Chapter 1355 Can’t extinguish this fire!

Just like He Jin, although he is strong, his brain is not good enough, and he is not hit by Chu Xiao. this place.

In this case, He Jin could at least survive, and then the crocodile would not come out. He might also discover the secrets in the Gu Lin, but it was a pity that his brain was not good at all, so he died.

Chu Xiao and the others focused on looking at them. Shang 11 Ruyi’s Youxian Lamp illuminates the entire cave, but they can only hear the heavy footsteps, and they can’t see the others. The range of the Yixian lamp is only one. small range.

The heavy footsteps are getting closer, Chu Xiao can still remain calm, Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling, they were a little scared of the blood corpse beast just now, and now something bigger may come out, they just I feel more scared.

However, Shang Ruyi felt the girl behind her tremble, and Shang Ruyi tried her best to control her body not to tremble. She needed to protect Qiao Ling. She couldn’t show fear, lest Qiao Ling started to panic.

Shang Ruyi took Qiao Ling’s hand. She felt it now. The pattern I came over was very powerful. She already felt the coercion. Shang Ruyi gave Qiao Ling a voice transmission and said, “For a while, don’t be afraid, the three of us will join hands. , Can’t beat and run.”

Because that thing, it feels too powerful, Shang Ruyi and the others can’t underestimate it. If Chu Xiao is only allowed to fight that thing, then the two of them are really, too wasteful.

Shang Ruyi didn’t want to be a waste by herself, but she was willing to protect Qiao Ling, but if Qiao Ling did not participate in the battle, then she would definitely not be able to feel the unpredictable changes in the battle, and could not keep up with their footsteps.

Such a powerful thing, if you can’t adapt to the circumstances, you may not be able to escape. Therefore, Qiao Ling also needs to fight, and this time is also a good exercise opportunity for Qiao Ling to grow up.

Qiao Ling was trembling, but she firmly transmitted her voice back: “Sister Ruyi, although I am afraid of that thing, I am not a waste. I am also a disciple of Yaowanggu. I can’t be a waste, I can’t hide. Behind the companion.”

When Shang Ruyi heard Qiao Ling say this, she almost understood it. Qiao Ling wanted to fight alongside them, because Shang Ruyi’s original intention was to let Qiao Ling participate and observe more to remind them if there was anything around them.

Because they can’t be distracted now. If they are distracted, they may find their weaknesses. You must know that fighting can’t be distracted at all. However, if Qiao Ling said this, Shang Ruyi thinks it’s okay.

Everyone goes to fight the leader together. If this is 833, you may still be able to fight, but all of these things must be decided after the leader appears.

Because the fire had spread to their whole bodies, they couldn’t put out the fire at all, and could only let the fire burn themselves. They looked at Chu Xiao in front of him and gritted their teeth. They didn’t expect this human being to think of this method. However, they have no other way now, this human being can think of this way, and they can’t do it either.

What a human being, because this human being can use fire to burn them, unless their cultivation is very high, otherwise they can’t have a corresponding method. .

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