Chapter 147 Transformation of talents, young master of the Jiang family of the Sun Moon Dao realm, curse of blood

Old bones are broken, new bones are reborn.

The moment this supreme bone was formed on Chu Xiao’s chest, his whole body vigorously agitated!

In a sudden

The small world behind this Tianmen trembling violently!

With Chu Xiao as the center, an extremely terrifying aura rises up!

The caves trembled.

The supreme bone was reborn, and his talent was transformed, which had an impact on everything about him!

As the caves trembled, the power increased again!

at this moment

Chu Xiao’s clear feeling said that his control of himself has reached the limit!

His physique bloomed with glory, and after the birth of the new supreme bone, there was a surging room of terrifying cleansing power, flowing into the body, assisting the broken power of the old bone and the sword god body to melt into the physique.

Continuous training.

Every bone, every drop of blood, every piece of flesh and blood contains extremely terrifying power!

This is an unimaginable transformation!

Old bones are broken, new bones are reborn!

He has obtained two Heavenly Fund Cards, they are the Sword Sword Divine Body and the Supreme Bone!

The two golden card-level horror talents are integrated into themselves, and they have some connections with each other, and together they have nurtured his natural treasures, each other.


After all, these are two completely different talents, and there is no agreement between them.

but now!

Contains the terrifying power in the divine body and the supreme bone, but it is all in oneself!

And in his chest, he gave birth to new bones!

Now, Chu Xiao’s whole body reveals the meaning of perfection!

At this moment

His talent is no longer limited to the divine body and alien bones, but himself!


If someone can drink his blood, as long as he can withstand the amount of violent violence in it, then he will reap huge benefits!

This transformation lasted for a very long time!

After a long time.

Chu Xiao sat cross-legged on the Lingchi Dharma seat and suddenly opened his eyes.

The moment his eyes opened, a brilliance flashed out, following his line of sight, that brilliance suddenly fell into the spirit pond!


Where Guanghua fell, the mysterious water in this Fang Lingchi set off a huge wave, and the whole world shook again.

Chu Xiao watched this scene quietly, his face calm.

“Is this the result of this transformation of talent.”

He muttered to himself in his heart.

Just this look.

He has never performed any method, never used any power.


As the power of the supreme bone and the sword-robbing divine body merged into his body, every part of his body was born with a miracle!


In his eyes, there is faintly flashing divine shadows, and his eyes can be called divine eyes!

Although he had never cultivated a treasure, his eyes already possessed extremely terrifying power.

The eyes lowered slightly.

Chu Lei perceives himself carefully. 11

“Due to the change of talents, the power of each big cave has a chain reaction, and all have been improved.”

“and ”

Chu Xiao’s spirit sank into his chest, at the supreme bone.

This newly born supreme bone was completely conceived by himself and closely connected with him.


Chu Xiao quietly sensed the information in it, and quickly confirmed one thing!

In this new bone!

A treasure is being cultivated!

Since the eternal calamity, the second natural treasure technique!

In the Tiannan Dao realm, there are various talents. Warriors with good talents can cultivate a natural treasure, and they are already extremely talented.

after all

The natural treasure can be called the most suitable method for the Warrior itself, and it will grow with the Warrior, and the power of the method will continue to increase!

This kind of improvement does not mean that as the Warrior’s realm improves, the power of the magic that is displayed increases.

But refers to

The natural treasure technique itself, as the Warrior’s realm improves, it will give birth to more mystery and power!

And now.

Chu Xiao began to cultivate the second natural treasure!

If it is spread out, it will definitely shake countless people!

“This is a coincidence.”

Chu Lei’s gaze looked at this Fang Lingchi: “If an ordinary person is broken with a different bone divine body, I am afraid that the body will be destroyed directly, and the physical body may be broken.


“With the help of this supreme spiritual pool and the blessing of the power of eight caves, I successfully resisted. The power of the divine body and alien bones did not dissipate. Natural treasure.”

“And now.”

“In the new supreme bone, warming and nurturing begins to nurture the second natural treasure.”

Chu Lei’s eyes lowered slightly.

If he talks about his most powerful method right now, there is nothing more than the first natural treasure technique, eternal calamity!

This is a treasure art that is brought out by the Supreme Bone and the Sword Tribulation Divine Body, and the two great talents are nourished together. Because it is his natural treasure, he can also obtain the power of his spiritual ruins and the blessing of the sky. If it is fully used, The power is unimaginable!

“I thoroughly cultivated the eternal calamity light, but I just entered the cave world for the first time.

“but ”

“I am today, compared to then, it’s a world of difference!”

“Once this treasure is formed, its power will probably be even more terrifying!”

“after all ”

“Even if nothing else, just talk about my own talents, after the refinement of this supreme spiritual pool, great changes have taken place.

