Chapter 145 Climbing the ladder to shape treasures, picking the stars and the sword of the emperor blending together, and opening the Tianmen Cave

On the ladder evolved from this emperor’s arena, the treasures in Ruyi Cave are finally cultivated!

Messages came to my heart, Chu Xiao’s eyes were slightly closed, and he seriously felt the message!

The eighth cave sky, the wishful cave sky!

Developed on the basis of Emperor Baoyu Ruyi!


The treasure, which is cultivated from the warm sky of Ruyi Cave, is called the Rotating Treasure Technique!

Yu Ruyi itself is the most precious treasure that grew up with Emperor Ruyi, and it is even more contaminated with the divine miracle of the emperor.

Rotational treasures!

This treasure is not an attack and defense technique,-the effect is very mysterious.

Give the simplest example.

Chu Xiao’s Heavenly Secret Caverns, warmly cultivated and developed a celestial treasure art.

As the method of deduction, the cost of performing such a method is not small.If it is extremely difficult to deduct some extremely difficult things, it may even temporarily silence the heaven and the sky, and it will not be used by Chu Xiao for a period of time!


If it is such a time, cast the Revolving Treasure Art, Tianji Dongtian can immediately recover and restore itself to a perfect state!

This is a horrible treasure that can be used to restore oneself and restore others!

Similar to his natural treasure technique, such a terrifying technique as the Ancient Tribulation Light, if he used his full strength and blessed it with all his power, then in a short period of time, he would not be able to perform this natural treasure technique for the second time, and he needed to recuperate.

but now

With this revolving treasure technique, it can be restored in an instant!

In Chu Xiao’s view.

The potential of this treasure is amazing!


He is the Cultivation Base of Cultivation Realm.

But in the future.

If he steps into the Conferred King Realm and enters the Holy Realm, then he will have an unimaginable terrifying greatness.

At that time.

With this revolving treasure as a hole card, if you encounter a strong enemy, it will definitely bring great gains!


This revolving treasure can not only be used on oneself, but also on others!

In the field battle in the ancient times, the Emperor Starcatcher finally went to a foreign land alone. In the past, he fought fiercely with the Tiannan Dao realm. The opposite foreign realm was completely destroyed in that battle.


The hostile side of the Tiannan Dao Domain is not limited to one Dao Domain!

What was destroyed by Emperor Star Cultivator was nothing but the main force.

After all, that domain war in the ancient times encompassed so much that there was a side of the domain involved.


There are three great emperors in the resurrection of the Tiannan Dao domain.


Chu Xiao will not take it lightly.

In ancient times, the Tiannan Dao domain where the Seven Great Emperors were seated still encountered foreign enemies, and the domain war broke out. Now no one knows how it will develop in the future.

Mastering this revolving treasure technique, if a big battle really breaks out in the future, it will definitely be able to play an extremely amazing and terrifying effect!

The thoughts in my mind turned around.

Chu Xiao took a step and continued to climb the ladder.

Just after he stepped out.

On both sides of this ladder, golden clouds rose up, blocking the situation.

Countless Warriors watched this scene.

Some people couldn’t help but dig out to observe.


Under the shade of golden clouds, all observations were blocked.

The winner of the ring is rewarded by the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth conceal it to prevent the information of the winner from being exposed.

This emperor’s arena is the evolution of heaven and earth, and the golden clouds and mists are self-generated.

Nowadays, the Dao domain is resurrected, and it has undergone extreme transformation, and the power of heaven and earth is extremely terrifying.

If you act rashly and make this world unhappy, I am afraid that you will suffer from it instead!

This battle has completely come to an end!

The immeasurable Sacred Land Taoist Chu Xiao, provokes the punishment of the heavens, destroys the six grinding discs, and defeats the blood Shura of the Sacred Land!

Although he was very curious, since he could no longer watch the situation on the ladder, a group of Warriors left one after another.

But aftermath…

But it swayed rapidly throughout the heavenly plane Sacred Land.

Sun Luo Daoyu is the most outstanding talent in the world.

Was easily defeated by Chu Xiao!

No one knows what the strength of Chu Xiao, the world’s first arrogant of the Tiannan Dao, is. He has used a bit of strength in this battle.

after all.

Compared with the broken six millstones in World War I and the severely wounded Blood Shura, Chu Xiao’s performance was too easy.


