Chapter 134 The emperor is successful, the supreme treasure technique, the treasure is given by the emperor of the star

The depths of the barren ice field.

In Tianchi.

The immortal meaning was permeated, Zhou Qin’s face was quite painful.

Her arms and legs are already showing bones!

This is not just the pain that acts on the body, it also acts on the soul!

Her complexion became paler!

She has no idea how long she has endured here.

At this moment


Above her arm, at the top of the white bone, flesh and blood began to grow!

It seems that everything has reached a critical point, and it begins to change at this time.

Those fairy spirits that are constantly corroding her, change their effects at this moment, and begin to nourish and nourish her physique, assist her in recovery, and the soft light flows in the Tianchi.

Her new blood actually faintly revealed a brilliant golden color.

at this moment!

At the time when the Dao Domain was resurrecting and the origin of the Dao Domain was trembling, there was also a brilliance that fell straight into the ice field, fell into the Tianchi, and melted into Zhou Qin’s body.

Under the brilliance.

Her flesh and blood were reborn, and the pain in her face eased.

not far away.

In the early days, the holy lord Li Xunxian stood with his hand holding his hand, looking at this scene, faintly pleased.

“Successfully carried it over.”

“Even when there was no gift from heaven and earth, I have survived the most difficult moment. As expected, I didn’t misunderstand you.”

“You can stay with each other forever.

He recalled what Zhou Qin said in the past, and whispered to himself: “Is this the motivation for your persistence to this day.”

Withdrawing the sight of Zhou Qin, the holy lord of the early days raised his head and looked towards the sky.

“Born in a different scene, the Great is coming.”

“Senior Star Reacher, have you returned to this realm?”

“I don’t know”

“Does he still remember the children saved in the past?”

As his sleeves flicked slightly, a large array rose up around Tianchi to protect Zhou Qin in it.


His figure flashed and disappeared from the same place.

Linglong Sacred Land, inside the real dragon’s nest.

Chu Xiao’s momentum gradually stabilized during the turbulent period.

But at this moment

The gazes of Emperor Tianji and Emperor Picking Stars turned to another place.

The emperor!

Yan Zhi!

At this moment, she has already escaped from the state of cultivation, showing her awe-inspiring aura.

The moment I opened my eyes.

She looked inside the true dragon’s nest, and finally fixed herself on the body of Emperor Tianji, her voice excited, and she shouted: “Father!”

After the previous imperial war ended, with the help of the last opportunity, Emperor Tianji left the arrangement and naturally informed her of the relevant information.

For her.

Being enclosed in the ice and warming up in this true dragon’s nest, it was just like sleeping in a dream.


She is very clear.

I am afraid that now, countless years have passed since that day!

How can you not be excited after seeing your father again after countless years?

Emperor Tianji showed a peaceful smile.

He looked at Chu Xiao, whose breath had stabilized, but had not yet left the state of cultivation, and said, “He is still practicing, don’t disturb him.”


Yan Zhi looked at Chu Xiao, with curiosity in her eyes.

Chu Xiao’s spirit stays on the fifth cave sky.

The fifth cave sky, the self cave sky!

Based on oneself, with the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, the miraculous cave sky shaped by this!

What surprised Chu Xiao the most was

This idyllic cave sky seems to be supported by the heavens and the earth because of the strange way of generating it. Therefore, in the forming of Lina, Chu Xiao has already given birth to the meaning of consummation in his heart!

This means

He doesn’t need to spend time to warm up and consolidate this cave sky!

At the same time, the moment the sky is formed, the treasure of the sky is warmed!

Messages from Cai entered Chu Xiao’s heart.

Chu Xiao comprehended the key points in it, and his divine thought moved slightly.

This treasure art that I cultivated from the cave sky!


Supreme Treasure!

The formation of the heaven and earth, the establishment of the name of the heaven and the earth, and the magic of the heaven and the heaven will naturally give birth to a name at the moment of formation.

In the name of supreme!

Visible the power of this precious technique!

Made Chu Xiao a little surprised

This supreme treasure art is not a method of attack, nor is it a defensive art, but a method of blessing!

And the direction it can bless.

It is all Chu Xiao’s means!

In other words, Chu Xiao mastered a door divine art, a door cave heavenly treasure art, and even the natural treasure art raised by the body of the supreme bone and the sword god, all can be blessed by it!

“Supreme Treasure, “.”

Chu Xiao’s thoughts flashed, and he muttered in his heart: “In Daozi’s ceremony, I will fight Nangong Yanqing. I use natural treasures, eternal calamity, and even the emperor’s arena can’t stop the power.”

“If it were to be blessed with the supreme treasure technique, what kind of power would this natural treasure technique show?”

“I’m in the sky, the supreme treasure.”

“The cave sky that broke the conventional cave sky method is really extraordinary.”

As soon as his thoughts turned, Chu Xiao’s spiritual thoughts melted into himself, meditation to perceive himself.

Given the gift of heaven and earth, in addition to this mysterious cave, he has other gains!