With his thoughts flashing in his mind, Chu Xiao carefully perceives the new bone on his chest, his eyes slightly slightly.

When he first obtained the supreme bone in the past, he was no more than forging the body, and could only passively wait for the supreme bone to show its power.

And now

He has already opened up eight cave heavens, and the power of each cave heaven is extremely powerful. He condenses his spiritual consciousness, and his spirit has been improved in this talent training, and he can already find out some information easily.

“Use the power of the cave sky”

“Can you speed up the formation of this second natural treasure?”

“Perhaps because of this, after I stepped into the cave world in the past, the first natural treasure art was only warmed up?”

He seriously felt it, and said to himself in his heart: “Say so

“This second natural treasure technique, isn’t it the same terrifying power that can possess the power of the cave?”

Obtaining the blessing of the power of the cave, and possessing the power of the cave, are two completely different concepts.

Think about it here.

Chu Xiao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“In this way, I am not in a hurry to urge the power of the cave to make this natural treasure art form.

He slowly got up from the throne, stepped out, and made ripples on the surface of the pool.

He stepped forward, his thoughts turned sharply.

“Now, I just opened up eight caves.”

“When I open up ten caves, and after the caves are completed, I will use the ten caves to assist the supreme bones to warm up this second natural treasure together. When the time comes, the power of this treasure will be even more terrifying?”

“Since there is already a chance.”

“That’s the ultimate.

The brilliance in Chu Xiao’s eyes flashed, and the aura all over his body surged.

“This time”

“Ben Wen has cultivated a natural treasure technique that is more terrifying than the eternal calamity light, Wen has cultivated a strong treasure technique!”

Thoughts turn around.

He has already come to the edge of the spirit pond.

Looking at the stone stele engraved with “Supreme Spirit Pool”.

Chu Xue said to herself in her heart: “No wonder the little guy Star Seeker can’t come in with me.”

“This supreme spiritual pool has experienced the recovery of the Dao realm, and it has undergone extreme transformation. It is more mysterious than it was in ancient times. I am afraid that the requirements and the effects of it have also been greatly improved.”

“In ancient times, this place was just for cultivating talents.”

“But now”

“But here is the horrible effect of supporting Warrior, destroying talent, and rebirth talent!”

“At the same time of great opportunity, there is also great horror!”

“If it weren’t for the Warrior who had met the requirements and received training in the spiritual pond here, I am afraid that this supreme spiritual pond would turn into a life-sustaining spiritual pond, and the Warrior would be buried here.”

“The blood of the little guy’s bloodline, because he had practiced with the Great Emperor Star Cultivator, is extremely mysterious, but it will definitely not meet the requirements of using this supreme spiritual pond.

Thoughts flashed in my heart.

Chu Xiao was no longer nostalgic, and when his figure flashed, it turned into a stream of light and went to the door when he came.

Compared to when the Emperor Communication Platform was formed, the rainbow transformed the ladder to evolve the mysterious scene of the Tianmen, leaving here at this time, it is much more dull.

From the void, a portal flashed out, and Chu Xiao stepped out of it and returned to the sky above the Wuxin Pavilion.

The moment he appeared.

Chu Xiao raised his brow slightly.

He clearly perceives that at this moment, there are a lot of divine thoughts with a good breath coming from all over the place, it seems that he has noticed his appearance, and they have explored!

After the transformation in the Supreme Spirit Pool, everything about him has changed, and his perception has become more acute.

Because of the divine soul crystallization obtained from the Holy Master of Mingxin, and because of the practice of meta-mysticism, his divine soul is already extraordinary and extraordinary, and now it is one step closer.


There are still many people who are very curious about what he has gained after this heavenly gate.

The Emperor Chuan arena appeared for the first time after the Dao domain was revived, and the two sides who fought were Chu Xiao and Xue Shuluo, the top talents of their respective Dao domains. Everything is worth remembering.

In the slight movement of mind, within Chu Xiao’s Ruyi Cave, Yu Ruyi trembles slightly, and the mysterious brilliance flows around the body, blocking all the exploration of the spirit.

He raised his brows slightly and whispered: “Everyone, this is not appropriate.”

At this moment.

Some people’s spiritual thoughts stagnated slightly, and then quickly moved away from here.

There were even more people’s divine thoughts that came to Chu Xiao and said to Chu Xiao: “Chu Xiao Daozi’s perception is really keen, and he can perceive our divine consciousness. If there is a chance, I will definitely talk with you.”

“I hope I don’t forgive me for offending.

In a short moment.

The meaning of exploration has disappeared.

Chu Xiao’s gaze swept across the void, and then the figure flickered and disappeared in the original place, returning to the Wuxin Pavilion.

Inside Sacred Land.

Riyue Daoyu station.