The defeat of Blood Shura must have come from several other great domains, and the top and top princes of Tianjiao were probably all heard of, and even watched this battle in person.


Before the Tianjiao tea party officially starts, will anyone come to invite Chu Xiao to fight again to test his depth?

Or has it been revealed?

There is a lot of discussion in Sacred Land.

There is only one thing in common.


Even if it is one of the nine heavens and ten places, the Warriors from Chiyangtian have also agreed.From the performance of Chu Xiao in this battle, even in the Chiyangtian, he is bound to be the top peerless Tianjiao in the contemporary era!

This must be the man in the endless chaos in the future.

Next to Wuxin Pavilion is another attic.

Qingfeng Pavilion.


On the Qingfeng Pavilion, a graceful figure retracted its gaze in the direction of the ladder.

It is the daughter of Emperor Tianji, Yan Zhi.

A faint smile appeared on her face, and she said to herself: “Chu Xiao, your combat power is really terrifying.”

“In the real dragon’s nest, the dust has been sealed for countless years, allowing me to accumulate countless, but if you have no reservations and fight hard, I am afraid I will not be your opponent either.”

“pity ”

“I haven’t seen it this time. According to the rumors, the natural treasure you used in the Taoist ceremony.”

She was deeply loved by Emperor Tianji, so even if she couldn’t see through it, she knew a lot about Chu Xiao from Emperor Tianji.

“After this battle, who else would dare to underestimate my Tiannan Dao realm, and who else would come to invite you again?”

His thoughts flashed, Yan Zhi showed a trace of memory, and a picture appeared in his mind.

That was a few days ago, Chu Xiao took the initiative to let her release the news, stating that he was going to fight the top princes in the various avenues.

At the end of the conversation.

Chu Xiao once said.

“He is afraid that if after World War I, there is no idea of ​​a challenge in Second Life, it would be bad.”

And now

After the first battle of this emperor broadcast station, will anyone really come to challenge it again?

The corner of her mouth curled slightly, Yan Zhi showed a smile, shook her head, turned and left here.

Tianji Sacred Land.

Within the forbidden area.

Emperor Tianji, Emperor Climbing Stars, Emperor Ruyi, Emperor Zhenyang, the four most outstanding figures in the world, sit quietly together, enjoy tea and watch the battle.

In this forbidden ground in mid-air.

There was a big screen unfolding, and a scene outside the Wuxin Pavilion was projected.


In the big curtain, just above the ladder, a scene covered by golden clouds was born.


With a slight flick of the sleeves of Emperor Ruyi, the curtain dissipated.

One side.

A hint of emotion was faintly revealed on the face of the Great Emperor Zhenyang, and he said: “Friend Ruyi, the combat power of your disciple is really terrifying.”

“The road he walked has never been successful before.

“And his current combat power in the same realm is equally no one can match.”

After a pause, the Great Emperor Zhenyang continued: “I had an exchange with that fellow Taoist of the Shura clan. I sat down and talked about the Tao, and I knew something about the Shura Fa he was practicing.”

“The six millstones evolved with the Shura method, and the Shura who practiced this method mastered one of the six roads!”

“This Bloody Asura is one of the most outstanding arrogances of the Asura clan in this era, and his warm and nurturing six grinding discs are already extremely strong.”

“But it was destroyed by your disciple.

“In time, this Chu Xiao will become a great weapon!”

Emperor Ruyi smiled slightly.

She looked at Emperor Zhenyang and said calmly: “This battle is over, Fellow Daoist Zhenyang, please call your daughter. We should also do business.”


Hear the words.

The face of Emperor Zhenyang was solemn.

Then, his eyes seemed to flash by fire.

In an instant.

Not far in front of him, ripples flashed out, and a figure appeared there.

It is the young girl of Emperor Zhenyang, Yan Nuo!

At the moment he appeared, Yan Nuo’s complexion changed slightly, and he called out: “Father.”


Without any hesitation, she saluted seriously one by one, and greeted them: “Chiyang Tianyannuo, I have seen Emperor Zhanxing, Emperor Tianji, and Emperor Ruyi.”

Emperor Zhenyang slightly headed his forehead.

His face was solemn, and he said solemnly: “Nuo’er, I have discussed with fellow daoist Ruyi, and let her take a look at your problems.”

