Chapter 1271 Have a heart of rebellion!

Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Xue glanced at each other and didn’t say anything, but they remembered this favor in their hearts. In the future, if there is still a need for them, they will definitely be able to do so.

At this time, Chu Xiao took out the map and said to Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Xue: “This is the map given to us by these two predecessors. It is a map of the soul hall in the center of the demon realm. There are many good things in the soul hall, but It’s dangerous, do you want to go?”

Chu Xiao asked their opinions, and then said: “If you don’t go, we will send you back first, and then we will go to the soul hall.”

Ouyang Jian said directly: “Of course I want to go. This is a chance. How could we not go? We even survived the life and death stage. How could we be afraid of being so dangerous and die if we die.”

Ouyang Xue also agreed and nodded, “Of course we have to go, we five are together, I still can’t bear you, I want to have experience with you.

Seeing that Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Xue agreed, Chu Xiao began to prepare. They needed to set off immediately. They had stayed in the Demon Realm for too long, and they should have gone out after this encounter.

Chu Xiao said to Chen Luo and Chen Kuo next to him: “Two seniors, we are going to set off. Thank you for the map of the two seniors and the care of the two seniors.

Chu Xiao thought for a while and said to Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Xue: “These two seniors also took care of you, and they gave the map. When you had an abnormal situation, the seniors were the first to find out. Helped you guys.”

Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Xue glanced at each other.They didn’t know what the situation was. The most important thing was that it seemed that these two seniors trapped themselves in the formation, so why did they help themselves?

But they don’t think much about these things. Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Xue bowed to them: “Thank you for the care of the two seniors, otherwise we will die here, thank you, thank you,”. ”

This made Chen Luo and Chen Kuo a little embarrassed. They filled their hands and said, “It’s nothing more than a simple effort. Moreover, it is not us who helped you the most, but the piece of jade. We did nothing.”

Shang Ruyi smiled and said, “Seniors are humble. If you hadn’t discovered their condition first, we would not have found out.”

Indeed, if Chen Kuo hadn’t discovered their abnormal situation first, then their situation would have been a bit more serious, and they would probably not be able to survive it, and they would explain it here.

Chen Kuo’s discovery gave them at least a little life security. Even if they couldn’t make it, it was just a retrogression in Cultivation Base. There was no life-threatening danger, and it made people feel more at ease.

Chen Luo and Chen Kuo didn’t say anything. No matter how humble each other is, they don’t know when they will be humble. It’s better to let this topic end there, and they are about to set off.

“Okay, then we are here to wish you all the best and return with a full load.” Chen Luo patted Chu Xiao on the shoulder and said with a smile. Of course he hopes that they will return with a full load. This means that the more the soul hall will lose.

Chen Luo can hope that they are like this. Chen Luo hates the soul hall. If they can, Chen Luo also hopes that Chu Xiao and the others will empty the soul hall. Of course, this is impossible. There are still some powerful things in the soul hall. exist.

Chu Xiao and the others can mix in and take some things out. It is already very good, and it can be regarded as a good experience, which is of great benefit to Chu Xiao and them.

Chu Xiao said: “Then thank you senior Ji Yan, we will definitely come home, I don’t know if you are settled here, senior?” Chu Xiao thought that he would be able to meet them in the future, which is also good.

“Of course not. We don’t have a specific settlement position. This formation seems to stay here, but it can actually be taken away by me and him.” Chen Kuo said.

The storm formation looks very big, it is the kind of formation fixed in one place, but it turns out that it can be taken away. Chu Xiao couldn’t stop surprised on his face. He really didn’t expect the storm formation. Can be taken away.

Chen Luo saw the surprise on Chu Xiao’s face, and felt that he could teach him one more thing, and it would not hurt to have one more favor, “This is a skill, we teach you this skill, and you can also be in the soul hall. Save your life inside.

Chen Kuo thought for a while, nodded and said, “Indeed, it’s a pity that a genius like you died in the Soul Palace, besides, your talents are also good, and learning this is just right.”

In fact, learning this is not much linked to the talent of the formation, but is linked to their comprehensive talents. These people have good talents and are quite suitable for learning this. Chen Luo and Chen Kuo agree.

Chu Xiao glanced at each other and then bowed to them. In their eyes, what they taught them would be regarded as their half master. Chen Luo and Chen Kuo could bear their worship.

“…Okay, don’t be silent anymore. Hurry up and finish your studies. Hurry up and we will leave here.” Chen Luo said that he and Chen Kuo still have something to do, and they are also taking a break here. For a moment, I just met them without expecting to take a break for a while.

“Sit down.” Chen Kuo also sat down. Several people formed a circle. Chen Luo talked about the key to the formation of this formation. “The key is that you must unite as one. If one of them has a heart of rebellion. , It is impossible to succeed.”

This can be seen in Chen Luo and Chen Kuo. They are brothers and their relationship is still very good, so there is no pressure on this formation, but for others, it is different.

Because it is very difficult for someone to do this, how about it? Do they have such a good heart, do they unite in this way, do they (Zhao Li’s) do not betray each other like this.

In this world, there are many people who will betray their companions because of some resource problems. It is difficult for someone like Chen Kuo and Chen Luo to never betray each other and share resources.

But ordinary friends don’t generally do this. Just take the resource as an example. Few people are willing to give it to others. Even if the resource is someone else’s, they will want to grab it.

Chu Xiao glanced at each other and said: “We are all friends of life and death, and that kind of situation will not happen. We have all experienced life and death with each other. Everyone understands that resources are not worth mentioning compared to this kind of friendship. .”

Chen Luo and Chen Kuo had admiration in their eyes. This kind of friendship is hard to come by. The young people in front of them seemed to be upright people. Seeing the firmness in their eyes, they knew that they were not lying.

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