The Sun Moon Dao Realm is an extremely powerful Dao Realm!

In ancient times, although it was not as brilliant as the Tiannan Dao realm, and the seven emperors coexisted in the same age, it was already a terrifying Dao realm comparable to the Tiannan Dao realm.


In the resident.

In a clean courtyard on one side.

A figure dressed in strong clothes suddenly opened his eyes, and his breath surged slightly.

He exuded an extremely terrifying aura, faintly mixed with a hint of sacredness!

This …

He was born in the Sun and Moon Dao realm, located in the consummation state, and he has already begun to shape the sacrament, which can be called a semi-sacred power!

At this moment

After opening his eyes, his eyes were serious, he looked forward, and said solemnly: “Young Master, this Chu Xiao is really extraordinary.”

“With the body of the cave sky, I can actually perceive my divine exploration, and my perception is extremely keen. It seems that he is also extremely outstanding in divine and soul, and should not be underestimated.”

In front of him.

It’s a man.

He is dressed in a plain white robe and has a handsome face. Now he is holding a teacup and is sipping tea.

His every move is like a spring breeze.

He is exactly one of the top arrogant talents in the Sun Moon Dao realm of the contemporary era.

Jiang Hu!

He was born in the great emperor family in the Sun Moon Dao realm, the Jiang family, and he himself is the most outstanding figure in the Jiang family!

Hearing what the semi-holy strong man said, he gently put down the teacup in his hand.

His eyes lowered slightly, and Jiang Hu whispered: “This Daozi Chu Xiao has shown extremely terrifying combat power in the first battle of the Emperor Communication Station.

“Now I can perceive your spiritual exploration

“This kind of character, I have to get along well.”

There was a hint of urgency in his eyes: “Maybe we can invite him to go there with him.”

Wuxin Pavilion.

Inside the living room.

Chu Xiao’s figure appeared.

The moment he appeared!

Two small figures turned into streamers, suddenly galloping from one end.

It is the Golden Dragon and the Star Seeker.

After waiting outside to no avail, these two guys returned to the Wuxin Pavilion, and now both exist in a compact state.

The two little guys rushed forward, just before and after arriving at Chu Xiao, but their bodies suddenly stopped.

Chu Lei looked at them.

I saw

At this moment, both the Golden Dragon and the Star Seeker were watching him, and there was a hint of doubt in their eyes.

But then

They seemed to confirm something and leaned in kindly.

Upon seeing this

Chu Xiao smiled slightly.

In the supreme spiritual pool, his talent was shattered and reborn, the whole person had undergone tremendous changes, and even his own breath had also changed.


The two little guys could not confirm his identity for the first time.

At this moment

A soft voice sounded nearby.

“Chu Xiao Road

Chu Xiao followed the prestige, and it was Zhou Qin who spoke.


Zhou Qin’s gaze was faintly surprised, and he said: “It seems that His Royal Highness Daozi has gained a lot from behind the door that day. I actually sensed a sense of new life from you.”


Thinking of the scenes that took place in the Lingchi, Chu Xiao smiled slightly, and said with some emotion: “It is indeed called a new student.

Sweeping his gaze in the meeting room, Chu Xiao said, “Where is Miss Yan, isn’t she waiting here?”


Zhou Xijun opened the mouth and said: “Soon after the brother-in-law entered the Fangtian Gate, it seemed that the Emperor Zhenyang had summoned, and the Chiyangtian girl Yan left.

I heard her called “brother-in-law”.

Zhou Qin’s cheeks were slightly rosy.

Chu Xiao has already accepted Zhou Qin in his heart.

He didn’t pay attention to the name, his face became more serious, and he said: “Before the Tianjiao tea party officially starts, I will retreat and recuperate myself.”

“If there are visitors, they will all decline.”

Speaking of which.

Chu Xiao’s tone was calm and pointed: “However, after this battle, until the Tianjiao Tea Party, Wuxin Pavilion should be much cleaner.

After that.

He nodded towards the two of them, then turned and left the meeting room, heading to the spiritual quiet room.

Watching his back go away.

Zhou Xijun’s face showed a hint of emotion, and he whispered: “When I first saw him, he was no more than the Cultivation Base of Spiritual Enlightenment.”

“And now

“He has already gone far in the cave sky, and his combat power is even more terrifying.”

Speaking of which.

Zhou Xijun looked at Zhou Qin, shook his head and sighed: “Emperor Sister, when I first learned that my father and the emperor had the intention of marriage, I never thought that my future brother-in-law would be so extraordinary.”

Zhou Qin shook his head slightly, did not answer, just looked at Zhou Xijun, and said: “Xijun, Tianjiao tea will be near, and I will also practice in retreat and prepare.”

“I learned from the holy lord of the early days, this time the Tianjiao tea party, the local and foreign Tianjiao is here, and I must not lose the face of the master.”