Several of his other cave and heaven powers have all been improved, and the emperor’s law has the meaning of blending, which has laid the foundation for his future practice!

It can be said

This is a great transformation of strength!


Dao domain is completely revived, with more miracles.

Chu Xiao, as the son of Qi Luck of Fang Dao domain, will naturally benefit a lot from now on.

After meditation and integration of what he had learned, Chu Xiao slowly opened his eyes.

The moment I opened my eyes.

Chu Xiao’s eyes condensed suddenly.

I saw

At this moment, looking around, the beast dragon jade pillars in the true dragon’s nest have all disappeared.

He is still on the Throne of True Dragon, but the surrounding area has changed into a quiet bamboo forest.

In front of the throne.

There is a deep path that leads to nowhere.

Chu Xiao looked back.

I saw

When Daoyu completely recovered, the emperor who woke up at the same time, and stepped into the state of cultivation with him, was no longer visible.

The little golden dragon and the star-seeking beast were not here either.

Chu Xiao let out a long breath.

Although he has entered a state of spiritual practice, he still has the meaning of self-warning.


I can’t notice all the changes in my surroundings.

Looking at the quiet bamboo forest, Chu Xiao already had a guess in his heart.

To be able to perform such a method in this true dragon nest, I am afraid that only the great emperor can do it!

Emperor Tianji!


What is different from before is


The person who is in the true dragon’s nest is most likely the deity of Emperor Tianji!

A real body of the great emperor!

There were some waves in Chu Xiao’s eyes.

Since he started his practice, he has heard many rumors about the great emperor.

Later, he even saw a picture of a great emperor and knew the reason why there was no emperor in the world.

And now


Finally be able to meet a real great emperor!

After a long breath, Chu Xiao calmed down, stepped on the throne, and landed on the trail.

After walking hundreds of meters along the path, he suddenly opened up in front of him.

I saw

In the open area among the bamboo forest.

There is a bamboo seat, on both sides of the bamboo seat, two figures are sitting on the futon, sipping tea.

The emperor who had glanced at him after resuscitation stood beside one of the figures.

As for the Star Seekers and Golden Dragons, they are also here at this moment, staying aside wisely, not daring to be presumptuous at all.

At the moment when he looked at the two figures.

Chu Xiao has already recognized the identity of one of them!

Beside the emperor.

Sitting on the futon.

It is the Emperor Tianji!

Another figure, he is a little strange


At the moment when he looked at the other person, Chu Xiao naturally had a sense of intimacy.

When I think of him sitting at the same seat with Emperor Tianji, his identity will become apparent.

Chu Xiao’s face was solemn, and his tone was more serious than ever, and he clasped his fist and said, “The contemporary Taoist Chu Xiao of Sacred Land, I have seen the Emperor Tianji!”


He looked at another figure.

The tone became more and more solemn: “Chu Xiao has seen it”

“Emperor Catch the Stars!”


Emperor Star Cultivator narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Chu Xiao.

His voice was peaceful, he couldn’t hear the joy or anger, and he calmly said: “The rules of the immeasurable Sacred Land since ancient times, Sacred Land Daozi, should be set by the emperor.”

“Before the Dao realm recovers, this world cannot give birth to a great emperor. Who agreed to your position as Dao Zi?”

Chu Xiao’s expression remained unchanged, and he responded earnestly: “” Chu Xiao was valued by the respected master and convened a council of elders to discuss the matter for me. After confirmation by the elders, he formally took the position of Daozi. ”

“Finally, Sacred Land held a Daozi ceremony, and the contemporary Head Teacher announced Daoyu to thoroughly confirm the matter.”

“Your master, what position do you hold in Sacred Land?”

The Star Catch the Great said again.

“Master is the second elder.”

“Second Elder, Great Elder, Head Teacher.”

The Star Reaching Emperor whispered and looked at Chu Xiao: “It seems that you are highly regarded by the senior management of Sacred Land.”

Never waited for Chu Xiao to answer.

There was a smile of satisfaction on the face of Emperor Star Cultivator.


“It looks like countless years have passed, Sacred Land has never decayed!”

“Being able to break the stereotypes and be eclectic is what our Warriors should have.”

After that.

He looked at Chu Xiao and said in a deep voice: “Tianji Daoyou admires you very much. I once said that I am immeasurable. Sacred Land has produced a talented person who inherits my emperor’s law. It is very good.”


“When I saw it in person, it seemed that what I said was true.”

“A fellow practitioner has many emperor methods and uses emperor things to open up the cave. A character like you naturally deserves the position of my immeasurable Sacred Land Daozi!”

His voice fell.

Chu Xiao seemed to feel something, and golden light flashed in his eyes.

Under the urging of the emperor’s hope, Chu Xiao clearly saw that a rich golden light fell from the sky and melted into himself!

The golden crown of air luck, the treasure armor of air luck, and even the god of air luck, the Wandi Sword in the Lingxu, were all touched!

This is the blessing of Sacred Land’s luck again!

A great emperor who was born in Boundless Sacred Land returned to the Dao Realm, and the luck of the entire Boundless Sacred Land had a metamorphosis-like improvement!


