Chapter 161 Dongtian blessing supreme bones, natural treasures are formed, and emperor’s law evolves

The Hongqiao hangs over the Ruyi Peak, blooming with brilliance.

The brilliance that contains the mysterious power shines and blends into Chu Xiao’s body.

Within the penalty, it is full of great horror, and it is also full of great opportunities!

Guanghua blends into the body and enters the Lingxu!

At this moment.

Chu Xiao’s whole body is agitated!

At the moment when Guanghua fell, it seemed that the heaven and the earth were exerting power, and a mysterious barrier appeared around Chu Xiao, blocking the divine thoughts and gazes that were delivered.

Chu Xiao stood on the void, brilliance illuminating the whole body.

At this moment

His caves are revealed!

Eleven shadows of the cave sky, hanging in the sky!

Looking around, there are radiances rushing into the eleventh cave sky!

Chaos Cave Sky!

Chu Xiao felt clearly.

The treasures in this cave are rapidly being warmed up, and the progress is greatly increased.


It was not directly successful.

Chu Xiao’s mind sank into it, and after perceiving it carefully, his eyes faintly.

“Is it because of the environment I am in at this moment?”

He could perceive that the treasures in the Chaos Cave had almost been nurtured to the extreme, but it had not been completely formed, and it seemed that there was a lack of an opportunity.

With his head raised slightly, Chu Xiao looked towards the sky and whispered in his heart: “Chaos Cave Sky is closely related to chaos. It seems that this opportunity is in chaos.”

“If I personally dabble in the chaos and spur the sky, I might be able to fully cultivate this precious technique.

“The gift given by the chaos turns into a cave sky, and it is the eleventh cave sky beyond the extreme realm.”

“What kind of power can such a cave sky display? What kind of treasures can it nurture?”

Thoughts flashed in his mind.

Chu Xiao’s spiritual thoughts swept across the shadow of a square cave.

Eleven caves!


11 He has thoroughly established himself in the Cave and Heaven Realm, achieving the ultimate in this great realm in the true sense, looking into the boundless chaos, looking into a square domain, since ancient times, no one can match him!

His combat power has long surpassed the extreme that the Warriors of the Cave Heaven Realm can reach.

At this moment

Between the heaven and the earth, the light flashed, blending into Chu Xiao’s body!

After blessing the Chaos Cave Sky Warming and Nourishing Treasures, after the warm nourishment reached the extreme, the rewards from heaven and earth did not stagnate, but integrated into Chu Xiao’s whole body, secretly increasing mystery!

The eleventh cave sky, how terrifying, the first case in ancient times!


The power of Fang Tianchao was equally terrifying.


Chu Xiao’s accumulation is really too deep, and because of this, he can attack the heavenly punishment and take care of himself.

Also because of this.

At this moment, the rewards after spending the day’s punishment are also extremely rich!

Looking at the eleven caves floating in the sky, watching the mysterious brilliance that blends into the body from all over the world, Chu Xiao’s eyes are faint.

As his mind moved slightly, his divine spirit had sinked into his chest!

On the chest, it is in the supreme spiritual pool, the newly born supreme bone!

A piece of supreme bone that completely belongs to Chu Xiao and is closely related to Chu Xiao himself!

After this supreme bone was shattered and reborn, it re-warm and nourish the natural treasures!


Chu Xiao is no longer the former Wu Xia Amon. He clearly perceives that with his current strength, he can use the power of the door to accelerate the formation of this second natural treasure!

at the same time

Let the natural treasure technique blend with the power of the cave, and it can make the power of this treasure technique even more terrifying, and the compatibility with Chu Xiao has also improved again!

A natural treasure cultivated by new bones!

The power is unimaginable!

Chu Xiao breathed out slowly, calming his mind.

After opening up eleven caves, he has reached the top of the caves, and in the true sense has come to the apex of this realm.

At this moment.

The rewards of heaven and earth after the catastrophe are still there.

It is the best time!

At this moment, Chu Xiao’s eyes were slightly closed, and the enlightened golden lotus emerged from beneath him, and there were small golden lotuses floating beside him. Chu Xiao concentrated his mind and adjusted his mood to the most perfect state!


His mind moved slightly, urging eleven caves in the sky at the same time!

The shadow of the cave sky is hanging in the sky!

Under Chu Xiao’s control, the sky in a square cave was violent, and the foundations of the cave sky trembled one by one, and the soft brilliance full of terrifying power reflected from the cave and landed on Chu Xiao’s chest!

The power of the cave sky, bless the supreme bone!

At the moment when the power of the cave sky poured into the supreme bone!

Chu Xiao clearly perceives that the accumulation speed of his second natural treasure technique is rapidly increasing!

at the same time!

The mysterious brilliance that came from everywhere in the world was originally melted in all parts of Chu Xiao’s body, secretly gifting the mysterious.


With Chu Xiao controlling the cave and blessing the supreme bone warming and nourishing treasure art, this reward from the heaven and the earth, it seems that he has found the goal, and it also falls into the chest at the same time!

Chu Lei’s chest is full of glory!

The supreme bone is located in the middle of the chest, and at this time it is blooming with brilliance, and there is terrifying power surging out of it!

Baoshu warming!

The shadow of a Fangdong sky hangs high in the sky.

Chu Xiao stood in the middle, sinking into it, perceiving the message of this natural treasure that is about to become successful.


Outside the Ruyi Peak.

Since Heaven and Earth lowered the reward, a barrier that seemed to be born of Heaven and Earth has risen, blocking the line of sight and divine consciousness.


In the sky above Ruyi Peak, two figures stood in a spot no one could watch.