Having said that, she paused and continued: “Xijun, you are the next generation emperor of Tianlan established by your father, and you must show your style in this Tianjiao tea party, and don’t let me lose face.”

Hear the words.

Zhou Xijun’s face became more serious: “Xijun knows.”

Practice in the quiet room.

Chu Xiao sat cross-legged.

In front of him, there was a card with a faint brilliance hanging in the air.

Shenbing Peak Trial Card!

Staring at the trial card in front of him, Chu Xiao muttered to himself in his heart: “Use the trial card.”

Welcome before the trial card.

In oneself

At this moment.

A faint sense of shifting came from his body, and in an instant, he had already appeared in another world.

Appeared for an instant.

Chu Xiao seemed to feel something, his mind moved slightly, and pointed like a sword. Suddenly, a sword light swayed and blasted forward!


Sword light is coming!

In an instant, a loud explosion sounded in front of Chu Xiao.

That 967 was an explosion of swords and lights, which was created by power.

Chu Xiao looked around.

I saw

At this moment, he was on a broadcasting station!

At the other end of the ring, there was a figure holding a sword standing.

Chu Xiao stared at the figure, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Looking around, the figure did not wear any clothes, nor did it have any facial features or a face!

In other words, it is a human shadow.

rather say..

This is a horrible sword intent that is condensed from pure sword intent and presented in a silhouette!

The long sword in his hand is also a condensed sword intent!

“Is this a trial card.”

Chu Xiao perceives himself, only to feel that at this moment, between him and his own Fang Dongtian, there seems to be a sense of obstruction.


This is the effect of the trial card, which clearly indicates that he must not use other powers.

“As I guess, the trial card obtained at Shenbing Peak is related to Swordsmanship. Therefore, if you want to successfully pass the trial, you are not allowed to use other means.”

Thoughts turned.

Chu Xiao looked at the sword-inspired figure, his mind moved slightly.

In the Lingxu, a stream of light surged out.

Wandi Sword!

Good luck!

“Self’s Cultivation Base has climbed. After a variety of methods, kendo is rarely used to meet the enemy.”


“It happens to be here to test yourself.

The Wandi Sword fell in his hands.

The long sword in Chu Xue’s hand pointed diagonally.

At this moment

With him as the center, a series of horrible sword shadows are raging, and the sword domain is revealed!

Tianji Sacred Land.

In the forbidden area.

The brilliance in the eyes of Emperor Ruyi converged, looking towards Emperor Zhenyang.

“This turned out to be a curse of blood.

Her gaze was calm, and she said: “Emperor Zhenyang, the source of this blood curse seems to be a character who is in the same realm with you and me.”

“Friend Ruyi really saw it.

The Great Emperor Zhenyang nodded: “The source of this bloodline curse is the bloody ancestor of Soulkilling Sky!”

“My Chiyang Heaven and Soul Killing Heaven have always been hostile. Thousands of years ago, I fought against the blood moon ancestor in the chaos.”

“In that battle, I hit him hard and finally won.”


“Unexpectedly, although he was severely injured, he still left some means.”

“I noticed the weirdness and tried to burn with the fire of my life, but his method was extremely special, and he never succeeded in removing it until Nuo’er was born, and the weirdness manifested in her.”

“By my means, even if this blood curse has not been cleared, it cannot affect me.


He looked at Yan Nuo and shook his head and said: “Nuo’er is still young and has a low level. Although I suppressed it with the method, it is temporarily fine, but this blood curse gradually deepens, and the impact on her will become more and more serious in the future.”

Speaking of which.

He looked at Emperor Ruyi.

“Ruyi Road”

“I wonder if you have a solution?”

Kill the soul!

It is the same as Chiyang Tian, ​​and belongs to one of the nine heavens and ten earths, and it is an extremely mysterious Dao realm!

And the blood moon ancestor.

Obviously it is a great emperor in the world!

The weird problem that can leave Zhenyang Great Emperor without a solution can only be done by the terrifying powerhouse of the same emperor realm!

Every emperor takes a different path!

Some are extremely powerful, some are mysterious and extraordinary.



Although Emperor Zhenyang won the first battle, the Emperor Blood Moon who tried the soul sky was also extremely extraordinary, and secretly arranged some means.

The words of Emperor Zhenyang fell.

Yan Nuo also looked at Emperor Ruyi.

The Great Emperor Ruyi groaned, seeming to be thinking.


She opened the mouth and said: “This bloodline curse, I can solve it!”

Hear the words.

The Great Emperor Zhenyang’s face became serious, and he said seriously: “As long as Ruyi Fellow Daoist can solve the problem of the little girl, I would like to send it away with the emperor’s treasure to help your disciple open up the cave!”.

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