopped to look at Chu Xiao: “Although in terms of my inner strength, Sacred Land is not as exquisite as Sacred Land, I am also a Sacred Land Sect with the inheritance of the emperor’s law. Both sides help each other and naturally both benefit.”

“When the Dao realm has fully recovered and the great world has come, the two sides can also help each other.

“The disciples of Linglong Sacred Land can also communicate with the disciples of Wuliang Sacred Land, and both parties will improve together.”

“I don’t know what you want?”

Hear the words.

Chu Xiao showed a thoughtful look.

This is a condition rather than mutual benefit.

He groaned, and said in a deep voice: “When the Dao domain recovers, there may even be a domain war erupting.

“Wuliang and Linglong belong to the same Taoist domain, and there is no friction between the two sides. The establishment of an alliance is a matter of mutual benefit.”

“I will contact Sacred Land to tell the Head Teacher about this matter, and I will try to make it happen.”

“I have fulfilled this first condition.

Holy Lord Dongshuang nodded slightly.

In her opinion, Chu Xiao, as the Taoist of Boundless Sacred Land, must be valued by Boundless Sacred Land.

With him as the middle link, the prototype of the alliance between Boundless Sacred Land and Linglong Sacred Land has been formed.

Chu Xiao looked at the Lord Dongshuang and asked: “Senior, I don’t know what the second condition is.”

“The second condition.”

“It’s about you.”

The gaze of Holy Master Dongshuang Youyi, whispered: “After the Dao domain is fully recovered, no one knows what kind of changes will take place in this world.”

“I need a promise from you.

Her tone was even more solemn than before, saying every word: “If in the future, my exquisite Sacred Land encounters a catastrophe, I hope you can help and protect my Sacred Land inheritance.

Her voice fell.

There was silence in the attic.

Chu Xiao breathed out slowly.

If it is said that the first condition is because of the strength of the immeasurable Sacred Land, Saint Lord Winterfrost wants to find a reliable ally.

Then the second condition:

It’s all because of himself!

His talent, his luck, his potential!

Holy Master Dongshuang knew all of this and valued all of it very much, so he wanted a promise from him!

Dao realm is revived, and the world can reproduce the great emperor. This is an opportunity, a huge opportunity


Fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

No one knows what exactly is waiting for the Warrior from the Dao Domain after the Tiannan Dao Domain has fully recovered.

Two conditions.

One is mutually beneficial, and the other does not require what Chu Xiao is doing today.

It can be seen that the holy master of Dongshuang attaches great importance.

She didn’t even need Chu Xiao to take an oath and leave a written statement, just a promise.

If Linglong Sacred Land really encounters a catastrophe in the future, a promise will not restrain anything at all. It is nothing more than Chu Xiao’s own thoughts.

Chu Xiao felt the importance of this Dongshuang Saint Lord to himself.

He groaned, looked at the Holy Master Dongshuang, and said solemnly: “Senior.”

“If Linglong Sacred Land really encounters a catastrophe in the future, if Chu Xiao can help, then I will take action to block this difficulty for Linglong Sacred Land!!

Hearing Chu Xiao’s solemn tone, looked at Chu Xiao’s serious face.

This cold temperament Saint Lord Realm powerhouse showed a faint smile.

Such as the blue blooming, the style is good and refreshing.

She looked at Chu Xiao and said, “It seems that you are very confident in yourself.”

“In that case, I hope you can climb higher.

“If you climb higher, my exquisite Sacred Land, wouldn’t it be safer.”

She whispered twice, and then turned to: “Since you meet both conditions, I will open the forbidden area for you.”

“Longwei Forbidden Land has existed since the establishment of Sacred Land. It is used by elite disciples to temper their minds. In order to prevent others from accidentally entering, a large formation is set up.”

“It takes half an hour to turn on the big array.”

“You just wait here for a while.”

Chu Xiao nodded slightly, and said, “I will contact Head Teacher immediately to explain the alliance.”


Holy Lord Dongshuang responded.


As the waves flashed, her figure had disappeared in the attic.

