Chapter 1337 Exudes many resentments!

Sheng Jin Tong seemed to be aware of Chu Xiao’s movements, so he hid, “Are you afraid of me?” Chu Xiao was a little puzzled why he didn’t let himself touch him, just now, when he wanted to reach out his hand, Sheng Gu Tong also hid past.

The sacred Gu boy said, “You can’t touch me. If someone touches me, it will be unlucky, because the gu worms on my body all have resentments, and you will be covered by this resentment.” At this point, her eyes Lost inside.

Chu Lei also understood why this person would resist touching himself so much and would hide from him. It turned out that it was because of this matter. Then all of this made sense, and why he would avoid himself.

“In other words, you haven’t been in contact with others for so many years?” Chu Xiao continued to tilt his head and looked at the kid next to him. Suddenly 820 felt a little pain again. Chu Xiao felt very strange today. He was not so soft-hearted. People.

Is it because the person in front of him is too young? That’s why he is so soft-hearted so often? If it’s normal, Chu Xiao would never ask him about his affairs when the little friend in front of him appeared.

Chu Xiao has always been a very calm person. Only others said that he would not be in a passive state. But today because of this kid, he is often softhearted today and frequently speaks in advance.

“Yes (bbbi), for so many years someone wants to touch me and I will immediately avoid it, because I know I will bring them misfortune, it is better to avoid it.” Saint Gu Tong’s eyes are kind, Chu Xiao this I probably understand why I am soft-hearted.

At this moment, Saint Gu Tong’s complexion was suddenly distorted, as if he was suffering from extreme pain. Chu Xiao knew that he could not touch him, so he could only ask him at a distance: “What’s wrong with you? Just now you had another one. The question is not answered, where is it?””

Saint Gu Tong’s complexion was a little distorted, but Chu Xiao’s voice could still be heard, “This is the place where the scepter used to be. I now want to return the scepter here to let him continue to be sealed.

“The gu worms on my body are the gu worms in the whole battle. If he wants to continue to be sealed, he will live, and these gu worms will be released. Can I trouble you one thing? That’s when these gu worms are released, You kill these gu worms.”

“The worms in the entire sheet will always be there, but the released ones can be killed. After killing, the scepter can be sealed. The worms in the whole body cannot be killed.”

“This formation is only the formation that triggers the scepter. If we want to seal the scepter, we still need to break this formation so that there is no future trouble. Thank you, big brother.

Saint Gu Tong’s voice became weaker and weaker. Many gu worms came out of his body, exuding a lot of resentment. Chu Xiao felt a trace of amazement. So much resentment was in this kid’s body.

You know, if there is too much resentment, this person’s body can’t bear it. However, the Saint Gu Tong can withstand so many years, Chu Xue also felt shocked, and a little admired.

“Don’t panic, I will come and kill her.” Chu Xiao said to Shengjintong. He didn’t know if Shengjintong could hear what he said. He said that he hoped that Shenggutong would not be so scared. , After all, is still a child. .

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