Chapter 1374 Finished body!

Shang Ruyi originally saw the dark shadow heading in Qiao Ling’s direction, and his heart was about to jump to the eyes of his throat, and then immediately called her and ran quickly, but found that Qiao Ling was motionless, thinking she was just awake but not completely Wake up.

Shang Ruyi directly caught up with the dark shadows in front of her. She was afraid that these dark shadows would come to Qiao Ling’s side and hurt Qiao Ling. The next second she saw that Qiao Ling was leaving, and Qiao Ling’s speed was not bad. “Ying couldn’t catch up with her at all.

Shang Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief, feeling more relieved, and then found that Qiao Ling was just like herself, as if walking around in a circle. After a while, Qiao Ling appeared next to her.

“Sister Ruyi, where is this place? It’s strange, there are tornadoes everywhere.” Qiao Ling hugged Shang Ruyi, feeling a little panic.

Shang Ruyi said: “We are probably in a formation. There should be a formation about wind, but I don’t know the formation at all, so I want to wake you up.”

Qiao Ling nodded and said that she was clear, “However, the person who arranged this formation is very clever, and I can’t help it.” Qiao Ling understands the formation, but she is not proficient in the formation.

This formation is the two brothers of Chen Luo. It took a long time to arrange it and it can be moved. How could it be possible for Qiao Ling to see where the flaws are.

“However, Big Brother Chu seems to be very good at formations, he may know, let’s go to Big Brother Chu!” Qiao Ling thought of a way and pulled La Shang Ruyi’s sleeve.

Shang Ruyi shook his head and said, “I’ve seen it before. There are only two of us in this formation. There may be other formations outside. Brother Chu should be in those formations.

Qiao Ling’s visible pie dropped down. While they were chatting, she didn’t forget to look around. After all, there was a dark shadow chasing them, even if the speed of the dark shadow is not very fast, if they stop If you do, you will definitely be caught up.

At this time, the formation suddenly rioted, and the tornado became stronger and stronger, and both of them were rolled up, and neither of them could break free.

“Sister Ruyi!” Qiao Ling shouted loudly, still holding Shang Ruyi’s hand, “Don’t let go!” Shang Ruyi shouted, she felt that the two of them must not be separated, otherwise it would become more and more troublesome. .

The tornado became stronger and stronger, and it rolled faster and faster. The two of them fainted gradually and gradually. As for why the tornado suddenly appeared like this, it was because of Chen Luo outside the formation.

Chen Luo was very excited when he saw Chu Xiao getting better and better. This was obviously a genius. However, Chen Luo disliked Chu Xiao and made progress too slowly. He planned to stimulate Chu Xiao.

So, he opened up the power of the storm formation, and let Chu Xiao see how Shang Ruyi and Qiao Ling were treated in it.

People, only when they have enough motivation, will they be able to stimulate their potential. In Chen Luo’s view, Chu 1.8 Xiao clearly shows that the potential has not been stimulated.

“You! Stop quickly!” Chu Xiao saw them being rolled into a faint, very angry, and very anxious, wanting to rescue them.

Chen Luo said, “Aren’t these two lovers your little lover? Unexpectedly, your son Yanfu is not superficial. These two girls are both good, and they are beauties of different styles, and they are both perfect. “.

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