Just shortly after she left.

There was a beautiful young woman in a long silk dress, carrying Lingguo fairy tea, stepping into the attic, placing it on the side table, and saying softly: “Chu Xiao Daozi, please use it.”

On her side.

Followed by two small figures.

It is the Golden Jiao and the Star Seeker!

Now as the woman came up and saw Chu Xiao, the two little guys swam around and flew over, hovering over Chu Xiao’s arms.


The woman opened the mouth and said: “Master, go to open the big formation, and ask Chu Xiao Daozi to wait a while. If there is any need, just say it.”


Chu Xiao looked at the woman, frowning slightly and said, “Are you a disciple of Senior Dongshuang? How do you call it.”

“My name is Luo Qing.” The woman smiled slightly and said: “It’s just a named disciple of the respected Master, who handles some chores.”

After that.

She looked at Chu Xiao: “I’ve heard of Chu Xiao Daozi’s reputation a long time ago, but I didn’t expect to see it in person now. It’s Luo Qing’s luck.”

Chu Xiao nodded noncommitantly, then retracted his gaze, and took out the sound transmission charm from the treasure of storage.

He groaned and said several words to the sound transmission magic talisman.

Unlimited Sacred Land.

at this time.

An elder deacon went straight to Ruyi Peak and asked to see the Lord Ruyi.

It is the deacon elder in Sacred Land who is arranged by the Holy Master Ruyi to control the sound transmission runes and is responsible for contacting Chu Xiao!

This deacon elder is now the Cultivation Base of Life and Death. In the past years, he practiced on the Ruyi Peak, and he is considered to be the direct line of the Holy Lord of Ruyi.

After boarding the Ruyi Peak, after the announcement, he saw the Holy Master Ruyi who had left the pass in his self-cultivation.

After some explanation, the deacon elder left.

The Holy Lord Ruyi leaned on the main seat of the Great Hall, with a hint of interest in his eyes, and said in a low voice: “Unexpectedly, he went to Linglong Sacred Land.”

“Holy Lord Dongshuang…

After a deep groan, Holy Lord Ruyi’s eyes were slightly lowered, and his lips were lightly opened, but no sound was heard.

At this moment.

Shenwu Peak.

In the Great Hall.

Shenwu Sage Master was flipping through the bamboo slips in front of him.

After the Daozi ceremony.

Everywhere in the Dao realm, all the experts in the holy master realm began to retreat, and they rarely showed up.

Wuliang Sacred Land is no exception.

Sacred Master Shenwu often retreats to practice, but he does not close the dead, but at regular intervals, he goes out to handle Sacred Land affairs.


As if to hear something, the gaze of the god martial master narrowed slightly.

He groaned and said to himself: “Is the alliance?

“Linglong Sacred Land, the inheritance of the great emperor, but the powerful Sacred Land Sect, is a good choice.”


The figure of Chu Xiao flashed in his mind, thinking of his performance on the Emperor Chuan arena, the god martial master smiled slightly and said to himself: “When I explored from that different place, such a character can appear in Sacred Land, and I am still satisfied. Junior sister accepted as disciple.”

“This is really a blessing for Sacred Land.

“Dao domain is reviving, and the great world is coming.”

“It should be the time for my boundless Sacred Land to rise into the sky!”

Linglong Sacred Land.

In the attic.

After waiting quietly for a period of time.

Before you…

Luo Qing, the registered disciple of Holy Master Dongshuang, seemed to have heard something.


Her face stood up solemnly and bowed to Chu Xiao, and then said: “Daozi Chu Xiao, please come with me.”


Knowing that the forbidden area was opened, Chu Xiao’s face became more serious.

Real dragon lair!

in …

What will be hidden?

Follow Luo Qing to the east of Linglong Sacred Land.

Along the way…

Chu Xiao attracted more and more attention.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Boundless Sacred Land Daozi, today’s number one arrogant!

These names are really too eye-catching.

Now the news that Chu Xiao got close to Linglong Sacred Land has spread throughout Sacred Land in a short period of time.