Yan Nuo heard the words, looked at Emperor Ruyi, and saluted again seriously.

Emperor Ruyi’s eyes became more serious.

At this moment.

In her eyes, the pupils seem to have turned into two wishful symbols.

With the brilliance in her eyes flashing, she looked at Yan Nuo and saw everything about her.

Above the ladder.

The golden clouds rose up, covering the whole body.

Chu Xiao never stopped and moved on!

After taking a few steps in succession.

Chu Xiao seemed to feel something, and while his mind moved slightly, the strange scene of the Lingxu suddenly appeared in the sky!


Chu Xiao’s spirit ruins have become more and more prosperous!

In the Lingxu.

Eight cave heavens stand everywhere!

In addition, there are more stars, sword rain, sacred trees, dragons, and mirrors!

It was evolved from the power of the emperor’s law, entrenched in the spirit ruins.

There is also a magical soldier that blooms with golden light and shows strong luck, hovering in it.


Good luck!

After opening up to the eight cave heavens, Chu Xiao’s spirit ruins have been solidified to the extreme in the repeated training and tempering!

The cave and sky is a huge watershed in the Warrior realm!

After not counting the destruction, the Tiannan Daoyu Warrior was injured because of the Daoyu. In order to make up for the fourth-order Wuxing created by his own combat power, only from the most orthodox road of cultivation, after the Dongtian realm, it is the realm of life and death!

Warrior feels the meaning of life and death, incorporates it into the Lingxu, transforms itself, and can step into the realm of life and death!

And the watershed is here!

Normally, the Warrior who can open up three caves, the tenacity of the Lingxu, has reached the requirement of accommodating life and death!

At this moment, if Warrior can successfully comprehend the meaning of life and death, then he can step into the realm of life and death.


The Warrior who broke through to the realm of life and death only opened up three caves, is undoubtedly the weakest person in the realm of life and death!

Such a strong person in the life and death realm will even lose to some of the peerless arrogances who have opened up seven or eight caves!

Unless one’s own talents are insufficient, Lingxu can only withstand Warriors outside of the three caves, and few people would choose to do so.

After all, the deeper the accumulation in the cave sky, the greater the impact on the future!


The more amazing Tianjiao’s talent is, the more caves he will choose to open up!

And since ancient times.

According to records, the Warrior is in the cave, and the number of caves that can be opened is up to ten!

After ten cave heavens, even if the Lingxu is tough enough, it can’t open up new cave heavens.

This seems to be the rule of practice along the way.


Chu Xiao has already opened up eight cave heavens. With his talent, Lingxu can naturally withstand the power of ten cave heavens, and it is already closer to the complete consummation of the cave heaven!

Thoughts flashed in my mind.

Chu Xiao’s spiritual ruins appeared, but the pace did not stop, ascending the ladder step by step.


His divine thought sank into the spirit ruins, carefully observe!

As he stepped out on this ladder, a wave of mysterious power entered the Lingxu.In his Lingxu, his face was only slightly moved at first, and it quickly evolved into an abnormal movement!

See you!

Over the Lingxu.

…For flowers

The Star, which has evolved from the power of the star-picking method, is blooming with an extremely dazzling brilliance at this moment, and it can’t help shaking!

at the same time!

Within the Lingxu, the sword shadows that were swimming in the Lingxu also began to tremble!

Both of these are the evolution of the power of the emperor’s law!

Emperor Beihan’s swordsmanship!

How to catch the stars in the big sun!

The Great Emperor Beihan, who was inherited from the immeasurable Sacred Land, is the Great Emperor of Star Harvest!


As Chu Xiao advances on the ladder, the mysterious power Karong enters the spiritual ruins, and the tremor of the evolution of the power of the emperor is more violent!

At a certain moment, it seemed that it had reached a critical point.

The sword shadows suddenly turned their directions and galloped upwards!

In a crash!

The sword shadow collided with Star!

The contact between the two still kept trembling, but it did not cause any damage to Chu Xiao’s spiritual ruins.


This is not an impact collision between the power of the emperor, but a fusion!

Chu Xiao clearly perceives that in Lina, where Jianying and Star are in contact, a sense of fusion comes from them, and the power of the emperor is fused!

After Daoyu recovered, he received a gift from heaven and earth!

At that time.

One of the emperor methods he cultivated gave birth to the meaning of harmony!


