Chapter 1333 The Gu worm owner is dead!

Shang Ruyi hasn’t woken up since he was in a coma before. Fortunately, his condition is quite stable. There is no sudden deterioration, so everyone is not so panicked. Now that the crisis is over, he naturally needs to seek help.

Since Chu Xiao has agreed to cooperate with the person in front of him, the person in front of him is also a credible person, so they can seek her help. They can also see that the person in front of him is also a Gu master.

Gu Po nodded and said: “Then we have done such a great favor for us, old lady, I am naturally willing to help you, take me to see.” Jinma is not a person who will avenge revenge, and naturally can’t do that kind of sneak attack. .

Ouyang Xue nodded and led her into the formation. Qiao Ling helped Shang Ruyi not to lie on the ground. Shang Ruyi was originally a clean person. If she wakes up, she sees dust on her body~ , Will definitely frown.

Qiao Ling looked at the old woman in front of her warily. Her attention had been on Shang Ruyi’s body just now. She didn’t know much about the outside affairs. She could feel that the old woman in front of her was also a Gu trainer.

“This old woman is here to help us, she can see what happened to Ruyi.” Ouyang Xue saw Qiao Ling’s vigilant look on her face and explained it out loud, lest there be any misunderstanding between the two of them, that would be difficult to do. .

Gu Po smiled kindly. She saw these young people as if they looked at her younger generations. Those younger generations should be as vigorous as them. Gu Po smiled more and more kindly, so that people would not be malicious. .

“Don’t call me the old lady, just call me Gu Po, I am someone who can speak here, let me see this little girl.” Gu Po said her name, and then she pointed her fingertips. A little bug appeared.

Qiao Ling and the others found that when He Jin’s bugs appeared, they would feel extremely nauseous, felt a great sense of crisis, and felt very annoying, and wanted to stay away very much.

But the old woman in front of her, when the little bug on her fingertips appeared, they didn’t feel this way. Instead, they felt a comfortable look, and wanted to get close to this little bug, as if this little bug could make them more comfortable.

There was a kind of doubt in these people’s eyes. They didn’t understand. They were all Gu worms. Why did they feel so different? They looked at Gu Po in doubt, hoping that she could help them resolve their confusion.

. Asking for flowers…

Gu po, you know what they are wondering. The little worm at her fingertips flew towards Shang Ruyi and entered her body. Then she said, “This Gu worm has a healing effect. It is different from He Jin’s Gu worm. Gu worms can only harm people.”

This sentence refreshed their views on the Gu Master. They always thought that the Gu worms of the Gu Master were meant to deal with the enemy. Over this kind of Gu worm.

“That’s it, thank you for her willingness to save my companion’s life.” Qiao Ling said suddenly, in her heart, Shang Ruyi is her relative. Seeing that Shang Ruyi was unconscious, she felt very painful in her heart. It’s oneself.

Guma shook her head and said, “Even if I don’t come to save her, she will wake up in a few days, so there is no need to thank me. I just advance the time when she wakes up. She has fallen into Sleeping Gu, the owner of Gu worm. He’s already dead, and he will die in a few days.” Er.

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