Emperor Ruyi!


The barrier is born from the heavens and the earth, and it is extraordinary and extraordinary.


The emperor is different after all.

After crossing the emperor’s road, the Warrior who has proved the emperor’s success, after becoming the emperor, will have a certain connection with the realm of the emperor, and this heaven and earth barrier will naturally not be able to stop them.


The eyes of these two terrifying great emperors fell through the heaven and earth barriers, and they clearly saw the scenes happening inside.

From ancient times to the present, there are so many experiences and terrifying strength. The star-catcher has always been calm. At this moment, his gaze was shaken for the first time.

He spoke slightly, and said in a deep voice: “Open up eleven caves, break through the extreme realm, and shake the heavens.”

“His alien bone seems to have undergone disintegration and rebirth, and now it is starting to warm up the second natural treasure!”

“With the blessing of eleven unparalleled horror caves, supplemented by Chu Xiao’s own talents, supplemented by the power of his self-contained alien bones, how terrifying will this natural treasure technique be?”

Natural treasure!

It is the most suitable method for Warrior!

Because of this, every Warrior attaches great importance to natural treasures.

The Great Emperor of Star Cultivation knew the situation of Chu Xiao very well, and he had seen the changes before and after Chu Xiao entered the gate of heaven, so he naturally knew the truth of everything.

Containing the second natural treasure technique is already extremely amazing.

Let alone.

Judging from the current situation, once this natural treasure is formed, it will definitely be terrifying to the extreme!

After Shen Sheng said a few words to himself, Emperor Starcatcher shook his head slightly and sighed: “It’s a pity, a pity.”


The face of Ruyi the Great is serious, and Chu Xiao is pressed tightly.

There is no doubt that she is one of the people who treat Chu Xiao best and attaches great importance to Chu Xiao, a disciple.

A great emperor may have accepted many disciples during his long and vast life span.


Like the Great Emperor Ruyi, the disciple retreats and breaks through the realm, and the emperor’s deity stays in step, which shows that she attaches great importance to Chu Xiao.


Hearing the voice of Emperor Picking Stars, Emperor Ruyi raised his brows slightly and said calmly, “What a pity?”

“It’s a pity that he was born late, but it’s a pity that I came a little later.”

The Great Emperor of Star Harvest shook his head, seeming to have some emotion: “If he could be born in ancient times and grow up before the domain war, he will reach our realm.”


“The ending of the battle in ancient times will be completely changed.”

“pity ”

He looked at the Emperor Ruyi and shook his head again: “After the Dao realm has recovered and the ultimate transformation, you will also prove the success of the emperor and become the emperor.”


“I’m afraid I can’t help but take out the identity of the senior teacher, grab the love with a sword, and come to teach him personally.”

Hear the words.

The face of Emperor Ruyi did not see any waves.

She showed some memories and said, “In the old days, when I took Chu Xiao as a disciple, I never expected him to grow up so terribly.”

“At that time, the Dao domain was closed, and the emperor was not allowed. I explored for a long time, but finally did not continue.


“We will temporarily serve as Head Teacher and take charge of Sacred Land.”

“If it were in the past, with my temperament, even if Brother Head Teacher left, I would not be in charge of Sacred Land.

“For this reason, I met Chu Xiao and accepted him as a disciple.

“Speaking of

Emperor Ruyi paused.

Then, she opened the mouth and said: “Perhaps it is precisely because of the near recovery of Dao Yu that a person like him will appear in this world.”

The gaze of the Great Emperor Ruyi fell on the front, passing through the heaven and earth barrier, looking at Chu Xiao in the center of the shadow of the eleven caves.

“People like Chu Xiao, 977 things, may be born for this magnificent world.”


“Not long after the Tiannan Dao realm returned to the chaos, his reputation has passed away.”


“I believe that this disciple of mine will become even more amazing!”

I don’t know the years of practice.

The blessing of the power of the cave sky!

Chu Xiao practice quietly!

After not knowing how long.

Quietly, from the supreme bone on the chest, there was a meaning of consummation!

at the same time

A message of information enters Chu Xiao’s heart!

The second natural treasure!

Warm and nourish success!

I haven’t waited yet. Chu Xiao seriously understands the information.

At this moment!

Chu Xiao heard clearly, in this world, remembered the ethereal sound of immortality.

at the same time

He clearly perceives that there is a gentle force coming from the sky and the earth, blending into the whole body!

At this moment

His supreme bone trembled.

In the trembling, this natural treasure technique that was just born seemed to be undergoing refinement, and it seemed to be condensing!

This inherently magical and extraordinary natural treasure technique adds mystery to it.


Everything is back to its original state.

Chu Xiao closed his eyes and stood still.

There was a trace of enlightenment in his heart, and there was a faint vibration.

Just that moment!

He clearly knows what he has experienced!

The moment the natural treasure was formed, the heaven and the earth felt that they lowered their power to refine and merge them, and wanted to condense the inheritance gods!

Chu Xiao knows exactly what this means!

That is the process of forming the imperial law!

Warrior proves the success of the emperor, and the world has feelings, for it to evolve the emperor’s magic artifact!

And just now…

His natural treasure has actually gone through this step!


The emperor is the method, the method of cultivation!

And the natural treasure technique is a technique!

Natural treasure, unique!

Shushu is different from law, so even if it undergoes the evolution of heaven and earth, it does not evolve the emperor’s magic.


After going through this step, Chu Xiao’s natural treasure art already contained the aura of the emperor, and it became more and more mysterious!

This natural treasure…

Already, it can be regarded as the emperor’s law that originated from Chu Xiao himself in the true sense!.

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