On this heavenly ladder, blessed by the mysterious power in it, among the emperor methods he practiced, there are really two methods that have begun to merge!

Royal swordsmanship!

Star picking method!

Two terrifying imperial laws!

If you let others know that Chu Xiao actually blended the two imperial laws with the body of the cave sky, he would be shocked and unable to talk to himself, and would not dare to believe it.

but now

Everything is happening quietly.

The sword shadow melted into Star.

Everything has never produced any waves, and it is going on in Chu Lei’s spiritual ruins.

Every step he climbs on the ladder, the power of mystery is rich, and the progress of fusion is one step faster!

Just when he was about to step onto the top of the ladder!

In a crash.

Above the emperor’s propagation platform, between the heaven and the earth, there is a rainbow light falling down, passing through the golden clouds and mist surrounding the ladder, and blending into Chu Xiao’s spiritual ruins!

That is the power of heaven and earth!

Chu Xiao, as the son of luck in Dao realm, would have been blessed by the power of heaven and earth!

And now!

His two imperial laws blend together!

Every imperial law evolves after a terrifying powerhouse proves the emperor’s accomplishment, with the assistance of heaven and earth!


The two imperial laws are blended, heaven and earth have feelings, and take the initiative to lower their strength to help!

With the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, the progress is fast!

When Chu Xiao stepped onto the top of the ladder.

His breath shook suddenly!

At this moment!

Within his spirit ruins, Jianying and Star have completely evolved together, no longer distinguishing each other.

at the same time

Outside of his physique, the sword domain suddenly spread out, and the sword shadows inside were blooming with stars, extraordinary!

Look around.

This sword domain is already hundreds of meters wide!

With the improvement of his Cultivation Base, this sword domain has been improving. Now that the emperor is blended, his sword domain has become more and more mysterious!

During the operation of this sword domain, there was already a formation intention, like a large formation without flaws, protecting Chu Xiao himself.

If an ordinary Warrior in the cave world broke into it, it would be annihilated in the sword field without Chu Xiao’s hands at all.

at the same time!

The integration of the emperor and the law has made him more and more aware of the power of Star!

Not long ago, he could already mobilize the power of ten Stars for blessing, and now it has improved again!

Stopping at the top of the ladder, Chu Xiao let out a long breath.


When he obtained the Dharma in the Sacred Land Book Tower.

Once sworn an oath to prepare the practitioners to integrate the various imperial methods into one and become their own method.

And now!

He is in the cave world, and he has already completed the first step of such a great aspiration!

Royal sword technique, star-catching technique, successfully blended together!


The two disciplines have been completely integrated, and the way of operation has been changed. There are two imperial faculties in the mystery, and the power of them can be imagined.

He turned his head back slightly and looked at the ladder he had stepped on.

“It’s worthy of being the first emperor’s communication platform after Daoyu’s recovery, and the reward for the winner is really amazing.”

“Just ascending this ladder has made me great gains!”

Precious skills are warm and cultivated, and imperialism is successfully integrated.

Even for Chu Xiao, this is a great improvement!

Thoughts flashed in his mind.

Chu Xiao lifted his palm, his mind moved slightly.

In the palm of his hand, suddenly there was a sword of spiritual power that bloomed with bright stars!

This sword of spiritual power looks extremely simple and simple, but it contains extremely terrifying power!

The two imperial laws blend together, how mysterious and terrifying!

You can cast the condensed spiritual power sword in your hand, and the power blooms in it, which is completely comparable to the treasures performed by some Warriors!

“The star-catching method and the imperial sword method are blended to form a new method.

“It stands to reason that this new method needs to be named.”

Chu Xiao’s thoughts turned slightly, his eyes lowered.


“At this moment, it’s not necessary.”

“In addition to the star-catching method and the imperial sword method, I also practiced the mirror method, the evergreen method, and the true dragon method!,

“One day, I will blend these five emperors together!”

“In that case…

“Why name it at this time?”

Thoughts flashed.

He stopped staying in place and took a step.

Take this step!

As the ladder trembled, a roar sounded in front of him!

After the emperor’s communication platform was formed, the rainbow light evolved the ladder, and it condensed into a heavenly gate in the uppermost sky, I don’t know where it leads!


Chu Xiao climbed the ladder to the top and stepped out!

The mysterious heavenly gate slowly opened under his attention!

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