Chapter 1347 Can’t bring four people!

These people looked at Chu Xiao and they walked out of sight, and then they said to Gu Po, “You said, can the benefactors come out of the inside alive? The last time who came out of the inside, it scared us. broken.”

Gu Po said: “The benefactors are very good people, and they can be regarded as one of the best geniuses in the outside world. They are very powerful. It is estimated that we don’t need to worry about it, and they should all have life-saving things.”

These talents relaxed, and then touched Shujue’s head, “I heard that he has a name, what’s his name? Walk around, let’s have something to eat today, to celebrate our little friends, who can finally grow up. NS.”

“Shujie, it is the name given by the benefactor.” Shujue said, his face was a little shy, he was still not used to introducing his name to others, he always felt a little shy.

“Jujue? This name is good. If your parents are alive, you will agree to use this name.” Now they can touch Shujue at will. One of the men directly lifted Shujue and let him ride. On his neck.

On Chu Xiao’s side, they arrived at the Warcraft Prairie. There were indeed a lot of Warcraft here. Almost all of the grassland was full of Warcraft. Those warcrafts noticed these outsiders, and several Chu Xiao (bbbi) immediately became vigilant.

At this time, Ouyang Xue said: “Come on, put this powdered wine on your body, these monsters will think we are the same kind, so we will save a lot of trouble.” This powdered powder was obtained by Ouyang Xue accidentally.

Several people Chu Xiao took over and sprinkled a little on them, and then these monsters really regarded them as their own kind. They were still a little wary just now, and now they have ignored them.

Chu Xiao was relieved. They thought that a fierce battle would break out here. Now this place is a place where many people have no contact, so there is no record in some books. They are very strange to this place.

So, they are here, they can avoid some troubles and avoid some troubles. Chu Xiao took out the map and said to everyone: “Follow me, walk through this monster grassland, and you can reach the next place.”

A few people followed Chu Xiao. These monsters did not threaten them anymore, so they were not so scared anymore. They also needed to take a rest during their training, and they could also look at the surrounding scenery.

In addition to these monsters, there are many beautiful places around this area. A few of them stopped and went to admire the surrounding scenery. The endless look of the grassland made them wonder if the map was real.

However, Chen Luo didn’t need to deceive them, so they continued to walk forward. They found that the more they walked forward, the more alert these monsters were. Some monsters had some wisdom, and they looked at them with alertness.

Chu Xiao and the others found out about this, and they unanimously said: “We have to go faster. It is estimated that some of these monsters are already wise. We have to leave here quickly and go to the next place.”

After speaking, the few people seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they accelerated their pace. Chu Xiao could take them out of here immediately. However, no matter how powerful Chu Xiao was, he couldn’t move four people. .

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