Chapter 1377 Closed disciple!

Therefore, Shang Ruyi also struggled for a long time before asking. If his master died, it might evoke the sadness of his master. Therefore, Shang Ruyi didn’t know how to ask.

But if you don’t ask, then you may meet your master in the future, and you may also misunderstand, so it’s better to say hello in advance, so that they won’t have any misunderstandings.

Moreover, Shang Ruyi also hopes that his master is still alive. In this case, he can continue to look for other heirs. Shang Ruyi also hopes that this sect will get better and better, so that’s why he asked.

Grandpa looked at Shang Ruyi, she looked a little tangled, as if she was annoyed by the question she asked. Grandpa didn’t feel anything, and she didn’t want to say this.

853 After all, he is a dead person, and he is not very taboo about this, and he is not a person who will be angry because of this matter.

Shang Ruyi looked at the grandfather in front of him, hoping that he could answer herself. Although she was rather annoyed that she had asked this question, she still wanted to hear the news that her master was still alive. After all, she was her master.

Everyone hopes that their master will be safe and sound. Moreover, the words that this master said before made Shang Ruyi really feel that this master is using herself as an apprentice, and of course she (bbbi) wants to use him as her master. .

Shang Ruyi is a person who is very good at repaying others. If others treat her well, she will naturally treat others well. However, if others treat her badly, then she will not care about others.

In fact, at first, Shang Ruyi still had some guesses. This old grandfather only wanted to help him get revenge, so she was so entangled, because she didn’t want to be used by others.

Shang Ruyi didn’t want to use this kind of malice to speculate on others, but he must have a defensive heart. Although this old grandfather looks very kind and has a good memory, who knows if that memory is fake.

Memories can be faked, and Shang Ruyi knows it, so Shang Ruyi is very vigilant, but she did not expect that this grandfather just hoped that she could pass on this sect, so she had no other requirements.

To be honest, when this sentence came out, Shang Ruyi didn’t believe it very much. How could someone give you so much benefit just to do this thing, and it’s still a matter of effort.

It sounds like Shang Ruyi has picked up a big deal, but Shang Ruyi looks at the eyes of the grandfather in front of him? His eyes are sincere, and it doesn’t seem to be deceiving.

After all, if a person wants to lie to you, there will definitely be some different emotions in the eyes, but in the eyes of this grandfather, there is only kindness, as if looking at his younger generation.

Shang Ruyi is indeed his descendant and his current apprentice. He has only one apprentice of Shang Ruyi and no other apprentices. The big apprentice is also a closed disciple.

“I, I died shortly after I left here. After all, it is so dangerous here. How could I, a seriously injured person, survive here, but I have carved out my mind and I am satisfied.”

This old grandfather was actually betting whether God would arrange for him a destined person. If not, it means that their sect should be destroyed and the inheritance should be broken.

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