Chapter 1291 Enter your own internal strength!

Chu Xiao heard Qiao Ling’s voice, so he distracted some attention to Qiao Ling, and wanted to see how his situation was. Chu Xiao also knew that Qiao Ling was spoiled by some people when she grew up. of.

Chu Xiao also understands that Qiao Ling has hardly experienced anything like this, so she is a little worried. Usually these things are done by Shang Ruyi. Chu Xiao has basically never seen Qiao Ling take a shot. .

Chu Xiao was actually a little worried at first, worried that Qiao Ling could not stabilize Ouyang Xue’s injury, because she had never seen Qiao Ling treating others, or even seen her treating herself.

Chu Xiao’s worries are not unreasonable, because Qiao Ling herself is also worried about this matter, but Qiao Ling knows that she is the only one responsible for this matter here, and she almost knows it, she can’t panic.

Qiao Ling is very confident about what she has learned before. She is not a person who is usually lazy, so if she starts to calm down, Qiao Ling will almost know what she should do.

Although Qiao Ling is usually well protected and did not face such crisis moments, Qiao Ling is also a well-educated person. She has the ability to face such times, and she also wants to share the burden. a bit.

Qiao Ling is very worried about Shang Ruyi. If her companion is distracted for this reason, and if Shang Ruyi does not wake up, Qiao Ling will be very guilty. Therefore, Qiao Ling is already doing her best to take this responsibility. .

Qiao Ling felt it for the first time that Ouyang Xue’s body temperature was dropping and she looked cold, so she told them immediately that Qiao Ling was also very helpless in this situation, because she didn’t know what to do.

However, Ouyangxue’s friendship with her was already very deep, so Qiao Ling immediately asked her other companions for help. She wanted Ouyangxue and Shang Ruyi to be fine.

Qiao Ling knew that if she shouted it out now, it might cause Chu Xiao to be distracted, and then she would find that both sides could not take care of it, and it would be very difficult to handle it at that time. However, although Qiao Ling hopes that Shang Ruyi will get better.

Qiao Ling found out that Ouyang Xue’s condition had dropped sharply and she had to need someone to help. Qiao Ling could be stable before, but now it is different. It seems that the thing has become more intense, and Qiao Ling can’t control it anymore.

Qiao Ling still doesn’t want Ouyang Xue to fall down here. Qiao Ling didn’t say just now, just to let them not be distracted, and Qiao Ling can control the situation, but now it’s different, Qiao Ling can’t control anything. Living.

When Qiao Ling found out that she couldn’t control it, she immediately said it. Qiao Ling didn’t want to make Ouyang Xue suffer such a great pain because of her mistake. Qiao Ling felt it, and Ouyang Xue’s body temperature was getting lower and lower. Low.

Qiao Ling felt that her hands seemed to freeze. Qiao Ling placed her hands on Ouyang Xue’s back and warmed her internally. At least she wanted Ouyang Xue to wake up. Ouyang Xue was in a coma.

Ouyang Xue felt that she was getting colder and colder, and she wanted to shrink her body so that it might not be too cold. She felt that she couldn’t handle her body at all, and she couldn’t move at all.

Ouyang Xue later recalled that feeling of powerlessness, and she never wanted to experience it again. The feeling that she was clearly awake, but couldn’t move, made her feel very weak and abnormally irritable.

The more this happens, the more Ouyang Xue wants to move. She can’t even open her eyes now, but she still wants to get up. Holding her.

Ouyang Xue knows who the hand behind this is. It is Qiao Ling. Only Qiao Ling’s hand can be so small. Qiao Ling’s internal strength is very warm, but it can’t resist the cold inside her body. Ouyang Xue almost understands the outside. Status.

Qiao Ling has come to treat her, that is to say, Shang Ruyi has something wrong, which means that now only Qiao Ling and Chu Xiao have nothing to do. As for her brother, she is not sure yet. There is some anxiety.

Just like Ouyang Jian was very worried about Ouyang Xue, Ouyang Xue was also very worried about Ouyang Jian. This is her brother who has been doting on her since she was a child. If anything happens, Ouyang Xue can’t imagine what she will panic like.

Ouyang Xue also understood very well that she could not accept what happened to Ouyang Jian. If Ouyang Jian had something to do here, Ouyang Xue might feel guilty for a lifetime and felt that she had not protected her brother Chun.

So, in order to confirm if something happened to Ouyang Jian, Ouyang Xue has been struggling hard, wanting to wake up, but Ouyang Xue has been unable to wake up, this is probably her weakest time, Ouyang Xue is even a little desperate NS.

Ouyang Xue felt very cold and very tired, but she wanted to wake up. When she thought of her brother outside, she wanted to wake up. She also understood very well that if she fainted, her brother would definitely be very anxious. of.

When Ouyang Xue thought that her brother would be very anxious, she was also very anxious. Since childhood, Ouyang Jian worried too much about her affairs, and Ouyang Xue didn’t want her brother to worry about herself, so she wanted to be fast. Point to wake up.

Ouyang Xue has been struggling all the time. She doesn’t believe that she can’t wake up. Besides, there are people behind her, and they won’t let her wake up. However, she is very worried about what will happen to her brother.

Ouyang Xue based on her understanding of Ouyang Jian, if she didn’t wake up, her brother might be very anxious, and Ouyang Xue couldn’t imagine what Zhao Qian’s anxious would be like.

Qiao Ling could also feel it. Ouyang Xue was struggling, and Qiao Ling knew that she couldn’t give up like this. Ouyang Xue was struggling, why did she give up? Qiao Ling gritted her teeth and tried to input her internal strength.

Ouyang Xue, wake up quickly, wake up quickly. Ouyang Xue was getting sleepier and sleepy, and suddenly heard the calls from time to time, as if his companion was calling for herself, Ouyang Xue immediately woke up.

Ouyang Xue knew that this was her companion trying to change herself out. She couldn’t sleep anymore. If she fell asleep, she would be sorry for her companion’s efforts. Ouyang Xue worked hard to wake herself up.

When Qiao Ling discovered that Ouyang Xue was struggling, she realized that her breath became more and more stable, as if she was going to fall asleep. Qiao Ling did not allow this to happen. .

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