Chapter 1273 You will lose your companions!

“So, where are we going to go in? It’s not written on the map, except where you can go in except the main entrance.” This matter is very difficult to do. There is no place to go in, so what do they do?

Chu Xiao blinked, “I went in once before, and then came out from another place when I came out, so that place can still be entered, but we have to change it.”

Chu Xiao knows that the people in the soul hall know each other, but they are not very familiar with each other, just know that there is this person, so first let his companions change their appearance, so that they will not be exposed. It is a foreigner.

Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Xue were a little surprised: “Have you been in before? Was it horrible? Is it a purgatory on earth? Are there many people in it?” They felt that the people who were cultivated in this way and where they live are probably No~Where will it get better.

Chu Xiao shook his head and said, “You may have a misunderstanding about it. It’s not scary at all. On the contrary, the environment is pretty good, but the people are just average, not so good. Everyone intrigues each other for a little bit. resource.”

Ouyang Jian touched his chin and said, “This is understandable. Yujin’s resources are so scarce. It is understandable that their cultivation is not for the purpose of cultivating the Cultivation Base for immortality, but this method is also undesirable. ”

“Come on, everyone changes their appearance first. We have to go in quickly and come out quickly.” Ouyang Xue said that she is not very interested in this, only interested in the things experienced inside, and other things have nothing to do with her.

Chu Xiao took out a bottle of pill. It was this bottle of pill that made Chu Xiao look like Xu Shuang, and it was also invisible to others. Chu Xiao still has a lot of this kind of pill, so he can use it at all. Not distressed.

Chu Xiao gave them a description of who they needed to become. The description was not accurate enough. Chu Xiao directly exposed the appearance of these people in front of him, like a real person, so that they could see more clearly.

As for Chu Xiao, he still looked like Xu Shuang. The eyes of the few people next to him looked at him, and they all changed. Chu Xiao scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed, thinking about how he should explain, Become a woman’s appearance.

“I’ve seen this woman before, and I can imitate it very well. She looks like she will be able to help you cover at that time.” Chu Xiao thought for a long time before suffocating such a sentence.

The appearances of the other people are all the same, you don’t need to explain, we all know that you have such a little hobby that we can tolerate, and Chu Xiao feels a little bit indefensible.

In the end, Chu Xiao gave up the explanation and said: “Okay, OK, let’s not talk about this, you follow me, we just go in and try not to meet other people, as for the person I met before, I can still Threat him.”

Chu Xiao thought, if you meet Zhu Hong, you can threaten him and ask him to cover himself. If Zhu Hong has other crooked thoughts, don’t blame him for being cruel.

Chu Xiao is generally very indifferent to some people who are not his companions. As for how indifferent, you can refer to his attitude towards Zhu Hong. When most people hear Zhu Hong’s experience, they will feel soft.

However, Chu Xiao is different. He only thinks that this has something to do with him. Chu Xiao is very indifferent to others. If this person wants him to help him, unless it is to give him a little benefit, it is a benefit of the same price. Xiao will do it.

Of course, there are exceptions to people who Chu Xiao looks pleasing to the eye, such as Chen Luo, Chu Xiao can kill him, Chen Kuo behind, Chu Xiao is not afraid of him, but Chu Xiao sees them pleasingly, so he thinks about it. To make friends.

Chu Xiao also likes their brothers very much. In this world, many brothers have turned against each other for some things, but they are different. They look very close, and each is thinking about each other.

Such them made Chu Xiao very moved. This kind of brotherhood is already very rare. Let them exist in the world. Chu Xiao thought about it this way and didn’t kill them.

Moreover, even if they don’t give them this opportunity, Chu Xiao can still grab it directly, but Chu Xiao did not choose to do so. This violates his nature, and his companions will not allow him to do so, if he does. If you do, you will also lose your companions.

Chu Xiao brought a few people to the place where he came out. There are still traces of his fight with Zhu Hong. Shang Ruyi is a little wary: “It seems that people have been here before. Look at the traces of this fight, it should be. Human, and it’s not long.”

…For flowers…

Chu Xiao said: “This is the trace of my previous fight with the people in the soul hall. When I came out, this person was asked to bring me out, but he was more insidious and cunning, and he wanted to calculate me, so I went with him. There was a fight.”

Several people in Shang Ruyi were a little worried about him. Although Chu Xiao didn’t seem to have anything to say about it, the people in the Soul Palace had a lot of means. Maybe he would suffer, but he hasn’t noticed it yet.

Shang Ruyi stretched out his hand and said, “Brother Chu, you let me take a handful of your pulse to see if you have been calculated by them. We must first ensure your safety before talking about other things.’


These people are very worried. In case, Chu Xiao hits that person’s move, what should I do if something goes wrong when I go in? Chu Xiao is their companion. They don’t allow their companions to do things, so they must check clearly first. .

Chu Xiao saw the firm look on these people’s faces, touched their noses, and stretched out their hands, “Okay, take a look, anyway, I don’t think I am uncomfortable, and that person is not so bold.

Shang Ruyi disagreed with Chu Xiao’s words, but she wanted to concentrate on getting his pulse, so she didn’t refute anything for the time being. After a while, Shang Ruyi frowned and said, “You also said that the soul on your body is very unstable. A little bit separated from the body.’

Ouyang Jian patted Chu Xiao on the shoulder and said, “Big brother, why are you so careless? Is it okay? If you find out later, you will separate your soul from your body by then, and no one can save you. .

Chu Xiao didn’t expect that this situation still exists. He didn’t feel anything at all. Shang Ruyi shook his head and said, “You can’t feel anything because you are used to it. Come and hold this jade.”

Shang Ruyi took it out again. The jade that saved Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Xue just now, this jade has magical effect, can stabilize the soul, and it can solve Chu Xiao’s current state. She handed this jade to Chu Xiao. Son,

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