Chapter 137 The great world is here, the arrogant of the outer world, the holy lord of the beginning returns to Sacred Land

Some time has passed since Daoyu’s recovery.

Ruyi Shengzhu Zhengdi succeeded and became the great emperor.


There was also a strong man who fell on the road of the emperor.

With the passage of time, in recent days, Dilu has almost never reappeared in the world.

This does not mean that there is no one who can provoke the emperor’s way in this world.


They are saving!

Those strong men who have been decayed and decayed, if they continue to wait, they will only decline more and more, and the chances are even slimmer, because they can’t wait any longer, and then directly choose to fight to the death and go to the emperor’s road.


In the current world, there are also strong masters in the holy master realm at the peak.

The Dao realm has recovered, and it has undergone extreme transformation. Those who stand at the top of the Dao Realm have benefited a lot from the power of the Holy Master Realm.


Dao Yu reappears on Chengdi Road, everything is just the beginning.

The ninety-nine-story emperor ladder is difficult to climb to the sky. Even the most powerful people in the Holy Lord Realm are continuing to accumulate, accumulating the power to cross the emperor’s road and ascend the throne of God.

after all …

Not every strong person has the courage and accumulation of Ruyi Holy Master.

The entire Taoist area was also completely lively.

After the recovery, under the extreme transformation, the area of ​​the entire Taoist area has increased by doubling, and mysterious places appear everywhere, and there is an inherent opportunity.

There are often rumors in the realm that someone got a chance in a certain place and soared into the sky ever since.

At the cost of picking up the stars, the Emperor of Star Reaching made the Dao Realm undergo extreme transformation during its recovery, which cost a lot of money, but it also benefited the Warriors of the entire Tiannan Dao Realm, Yize Bandai!

Before the revival of Taoism, there are often strong people who lament that the great world is approaching.

And now

It’s already “Nine Six Zero” in the great world!

The sky over Sacred Land.

While the ripples flashed, two figures appeared in the sky above Sacred Land.

It was the Emperor Tianji and Yan Zhi.

After staying in Wuliang Sacred Land for a period of time, Emperor Tianji left and returned to Tianji Sacred Land.

This heavenly secret Sacred Land is exactly the Sacred Land inheritance he left over from the past years, located in the middle of the Dao domain!

Countless years ago, after the imperial war, he took advantage of the last opportunity when the Dao domain had not been completely closed, leaving a few dark hands to ensure its continuous inheritance.


The figure appeared in the sky above the heavenly machine Sacred Land, the heavenly machine Great Emperor looked at the entire heavenly machine Sacred Land, his eyes revealed the meaning of memory.

Dao domain was injured, and now after countless years of recovery, mountains and rivers have turned, and stars have shifted, this Sacred Land is completely different from his time.

However, the faint aura in Sacred Land made him feel a little bit emotional.

That is the breath produced by practicing the method he left behind.

As the founder of Tianji Sacred Land, Sacred Land not only inherits his imperial law, but also inherits other methods.

The color of memories faded in his eyes.

The Great Emperor Tianji turned his head and looked at Yan Zhi who was beside him.

He groaned, and then he said: “Zhi’er, what do you think of Chu Xiao?”

Heard his inquiry.

Yan Zhi showed a thoughtful look, and then said seriously: “Chu Xiao is a well-deserved peerless talent.”

“Although he is in the realm of caves and heavens, with the power of his caves and heavens, his combat power must be extremely terrifying.”

“It’s true.”

The Great Emperor Tianji nodded slightly and said in a deep voice, “When I first saw this person, I noticed his extraordinaryness.”

“Just like that day, as the Taoist friend Ruyi said, luck, chance, and talent are indispensable!


“How can he do it like that.”

Speaking of this, he paused, and continued: “With your talent, you have cultivated countless years in the true dragon’s nest, and you have a true dragon’s life style.”

“I thought that after you were born, you were regarded as the number one arrogant in this realm. No one can match it.”

“Look at it now”

“I actually underestimate the power that burst out at the moment of recovery after countless years of silence in the Dao Domain.”


“It is lucky to have such a generation of Tianjiao figures.”

“Tianjiao Warrior strives for advancement in martial arts and progresses together.

“If people of the same generation are all weak, then how come the meaning of fighting for the front? How do you go to the top of the martial arts?

The voice fell.

His sleeves swayed slightly, and Yan Zhi’s figure disappeared in place.

Tianji Sacred Land inner gate.

A meeting in the Great Hall.

At this moment, several figures are communicating.

One of them.

It is Tianji Sacred Land’s contemporary Head Teacher, the holy master of Wuchan, Kong Huai!