The emperor personally recognized Chu Xiao as a Daozi, and Sacred Land Qiyun started its third blessing!

The Great Emperor of Star Reach is obviously also aware of it.

He seemed to have seen something through, and praised: “With such a good luck, it is even more faint to form a fate.”

“Son of luck…”

“It’s no wonder that you can become the son of luck in the contemporary Tiannan Daoyu.”

“The Dao Realm has revived, and it has undergone extreme transformation. Your identity as the son of luck will benefit a lot from this.”

Speaking of which.

He paused: “…You are from an immeasurable Sacred Land, and you practice star harvesting, and you can be called my heir.”

The stars flashed in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something. He looked at Chu Xiao, and finally said: “If this is the case, I will give you something.”

The moment the voice fell.

He shook his right hand from the void!

A star map showing terrifying power surged from it.

At the moment this star chart appears.

Chu Xiao’s physique seems to be faintly sensitive, with Chu Xiao as the center, suddenly there is a star map unfolding, Star dotted with it!

This is the star map he obtained from the tomb of the King of Stars through a special burning card, which can bless the practice of star harvesting.


The star map was touched and revealed automatically.

Chu Xiao’s gaze condensed slightly, and he looked at the star map beside Emperor Star Cultivator.

He already realized something.

From the tomb of the King of Stars, he knew that in the past years, with the assistance of a star-seeking beast, the Great Star Picker had burned a vast star map, which contained the Star!

He obtained it from the Tomb of the King of Stars, but it is only a part of the re-enactment.

And now

It was taken out by Emperor Star Cultivator.

Obviously it is the star map itself!

The Emperor Star Cultivator looked at the star map centered on Chu Xiao. With the wisdom of the Emperor, he naturally understood the key points in an instant. He shook his head and said with emotion: “It seems that you have a lot of fate with it.

After speaking, his face became more serious: “I think you have opened up five caves, including emperor species, emperor blood, and emperor treasure!”

“That crystal is equally extraordinary.

“You, the fifth cave sky, opened up on your own, even if you haven’t seen it in ancient times.”

“To be able to bear the power of these gods with the body of the cave sky, your talent is really extraordinary.”

“Since you can be called my heir, I will help you again.

He waved his hand slightly.

The star map has hung to Chu Xiao’s side.

The King of Star Cultivation has a little emotion in his tone: “This star-finding map was recorded in the ancient times. It follows me all the time. It is already a treasure of God.”

“You have a predestined relationship with it. If you practice the method of picking stars, if you use it as the foundation of the cave and open the cave, you will definitely have a good harvest.”

The emperor presents the emperor treasure!


Emperor Tianji was tasting tea quietly.

After seeing Emperor Zhe (king of Nuo’s) star map off, he seemed to want to say something.

But in the end he just shook his head without saying a word.

The Star Cultivator didn’t say much on this topic, and instead said: “Chu Xiao, introduce me to the immeasurable Sacred Land today.”

“The Head Teacher in your mouth, the first elder, and the second elder, who are they all?”

Hear the words.

Chu Xiao responded earnestly: “Today’s Sacred Land Head Teacher, is the Sacred Land Head Master, Gu Yanqiu!”

“The Great Elder Sacred Land is the Holy Lord of the Beginning, Li Xunxian.

“The second elder of Sacred Land, also my master, is called Ruyi Holy Master, named Gu Ruyi.”

“Gu Yanqiu, Li Xunxian, Gu Ruyi.”

The eyes of Emperor Star Harvester narrowed slightly, seeming to reveal a trace of memory: “Li Xunxian…”

Upon seeing this.

Chu Xiao’s heart moved.

He added: “The great elder has a long life span. It seems that it has continued to this day after the arrogance has been shattered, and has always been in the position of the great elder.”

“Li Xunxian.

The Star Cultivator seemed to have thought of something, and he was rather surprised: “I didn’t expect that he was still alive.”

“It seems that his blood is really special.”

After talking to himself.

The Star Cultivator continued: “Introduce the other characters in Sacred Land.”

Chu Xiao nodded slightly and introduced seriously.

The Great Emperor of Star Cultivation has been away from the Dao domain for countless years, and obviously he attaches great importance to the information of the division and listens carefully.

Just after a while.

In this true dragon’s nest, a fairy sound unexpectedly sounded!

That fairy sound didn’t know where it came from, and actually penetrated the magic circle of the true dragon’s nest and entered it.

To be precise!

At this moment

In the entire Dao realm, there are fairy sounds!

The Great Emperor Star Catch and the Great Emperor Tianji looked at each other, their eyes solemn.

“This fate”

The Great Emperor Tianji had a serious face, and said earnestly: “Someone has set foot on the road of Chengdi, and caused a vision of the Dao domain!”

He seemed to be a little emotional, but also a little hopeful, and whispered: “The Dao Realm has recovered, and it has undergone extreme transformation.’

“This Fang Tiandi, is it about to give birth to the first emperor after being born in ancient times?”.

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