Countless disciples of Linglong Sacred Land wanted to see with their own eyes the style of his arrogant figure.

Not long.

Chu Xiao followed Luo Qing and came to the destination.

Linglong Sacred Land, Longwei Forbidden Land!

Looking around, a portal has already appeared in the huge array in front of him.

After the big formation was opened, the formation was transparent, and the environment inside was exposed, it was a canyon!

While outside the door

Several figures stand upright.

Except for the Holy Lord Winter Frost, the rest of the people all showed an extremely terrifying aura, obviously they are the elders of Linglong Sacred Land!

At this moment

Seeing Chu Xiao stepping from a distance, beside the saint master Dongshuang, a woman whose face faintly reveals the meaning of aging frowned slightly, and whispered: “Head Teacher, really want him to enter the forbidden area. NS.

“Longwei Forbidden Land. Since the creation of Sacred Land (Nuo Li’s), it has allowed the elite disciples of Sacred Land to enter. Chu Xiao has nothing to do with Sacred Land, even if I want to alliance with Wuliang Sacred Land and let him enter it. , And some are too wrong.”

This woman is a great sacred elder in Linglong Sacred Land!

The Great Sage of the Silkworm, Yu Shujun.

Hear the words.

The coldness of Dongshuang Holy Lord was revealed, and the tone was calm and unwavering.

“Elder Yu, since I have made a decision, don’t say more.,

On Yu Shujun’s old face, her expression changed slightly, and she stopped speaking.

Chu Xiao stepped here.

Looking at the holy lord of winter frost, Chu Xiao clasped his fist and said, “Chu Xiao would like to thank the holy lord of winter frost.”

Saint Lord Dongshuang nodded, and then said:” “Taozi Chu Xiao, this Longwei Forbidden Land has been in Sacred Land for countless years, and we are also very curious about what the chances are. ”

“If you don’t mind, we want to stay here and take a look, can you?

“This is Linglong Sacred Land. It doesn’t matter if the seniors and others want to take a look.”

Chu Xiao responded.

“In that case please.”

Chu Lei nodded slightly.


He stepped away from the door.

Under the attention of several exquisite Sacred Land powerhouses, Chu Xiao stepped into the door.

At the moment of entering the portal

In a crash!

A faint dragon roar exploded, and an invisible power was pressing on him!

That is Longwei!

This forbidden land is named Longwei Forbidden Land, for the elite disciples of Linglong Sacred Land to temper their minds, precisely because this place is full of Longwei!

Linglong Sacred Land doesn’t know its source, but Chu Xiao knows it.

There is a real dragon’s nest hidden here, it is not surprising that the dragon will be born!

The power is overwhelming.

As Chu Lei’s thoughts moved slightly, the power of the cave sky faintly spread out, enveloped the whole body, and wiped out Longwei.

His gaze looked forward.


It’s a grand canyon!

According to the information in the chance card, this place is where the six lairs of the true dragon’s nest are located.

“You have cultivated the Tianwu True Dragon Law, you are born close to the true dragon, you can enter the dragon’s nest to explore.”

The information in the chance card flashed in my mind.

Chu Xiao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“The key to this place lies in the Tianwu True Dragon Technique?

“In that case”

While the mind was moving slightly, at this moment, the spiritual power in the Lingxu was surging, and the Tianwu True Dragon Law was operating!

The emperor’s law is operating, and in his physique, the sound of dragons is faintly heard, and there are many dragon-shaped phantoms around his body!

In a crash!

It seems that this place is deeply touched because of the breath of Tianwu True Dragon Law.

In this Longwei Forbidden Land, in the Grand Canyon, at this moment, the Longwei scattered everywhere is quickly gathering and gathering!

In a blink of an eye!

Long Wei gathered in one place!


The vast dragon power actually formed a shadow of a true dragon, hanging above the canyon.

The real dragon is lifelike, with a slightly curved body, the majesty in the dragon’s eyes, and his eyes tightly on Chu Xiao’s body. .

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