Chapter 1296 You can stop!

Ouyangxue heard that voice calling to herself all the time, she was waking herself up? Ouyangxue was a little wondering, why did she wake up? Could it be that she is now asleep?

When Ouyang Xue thought of this, it was as if she had figured out everything. She suddenly remembered why she had become like this. She was attacked by the person behind her, and the Gu worm entered her body.

Ouyang Xue suddenly remembered what he was doing when she was in a coma. It turned out that she was in a coma. Ouyang Xue also remembered that the owner of that voice was Qiao Ling.

Qiao Ling? Shang Ruyi? Ouyang Xue knows that if someone in the team is injured, Shang Ruyi usually treats them. Why is it that Qiao Ling is treating her now? Ouyang Xue has a bad premonition.

Ouyang Xue could already guess what was going on outside, probably Shang Ruyi was also in a coma, so now it is Qiao Ling who is treating her, and Ouyang Xue can feel that the heat is getting weaker and weaker.

Ouyang Xue can also probably understand how Qiao Ling is treating herself. She is consuming her own internal energy and treating her. Thinking of this, Ouyang Xue wants to struggle to wake up very much. She doesn’t want her companion to do anything.

Ouyang Xue knows that the heat is getting weaker and weaker, which means that Qiao Ling’s internal strength is getting less and less, and it is almost exhausted. If this is the case, Qiao Ling will have something wrong. Ouyang Xue does not want to see such a situation. happen.

Ouyang Xue has been struggling, struggling to wake up, because she can feel that the hands behind her are getting weaker and weaker. Ouyang Xue doesn’t want to see Qiao Ling like this, she hopes that her teammates will be fine.

If possible, Ouyang Xue wants to tell Qiao Ling directly, don’t care about her life and death, first live your life, let yourself be well, and then take care of her affairs, don’t hurt yourself for her.

In Ouyang Xue’s eyes, Qiao Ling was hurting herself like this. This is something Ouyang Xue absolutely didn’t want to see. If this is the case, Ouyang Xue will only become more and more guilty, and she will feel very guilty when she sees Qiao Ling in the future.

Suddenly, Ouyang Xue felt that her fingers could move, she was happy in her heart, and immediately increased her struggle. She wanted to open her eyes, she wanted to speak, and she wanted to tell Qiao Ling not to do it like this.

Ouyang Xue felt it. Her eyes saw a little light. She knew that she could succeed. Ouyang Xue continued to struggle and wanted to wake up. Let Qiao Ling not be like this and her companions not to worry.

“.. You can stop now.” “Finally, Ouyangxue finally woke up, feeling that she was still very cold, the heat behind her was getting smaller and smaller, Ouyangxue said immediately, she was afraid that she would say it later, and Qiao Ling would faint. past.

Because people who generally consume internal energy will faint if they consume too much. Now Ouyang Xue has just woke up, if another person faints, each of their companions will be very (Zhao Qianhao) panicked.

When Chu Xiao saw Ouyang Xue wake up, he knew that Qiao Ling did not live up to their trust, and Chu Xiao did not underestimate Qiao Ling, because although Qiao Ling rarely shot, but Qiao Ling can be regarded as Shang Ruyi’s younger sister.

Shang Ruyi’s sect has never adopted waste. If Qiao Ling is a trash, she should have been removed from their sect. However, Qiao Ling has not been removed, which means that Qiao Ling has her own. Ability. .

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