Rumor has it that he entered the path of cultivation because of a magical golden cicada. After reaching the holy lord realm, he called himself the holy lord of enlightened cicada.


In front of him, in the middle of the Great Hall, there is a huge bamboo slip unfolded, with names engraved on it, touch one of the names with your fingertips, and information emerges!

Dao domain Tianjiao list!


It is the Daoyu Tianjiao list launched by Sacred Land.


After the revival of the Dao domain, the whole world was extraordinary, and more and more Tianjiao figures appeared.

Some of these characters are Tianjiao Warriors who have been submerged and never appeared.


There are also characters who get great opportunities after the revival of the Dao domain and soar into the sky.

This domain Tianjiao list is being updated every moment.

Inside the Great Hall.

In addition to the Lord Wu Chan, there are three powerhouses, all of whom are Sacred Land elders.

At this moment

Two figures suddenly appeared in the Great Hall.

These two figures appeared silently, and were not even discovered in advance by a group of powerful people in the Great Hall.

Holy Master Wu Chan was the first to notice, his eyes condensed suddenly, and fell on the person who came.


He seemed to perceive something, and his face showed an uncontrollable excitement!

Without any hesitation, the sacred master Wu Chan, a powerful master of the sacred master realm, earnestly bowed his body and saluted: “Tianji Sacred Land Contemporary Head Teacher, Kong Huai, I have seen the Great Emperor!”

The Great!

I can reach this silently, and I have not been perceived by the strong of the Holy Master Realm. Obviously only a real strong of the Emperor Realm can do it!


As the head teacher of Tianji, the Holy Master Wuchan himself is practising the emperor’s law inherited by the emperor.

His voice fell.

In the Great Hall, the other elders all showed excitement and saluted!

Sacred Land, the emperor returns!

Because of Chu Xiao, they knew that among the seven victorious emperors among the seven ancient emperors, there was the Great Emperor of Heaven!


Seeing is worse than hearing!


You can really see the emperor of Tianji, there is an emperor in Tianji Sacred Land, then the whole Sacred Land will be completely different!

In response to the ardent and respectful gazes of several people, Emperor Tianji waved his hand slightly and his gaze fell on Kong Huai.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said: “Are you the current head teacher of Sacred Land?

“It’s not bad.”

After a compliment.

He looked at the huge bamboo slip hanging in the middle of the Great Hall, raised his brow slightly, and said peacefully: “This is”

Sacred Master Wu Chan quickly said: “Emperor Hui, this is the Daoyu Tianjiao list set up by Sacred Land, led by me.

He calmed down the excitement in his heart and explained: “Before the Dao Domain was revived, Sacred Land set up a Dao Domain Tianjiao list, which included a Tianjiao figure in the Dao Domain.”

“After that, I united with several big Sacred Lands to prepare the Tianjiao tea party, and invited Daoyu Tianjiao to get together, get to know each other and learn from each other.”

His tone was a little more serious: “The ancient destruction was caused by the domain war. According to the information we know, after the Dao domain is restored, it is very likely that you will encounter a foreign powerful enemy again.”

“Let these new generations of Tianjiao Warriors familiarize and understand them in advance, and it will be beneficial in the future.”

“However, after the recovery of the Dao domain, more Tianjiao figures have emerged. We are integrating the information and are preparing to send invitations to some of the latest Tianjiao Warriors to come and participate in the Tianjiao tea party.”

Listen to the explanation of Lord Wu Chan.

Emperor Tianji nodded slightly.

He groaned and said to himself: “Tianjiao tea party?”

“This is an opportunity.”

He seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be listening to the others in the Great Hall, and said in a deep voice, “In ancient times, the Tiannan Dao Region was extremely prosperous, and it was one of the great regions in this chaos!”


“Being silent for countless years, I am afraid that many people have forgotten the existence of the Tiannan Dao domain.”

“This Tianjiao tea party is an opportunity.”

“Let the world know that I have returned to Tiannan Dao realm, and let the contemporary Tianjiao Warrior in the Dao realm see the scenery outside.”

The Lord Wu Chan showed a thoughtful expression and whispered: “Great Emperor, what do you mean?”

The Great Emperor Tianji smiled slightly, looked at him, and said: “Since it is the Tianjiao tea party, why should it be confined to Dao realm.”

“In ancient times, I, the top arrogant of the Tiannan Dao realm, had a reputation as a far-reaching Fang Dao realm, and a far-reaching spread of nine heavens and ten places!”

“At present, Daoyu has recovered, and it is time for the contemporary Tianjiao to show off its demeanor.”

“I will contact my friends and call out Tianjiao to participate in this Tianjiao tea party.

Hear the words.

The Lord Wu Chan seemed to have thought of something, his eyes became more serious.

Seeing the dignified look in Lord Wu Chan’s eyes, Emperor Tianji smiled slightly, as if he knew the reason, shook his head and said, “Don’t be hostile to the outer realm.”

“Three thousand realms, nine heavens and ten places, this is just a collective term, the actual number is far more than three thousand,

“Before the big bust.”

“My Tiannan Dao domain has a hostile foreign land, but it also has a friendly foreign domain, and a friendly foreign domain Sect. They even provided assistance in that domain battle, and the loss was not light.

The Lord Wuchan nodded thoughtfully.

The Great Emperor Tianji looked up to the sky, as if looking out into the sky through the dome, and said in a deep voice: “The Dao domain is back, this generation of Warrior will sooner or later be active in this real world, traveling through the Dao domain, and each other. Yu Tianjiao contends.”


“This Tianjiao tea party is just an opportunity, so let’s take it as their starting point.”

On this day.

From Tianji Sacred Land.

There is amazing news.

Yunju Tiannan Daoyu Tianjiao Warrior’s Tianjiao tea party, there will be Outland Tianjiao appear, join the tea party!


This is a topic that countless warriors attach great importance to.

How is the method of Outer Realm Tianjiao different from that of the Tiannan Dao Realm?

In the past years, the Tiannan Dao Region was completely destroyed due to the domain war. Why does it now take the initiative to invite Outland Warrior to come to the Dao Region?

With Emperor Tianji, Emperor Starcatch, and the two powerhouses who had personally experienced the emperor war return to the realm, there is also some information from the immeasurable Sacred Land, the secret Sacred Land, so that the current Warriors thoroughly understand the truth of the ancient destruction , Thoroughly understood the so-called three thousand realms, nine heavens and ten earths!

Ancient times.

There is a hostile foreign land in the Tiannan Dao domain, and there is more than one enemy domain!

But the same

There are also friends! There are Dao domains that have good relations with the Tiannan Dao Domain!

The ancients are shattered.

In the final analysis, it is a battle with Tiannan Dao domain as the main battlefield, involving many Dao domains.


The message from Tianji Sacred Land, the invited Outland Tianjiao, is the former friend of Tiannan Daoyu!

Unlimited Sacred Land.

Qiong Loufeng

On Qionglou Peak, there was a disciple who was selected by Chu Xiao to enter his practice.

Those who can be valued by Chu Xiao are all people of good luck.

In the revival of the Dao realm, the gifts from heaven and earth are all amazing, they have made a lot of gains, and they have all improved in their cultivation.

Today, Sacred Land has two emperors, which makes Chu Xiao’s Daozi status more and more noble.

Being able to follow Daozi’s practice gave them great motivation, and they were very diligent and did not dare to slack off.

The entire Qionglou Peak presents a prosperous appearance.

Qionglou Peak.

Practice in the quiet room.

Chu Xiao sat cross-legged and stepped into practice.

This trip has been a huge gain!

After Daozili, when he first left Sacred Land at 1.7, he only opened up two caves.

And now

After returning to Sacred Land, he has already opened up the sixth cave sky!

at the same time

It itself has produced an unimaginable transformation.


The emperor bestowed cave sky is transformed by the emperor bestowed rainbow light, and it is directly completed when it is formed, so that Chu Xiao can directly open up the seventh cave day!

In this retreat, he is preparing to open up his seventh cave based on the star map presented by the emperor of the star picker!

Just when Chu Xiao retreats to practice and opens up the seventh cave.

Two figures, return to Boundless Sacred Land.

In the beginning, the holy lord Li Xunxian.

And Princess Tianlan, Zhou Qin.

At this moment

Zhou Qin no longer had the miserable appearance in that icefield Tianchi, her face was beautiful, and now her whole body has a sense of being out of the dust, like a fairy.

She was born in the royal family and was taught since she was a child. She has a very good temperament. Now it is even more eye-catching with the help of this fairy spirit.

After returning to Sacred Land with Zhou Qin.

In the beginning, the Holy Lord never returned to the main peak of his practice, but went to the newest main peak in Sacred Land.


This main peak will give birth to magic at night. From the top of the peak, you can see the night sky, and you can see the mystery of the star, so it is named after the star.

And now

The one who lived temporarily on this main peak was the Great Star Catch Emperor who had returned to the Tiannan Dao realm!

Stopping in the low altitude outside Wangxing Peak, the saint master’s always calm face in the beginning showed a sense of excitement faintly.

He groaned, as if he was calming his mind, and finally spoke slowly.

With the blessing of spiritual power, the sound reaches Wangxing Peak!

“Li Xunxian and his disciples, please see the emperor!”.

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